unit|Unit 3 A purse 案例分析和反思

小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-01 网络整理 晴天


教学内容:《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书,牛津小学英语》4a第三单元,第一教时read and say .
1.能听懂、会说、会读单词a purse .
2.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语come here .let me see .not at all .excuse me ,…? i’m sorry .sorry ,i don’t know .where’s …? perhaps he’s /she’s in …where are you ?i’m …
step1  warm up .
2.sing a song : 《we are happy bees .》
3.free talk .(通过师生之间交谈,复习巩固1-2单元所学句型)
4.on duty .
反思:以兴趣为导,自然铺垫。利用歌曲《we are happy bees》来导入新课,让学生在“唱唱做做”中进入学习状态。
step 2  presentation and practice .
a). a.利用图片,复习句型:i can’t find ××,where’s she /he ?
                                    she’s /he’s in the …
     b.出示句型卡片,领读,认读句型: where’s ××
t: i can’t find yangling ? where’s she ?
    let me see ,oh , she’s in the classroom .
出示句型卡片,指导朗读句型:she’s in the classroom .
                           let me see .
 d.师生之间,同桌之间操练句型 :
s1: i can’t find ××,where’s she/he ?
s2:  let me see . she’s /he’s in the classroom .
b).  a. 师事先拿学生的文具用品,创设一个lost property office ,然后取出学生的物品走到学生面前说are you …? is this your pencil –box?在得到学生肯定答复后,引导他们说thank you .教师边摆手边回答not at all .
 b.出示句型卡片,指导朗读如下句型:let me see .not at all ,come here .is this your …? yes ,it is .no ,it isn’t .
s1:is this your …?  s2: yes ,it is .
    here you are .       thank you .
    not at all .
c). a.创设真实情境,利用室内物品学习句型what’s that over there? perhaps it’s ××’s .
d).a.指远处钱包询问:what’s that over there ?…
c.听力练习: whose purse is it? 生听录音回答问题。
step 3  have a rest .
enjoy a song 《perhaps 》.
step 4  consolidation .
1. 指导观图。
2. listen and repeat .
3. read after the tape.
4. work in pairs.
5. act out.
step5   homework .
1. 跟录音读a部分5遍。
2. 自编对话。
                      unit 3  a  purse .
is this /that your purse ?
yes ,it is .
no, it isn’t .perhaps it’s yangling’s
             where’s yangling?


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