【4a广告公司】4A Unit3教学方案第一课时

小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-01 网络整理 晴天


第一部分 内容提示
一、年级:四年级             二、单元:unit3
三、课题:a purse             四、课型:新授课
五、教学内容:单元part a
1、学生能够掌握单词、词组:purse,perhaps,over there,
come here,let me see, not at all
2、学生能够听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:what’s that over there? where’s yang ling? she’s in the classroom. thank you. not at all.
七、重点难点:初步了解掌握句型:is that / this your purse? yes, it is./ no, it isn’t.
第二部分 教学过程   
1.t: hi, boys and girls. how are you ? today we’ll learn unit3 part a read and say.
t: well, let’s begin our class.
   t: first,let’s play a game. look at the pictures.首先我们来玩一个游戏,请看这幅图。
t:接下来我考考你的记忆力。假设你是nancy,请你用yes, it is.或no, it isn’t.
t: is this your pencil case?    (ppt3)
t: is that your ball pen?      (ppt4)
t: is this your bookmark?     (ppt5)
t: is that your toy monkey? (ppt6)
2、 t:现在你也可以用你身边的物品和你的同学进行对话了。  
请使用句子is this/that your …?提问。回答用yes, it is.或者no. it isn’t.
s1: is this your pencil case?
s2:no.it isn’t. it’s lily’s.
s1:is that your toy lion?
s2: yes, it is.
1、t:good job! today we have a little story. now, look and answer the questions, please. 你们完成得非常好。接下来请你看卡通片中的小故事并回答下面的问题。
q1: what’s that over there?
q2: is it nancy’s purse?
q3: where’s yang ling?
t: 问题你都读懂了吗?下面请看卡通片。
2、t: do you have the answers now? 你有答案了吗?让我们核对一下。
the first question: what’s that over there?
(ppt10出示,解释短语over there的意思并带读)
over there的意思是在那边。follow me: over there, over there
  the answer is:it’s a purse.
  read after me: a purse, a purse, it’s a purse(ppt11出示单词)
t: the second question : is it nancy’s purse?12
the answer is : no. it isn’t. perhaps it’s yang ling’s.
    follow me, please. perhaps,  perhaps,  perhaps.
t: the third question : where’s yang ling?
the answer is : she’s in the classroom.
3、t:你答对了吗? please open your books, turn to page22 ,let’s listen and repeat.请打开书到22页,让我们跟读一下课文吧。
4、t: please read the text.请你自己阅读一下课文吧。注意今天我们遇到的生词和词组。(停2分钟,让学生自己读书。)
t: 这里老师要提醒你一下:对帮助你的人要说声thank you, 得到别人的感谢应该说not at all。
第三步: 巩固操练
t:today we have learnt some new words and sentences。今天我们学习了一些新的内容。please look and say.请看图说一说图中人物的对话。
t: 我们先请一组同学做一个示范。
s1: what’s that over there?
s2: it’s a purse.
t:are you right? let’s have a look!你说对了吗,让我们来看一看吧。
第三部分 本节课说明


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