unit|Unit 1 A new student 课文

小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-01 网络整理 晴天


a read and say

hello. i’m ben. i’m new here.
hello. i’m gao shan. welcome to our school.
thank you.
who’s that boy?
he’s mike. he’s a student.
who’s that woman?
she’s miss li. she’s a teacher.
excuse me, are you a teacher?
no, i’m not. i’m a nurse.

b look, read and learn
a student   a teacher   a doctor   a nurse   a boy   a girl   a man   a woman

c ask and answer
who’s that man?      he’s mr brown. he’s a doctor.
who’s that woman?    she’s miss black .she’s a nurse.
who’s that woman?     she’s miss li. she’s a teacher.
who’s that boy?      he’s david. he’s a student.

d look and say
excuse me, are you a teacher?     no, i’m not.
excuse me, are you a student?    yes, i am.
excuse me, are you a doctor?     yes, i am.
excuse me, are you a nurse?     no, i’m not.

e read and act
mr green: who’s the boy in the tree?
yang ling: let me see.wow, he’s liu tao. come down, liu tao.
mr green: all right.
mr green: don’t climb trees again.
liu tao: yes,sir.

f listen and repeat
walkman     woman    zebra    zoo
the woman listens to a walkman and looks at the zebra in the zoo.

g fun house
1 look and read
come here, david.    all right.
who’s the man over there?    he’s mr brown.
is he a teacher?    no. he’s a doctor.
hi, mr brown.     hi!
2 play a game
who’s that girl?    she’s helen.    you’re right.
3 sing a song
who’s that girl?    sorry, i don’t know.    sorry, i don’t know    be-cause she is new.
who’s that boy?     sorry, i don’t know.    sorry, i don’t know.             be-cause he is new.

unit 1 a new student 课文 来自。


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