【unit】Unit 2 In a toy shop (第二教时)

小学四年级英语教案 2021-04-30 网络整理 晴天


unit 2  in a toy shop   (第二教时) 

一 教学内容

read and say

二 教学目标

1.     四会单词my, your, his, her.

2.     三会单词toy, shop, nice, see, think, too, can, like.

3.     能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语how lovely/nice! i see. this is a bear, i think. that’s a nice monkey. can i have a look? i’d like …,  please. i like …

三 教学重点和难点

1.     四会单词my, your, his, her.

2.     三会单词toy, shop, nice, see, think, too, can, like.

3.     能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语how lovely/nice! i see. this is a bear, i think. that’s a nice monkey. can i have a look? i’d like …, please. i like…

四 课前准备


五 教学过程




free  talk

good morning.

how are you?

may i have a rubber ?


this notebook is for nancy.对话部分主要检查后进生的掌握情况。good morning.

fine, thank you.

yes. this rubber is for you.

all right.



1.t: what’s this?

what’s that?

2.t: let’s ask and answer in pairs.

it’s a panda.

it’s a monkey.

ask and answer in pairs.



1.     t: what’s this?

how lovely!(边说边加上表情)

2.     让学生表演对话。



3.     t: what’s this?

t:i see.

4.     t: this is a bear, i think.

t:i see.

teach: this is a bear, i think.


5.     t: this is a cat, i think.

t:i see.

6.     t: this is his cat, i think.

7.     t: this is her rabbit, i think.



8.     t: that’s a nice monkey.

teach: that’s a nice monkey.


9.     t: the lion is nice , too.

teach: too

the lion is nice , too.

10. t: the lion is nice. can i have a look?

teach: can i have a look?

11. t: the panda is nice. i’d like this panda, please.

teach: i’d like…


12. t:i like my panda .do you like my panda?

13. t:i like my lion.

it’s a panda,

学说how lovely!


s1: what’s this?

s2:it’s a panda.

s1: how lovely!

it’s a rabbit.

学说i see.

no, it isn’t. it’s a dog.



no, it isn’t. it’s a lion.


yes, it is.

no, it isn’t.

同桌操练i think的句型。


学说这句话,注意that’s 的读音。







here you are.



yes, i like your panda,


i like your lion, too.

practice in pairs.12


read and say

t: look, david and his mum are in a toy shop. let’s listen to the tape.

1.     放录音。

2.     让学生跟读。

3.     领读。

4.     让学生齐读,四人小组练读。

5.     分角色朗读。




listen to the tape.

read after the tape.




六 板书设计

unit 2  in a toy shop

this is a bear, i think.           no, it isn’t. it’s a dog.

that’s a nice monkey.          the lion is nice, too,

can i have a look?             sure.

i’d like this panda, please.        here you are.

i like my panda.                i like your panda, too.

七 作业设计

1.     背诵read and say.

2.     能分角色表演对话。

3.     抄写词组和句子

八 课后反思

本单元的句子比较多,特别是that’s a nice monkey.和the lion is nice, too.这两句是学生第一次接触到,在对话的过程中运用的不熟练。在书写过程中,有很多同学对i think前要加逗号,后加句号错的很多。在今后的书写过程中要继续多加练习。



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