4a广告公司_4A Unit 9 What’s the matter?公开课教案

小学四年级英语教案 2021-04-30 网络整理 晴天


a.能正确地听、说、读、写词语tired , hot , thirsty , hungry ,ill, cold .
b.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句子what’s the matter ? i’m…
2.技能目标: 能用贴切的形容词表述自己的感觉。
1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词tired , hot , thirsty , hungry ,ill, cold .
2.听得懂、会说、会读和会写句子what’s the matter ? i’m…
2.单词tired , hungry , matter的读音要到位。
四.教学准备: cai,单词卡片,录音机,磁带
step1 free talk  
1.借东西 may i have a/an…?  
2.问时间 what’s the time? it’s…  
3.讨论一天的活动 what time do you…?   
4.请求帮助 can i help you?...  
5.买东西 what would you like?....  
6.谈爱好 i like… what do you like?/ do you like…?  
7.去某地 shall we…?/ let’s go to the…   
8. what’s this/that in english?  
    it’s a/an…  
    whose …is it/ are they?  
    look at…  
step2 presentation  
1.t: (直接引出课题,教授新句型)today we’re going to learn unit9 what’s the matter?  
s: what’s the matter?  
t: i’m hungry.(做出饥饿状,并放幻灯片)  
拿单词卡片机械操练t-s, s-s:what’s the matter? i’m hungry.  
t: what’s the matter?  
s: i’m hungry.  
t: here’s some bread for you.  
s: thank you.  
t-s, s-s  
2. t: boys, girls, is it cold today? (做冷的动作) i’m cold. are you cold?  
s: yes, i am. (学习cold) 读幻灯片上的句子。  
t: i’m cold. let’s do some exercise. follow me, please.   
run, run, run.   
jump, jump, jump.  
jog, jog, jog.  
swim, swim, swim.  
t: i’m not cold now. i’m hot.  
学生读i’m hot.  
s2: i’m hot.  
s3: i’m hot.  
t: what’s the matter?  
s: i’m hot.  
问其他学生t: what’s the matter?  
s: he’s/ she’s hot.  
小组操练:a: what’s the matter?  
    b: i’m …  
    a: what’s the matter?  
    c: he’s/ she’s …  
    a: here’s … for you.  
3.(出示生病的图片)t: what’s the matter?  
s: he’s ill.开火车读ill.  
t: (看幻灯片)what’s the matter?  
s: he’s ill.  
t: are you ill?  
s: no, i’m not.  
t: what’ s the matter?  
s: i’m …   
t-s, s-s :  
t: what’ s the matter?  
s: i’m tired.   
step3 consolidation  
1.read the words on the blackboard.  12
2. do a activity.叫两个学生上台,一个做动作,另一个猜。用句型 what’s the matter? is he/she …?  
3. play a game.  
4. practice partc  
5. sing a song “what’s the matter?”  
step4 homework  
1.copy the new words of part b.  
2.finish part c  12


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