[4a广告公司]4A Unit3 A purse (第一课时)

小学四年级英语教案 2021-04-30 网络整理 晴天


      1.能听懂,会说,会读单词、词组:key、purse、over there, your purse,
      2.能听懂,会说,会读日常交际用语:what’s that over there?it’s a/an……
      is that your …..?    yes,it is.
      no, it isn’t.perhaps it’s….
      1.能正确听、说、读单词、词组:key、purse、over there, your purse,
      2. 能熟练运用所学的新句型进行简单的对话。
      a. free talk:
      1、t:what’s this?(多媒体掩饰雨伞在笔袋上)
      s:it’s an umbrella.
      t:where’s the umbrella?
      s:it’s on the pencil case.
      2、t:what’s this? (多媒体演示扇子在书上)
      s:it’s a fan.
      t:where’s the fan?
      s:it’s on the book.
      3.t:what’s that?(多媒体演示水凭在书桌上)
      s:it’s a water bottle.
      t:where’s the water bottle ?
      s:it’s on the desk.
      b. presentation and practice:
      1、t:look!what’s that over there?(实物演示,事先在教室里放好的水瓶)
      s:it’s a water bottle.
      t:let me see! yes,it’s a water bottle
      (相同的方式结合fan 、umberlla、 desk演示over there,让学生有听觉和视觉两种感知)
      t:(边说边指)the fan is over there.the umberlla is over there. the desk is over
      there.(出示字卡over there)
      ss learn to say “over there” and show the chinese meaning.
      ss learn to say sentence: what’s that over there?
      (1)what’s that over there?(选4s,每人读一个单词然后齐读句子 )123
       1     2   3    4
      (2)四人一组练习choose three groups to show us
      2、learn the new words
      (1).who can ask me? what’s that over there?
      s: what’s that over there?
      t:it’s a purse.(新授purse)
      ss learn to say, 请学生拼写one by one , 全班一起拼写,并且出示板书.
      chant:purse—purse—a purse ,it’s a purse.
      purse p—u—r – s – e purse
      translate: 你的钱包,我的钱包,他的钱包,她的钱包
      make phrases with purse
      s:what’s that over there?
      t: let me see. oh,it’s a key. 出示板书let me see.
      ss learn to say “let me see”, “key”
      chant: key—key—a key  it’s a key.
      (3).t:is that your key?
      s:no, it isn’t.
      t:perhaps it’s …’s.出示板书,
      t&ss make the dialogue like the model.
      ss learn to say “perhaps”.
      t:is that your key?
      s1:no, it isn’t.perhaps it’s s2’s.
      s1: is that your key?
      s2: no, it isn’t.perhaps it’s s3’s.
      s2: is that your key?
      s3: no, it isn’t.
      t:ok. ….come here.let me see.oh,this is my key.
      s:here you are.
      t:thank you.
      s:not at all.
      2、learn the text
      a、how many people are there in the story?
      b、is this nacny’s purse?
      c、whose purse is it?
      (2)learn to read
      (3)act the text123
      c. homework:
      3.翻译词组:over there, your purse, in the classroom, let me see, come here,
      not at all
      what’s that over there?
      it’s a….             purse
      is that your…?
      no, it isn’t. perhaps it’s …’s
      let me see.
      not at all.
4a unit3 a purse (第一课时) 来自。123


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