4a广告公司_4A Unit 7 It’s late 教案

小学四年级英语教案 2021-04-28 网络整理 晴天


teaching demands:
1.to understand and say the numbers :one~twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty , seventy ,eighty ,ninety .
2.to understand and say the structures: what’s the time ,please? it’s …  it’s time to …
3.to encourage the ss to talk in english.
teaching points and special difficulties:
1.the ss can use the numbers and the new structures freely.
2.the ss can say the numbers correctly.
teaching aids : the computer ,a clock ,some number cards.
teaching procedures:
step1: warming up
1. greetings: good morning\afternoon. how are you?
2. sing a song. < number song >
3. revision
@.present the numbers :1~12.
1).read telephone numbers.
 @. present the numbers:13~19.
2).listen and do .
  t: now, let’s play a number game.i say ,you do .listen carefully. “clap your hands… , stamp your feet…”
step2: presentation and practice.
1.  present the numbers :20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90.
 t: who can tell me , 13 plus 7 is ...  ?
18 plus 12 is ... ?
2.  present the other numbers such as: 48, 31, 56...
3.  play a game: find the neighbors.
4.  present the sentence structures:
what’s the time, please ? it’s...
  1).show a clock.
t: what’s the time ,please?
it’s ...
  2). practice:t—s1,s2,s3...
  3).practice: s1, s2, s3 ...—t
  4).practice in pairs.
  5).present the communion parlance: “it’s time to ...”
  phrases: get up, go to school, have lunch, go home,  go to bed .
  6).ask and answer.
@.show part c’s pictures.
  what’s the time, please?
  it’s  ... it’s time to ...
@.look at the other pictures and let the ss to work  in pairs.
do some exercises.
1.  red the numbers and try to remember them.
2.  use the learned structures to make some sentences.
“what’s the time, please?  it’s… it’s time to …”
blackboard design:
 unit  7  it’s late
 what’s the time, please?
 it’s  ...
 get up
 go to school
 it’s time to  have lunch
 go home
 go to bed


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