【4a广告公司】4A Unit 6 Whose gloves (第一课时)

小学四年级英语教案 2021-04-28 网络整理 晴天


1、能听说读单词词组whose, too, try on, 句型try this one on. it’s too…
2、能听说读写单词sweater, jacket, long ,short, big, small 句型whose…is this?it’s…
1、  听说读写单词sweater, jacket, long ,short, big, small 句型whose…is this?it’s…
听说读写单词sweater, jacket, long ,short, big, small 句型whose…is this?it’s…
对话、完成partc/picture1,2 & partd/2
抄写单词small, big, short, long, sweater, jacket四遍,partc/picture1,2 & partd/2的句子一遍
unit 6 whose gloves
look at my…
it’s too small/ big/ long/ short. try this one on.
whose … is this?it’s … ’s

step 1. warming up
1)free talk
t: look at his coat.
s: it’s smart.
t: look at her blouse.
s: it’s pretty.
t: whose are you?
s: my name is ..
  i’m a chinese girl/boy.
  my eyes are big/ small.
  my hair is long/ short.
step 2. presentation and practice
1)教单词big, small, long, short
2)在购物场景中教单词jacket, sweater, scarf, 句型it’s too….
t: let’s go shopping, ok?
s: ok.
t: look at this jacket.
read and spell “jacket” together, then spell two by two, one by one.
t: can i help you?
s: i’d like a jacket.
t: here you are. 拼读jacket
t: can i help you?
s: i’d like a jacket.
t: it’s too big. try this one on. 两三组之后教句型it’s too…
make sentences: the … is too …
t: who wants to be the shop assistant?
s: can i help you?
t: i’d like a jacket.
s: it’s too big.
学生掌握了句型it’s too… 后用scarf和sweater代替jacket, 同法教scarf, sweater
3)teach: try this one on.
t: let’s go on shopping..
can i help you?
s: i’d like a sweater/jacket/scarf.
t: it’s too…try this one on.
teach: try this one on.
work in pairs (实物+ppt句型)
small, small, it’s too small.
try, try, try this one on.
big, big, it’s too big.
try, try, try this one on.
long, long, it’s too long.
try, try, try this one on.
short, short, it’s too short.
try, try, try this one on.
5)用猜的方法教句型whose …is this? it’s ***’s.
t: whose sweater is this? 这是谁的毛衣?
s: it’s…’s
t: no.
教句型whose … is this?
t: now you can ask me, then i’ll tell you.
s: whose sweater is this?
t: it’s …’s (耳语)
s: whose sweater is this?12
t: it’s …’s (耳语)
step 3 consolidation
t: look, here’s a party
let’s put these new clothes on, then go to the party with su hai, ok?
s: ok.
t: whose scarf is this?
s: it’s …’s..
t: …, come here, please. try this one on.
s: ok/all right.
work in pairs and act
t: now let’s go to the party with su hai and other friends!
part a/picture1,6, read after the tape, then read together
step 4 homework
1) 抄写单词small, big, short, long, sweater, jacket四遍,partc/picture1,2 & partd/2的句子一遍。
2) 对自己进行形象设计,列出参加party所需衣物。
t: i had a good time with you, thank you, goodbye!

4a unit 6 whose gloves (第一课时) 来自。 12


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