[4a广告公司]4A Unit 8 In class Part A

小学四年级英语教案 2021-04-28 网络整理 晴天


aims on the knowledge:
to enable the students to master the four skilled words and phrases: eat, drink, open, close, copy, sit down, stand up, read, draw a picture and write.
make the students be able to use the words and expressions for daily use: that’s all right. don"t be late again. stand up. sit down, please.
to enable the students to sing the song “don"t be late again.”
key point:
the key point of this lesson is to enable the students to use the four skilled words and sentence patterns in real situation.
difficult point:
in my opinion, the difficult point of this lesson is to master the four skilled words and sentences: don’t …, please.
teaching aids: teaching pictures, tape recorder and some exercises will be fully used during this lesson.
teaching procedures:
step 1.warm up
1. greetings
t: stand up, please.
t: good morning, boys and girls.
ss: good morning, miss liu.
t: sit down, please.
2. free talk
t: …, what time do you get up in the morning?
s2: at 7:00.
t: do you want to get up in the cold morning?
ss: no. / yes.
t: there’s a big fog today. do you find the way to school?
ss: no. / yes.
3. sing a song
t: ok. let’s sing a song together, “go to school”.
ss and the teacher sing the song together.
step2. presentation and practice
1. lead-in
(1) 请事先安排好的一位学生进教室.说:sorry, i’m late. may i come in? 教师问答: that’s all right. come in, please. don’t be late again.(多重复此句,让学生理解意思并学说)
t: ok, we are in class now, don’t be late again. (present: unit 8 in class)
t: read after me, please.
ss read after the teacher: in class
(2) t: do you still remember mike? (point at the picture of unit 7)
   ss: yes.
   t: what does mike do in unit 7?
   s1: he gets up at 7:45.
   s2: he doesn’t have breakfast.
   t: yes, very good! do you think mike is late?
   ss: yes. / no.
2. learn part a
(1) t: ok, boys and girls, let’s look at the picture first.
   look at the picture of unit 8 part a
   t: can you guess mike is late or not?
   ss: yes. … / no….
(2)t: well, let’s listen to the tape together, after that we can know.
  t: now before that, let’s look at these questions together.
  read the questions.
  a. “√” or “×”.
  a) liu tao is late for class.
  b) miss li says: “that’s all right. come in, please.”
  c) mr. green says: “don’t be late again.”
  d) mr. green says: “stand up, nancy.”
  b. ask and answer
  a) is mike late?
  b) what dose mr. green say after mike coming into the class?12
  t: ok. now listen carefully!
play the record, ss listen to the tape.
(3) t: have you got the answer?
   ss: yes.
   t: ok. let’s check the answer together.
   key: a. ××√×
       b. yes. / don’t be late again.
   t: are you right?
   ss: yes. / no.
   t: well, if you don’t catch the answer, let’s listen to the tape again.
 play the record again; ss listen to the tape again.
(4) t: boys and girls, are you clear now?
   ss: yes.
   t: now, boys and girls, open your books, please. let’s read the dialogue together.
   ss open the books.
   read p1, p2, and explain the sentences. then present:
that’s all right = that’s ok.
…, please. (come in, please.)
don’t …. (don’t be late again.)
  ask ss read after the teacher, then ss read the dialogues together.
  practice reading in roles.
  the same method teaching other sentences.
step3.. consolidation.
t: now, boys and girls, close your books, please.
ss close the books.
t: look at the picture now, let’s recall the dialogues together, ok?
ss: ok.
recite the dialogue one by one.
t: simon says: “stand up .” (执行命令)。
t:open your books.(不执行。)
simon says: open your books (执行)
very good .close your books (不执行)
t:sorry ,you’re out /sorry ,you’re wrong
3. say a rhyme.
  say the rhyme: don’t be late again.
  t: boys and girls, let’s clap our hands say the rhyme together.
  ss and the teacher say the rhyme together.
step4. assign homework.  t: boys and girls, please read the dialogues 3 times, and copy the sentences on the blackboard.
unit 8 in class
 i’m late.          课本挂图              sit down.
that’s all right. =that’s ok.                 stand up.
…, please. (come in, please.)                 open
don’t…. (don’t be late again.)                read
don’t draw in your book.  12


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