[牛津小学英语4a课本]牛津小学英语4A Unit4教学案例

小学四年级英语教案 2021-04-28 网络整理 晴天


教学内容:牛津小学英语4a unit4<i like…>第一课时
  3.能听说读写句型:do you like…?以及回答yes,i do./no, i don’t..
   2.板书准备:课题<unit4 i like…>
step1: warming up
b.sing an english song< perhaps>
c.free talk: what’s this in english?
   may i have this…?
step2: presentation
     1.(课件,出示汽车图片)t: look at the picture,what"s this in english?
     2.(课件出示复数图片及句型)t: do you like cars? 引导学生回答:yes,i do./no, i don’t..
     3.(出示公交车图片)t:is this a bus? s: no , it isn’t..it’s a bus.(教授bus)
t: do you like buses?(重点教授buses的发音)
     4. (课件,出示部分图片)t: guess, what’s this? s: it’s a bike.
     5.s: do you like bikes?
      t:no, i don’t. i like puzzles.
 (出示图片) look,what’s this in english?
let’s listen to the tape.(教授puzzle)
     6.t: let’s do a puzzle.( 课件做拼图,洋娃娃)
     7.t: (课件)what’s in the doll’s hand?
s: it’s a …
t: a balloon.(教授balloon)
     8. t:(课件)look, the balloon has flew away. guess, where is it?
s: perhaps it’s in the…
t: perhaps it’s in the sky.(课件)look, is that a balloon?
s: no , it isn’t..it’s a …
t: yes , you are so clever. it’s a kite.(教授kite)
     9.t: next,let’s have a rest. let’s go to see a puppet show.
  look at this picture. do you know what’s this in english?
s: it’s a …
t:it’s a puppet.(教授puppet)
    (在新授单词和句型这一环节中,我精心设计了每一个单词的呈现方法,环环相扣,运用多种方法操练单词,如小组读,男女生读, 开火车读,高低声读等,并且在每教授一个单词的过程中操练句型,做到词不离句)
step3 consolidation
1.game: a. what’s missing?
     b. do a puzzle
2.t: do you like dolls?
s: yes, i do.
t: ok, we can buy a doll in a supermarket.
  shall we go to the supermarket?
s: ok, let’s go.12
t: (出示实物)in the supermarket,there are a lot of thing. some toys, some fruits, some pencils and so on.
 a: hello…!
b: hello…!
a: let’s go to the supermarket.
b: ok!
a: do  you like…?
b: yes, i do./no, i don’t.
a: this …is for you.
b: thank you.
a: not at all.
4.work in pairs and act the dialogue
step 4  homework
1.copy the new words .
2.ask your father and mother what do they like.
3.preview part a .
这节课我能以学生为主体,以培养学生的兴趣为情感目标,体现了语言的实用性和交际性,学生能基本掌握单词的发音,和句型的理解,教学难点也有所突破,学生能掌握like 后加名词的复数,但是由于单词教学花了过多的时间,最后的对话巩固显得有些匆忙。12


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