4a广告公司_4A unit 4

小学四年级英语教案 2021-04-27 网络整理 晴天


课题:unit 4  period1
1. 能初步听懂、会说、会读和会写句型what’s this/ that in english? it’s a… do you like…? yes, i do./ no, i don’t.
2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词puppet, kite, car, bus, bike。
3. 初步了解名词的单复数。
4. 学生能在英语的学习中感到乐趣。
1. 能初步听懂、会说、会读和会写句型what’s this/ that in english? it’s a… do you like…? yes, i do./ no, i don’t.
2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词puppet, kite, car, bus, bike。教学难点: 能初步听懂、会说、会读和会写句型what’s this/ that in english? it’s a… do you like…? yes, i do./ no, i don’t. 教学具准备及辅助活动:
 图片或模型课件主要板书计划: unit 4what’s this in english? car carsit’s a puppet. do you like puppets? bus busesno, i don’t. bike bikesdo you like this kite? puppet puppetsyes, i do. i like kites. kite kites
1. 剪纸猜物,学习单词car, bus, bike
2. 看木偶戏,学习puppet,以及对话p30(1)
3. 学习对话p30(2),学习单词kite
4. 练习p30对话。
5. 通过转盘游戏练习对话以及单词。
6. 完成课内作业。
1.剪纸猜物,学习单词car, bus, biket: look, here are some papers. now guess what i will cut?s: cart: yes. who can spell?s: c-a-r, cart: good! c-a-r, car let’s continue!s: bust: can you spell?s: b-u-s, bust: good! 教学过程: 教学随笔 t: now the last one!s: biket: can you spell?s: b-i-k-e, biket: yes!t: now what’s this in english?s: it’s a car.t: spell!s: c-a-r, cart: what’s this in english?s: it’s bus.…
2.看木偶戏,学习puppet,以及对话p30(1)t: now let’s have a show! it’s a puppet show! look! puppet!t: p-u-p-p-e-t, puppett: what’s this in english?s: it’s a puppet.t: oh, here are two puppets! puppetss: puppetst: do you like puppets?s: yes, i do.t: now who can ask me?s: do you like puppets?t: no, i don’t.t: now make this dialogue in pairs!
3.学习对话p30(2),学习单词kitet: now listen to the tape and tell me what’s this in english.s: kitet: wonderful! k-i-t-e, kitet: do you like this kite?s: yes, i do.t: do you like this kite?s: yes, i do.t: i like kites.s: i like kites.
4.练习p30对话。t: now open your books! let’s read!t: now work in pairs.t: now show here!
5. 通过转盘游戏练习对话以及单词。 此处,教师可以借用what’s this in english?来巩固单词,并强化对于对话的熟悉程度。完成p33的对话练习3、4。教师可以拿出玩偶进行这个单词的教学。教师再拿出一个玩偶。教师可以练习几次。然后指导读这个对话。教师可以拿出风筝辅助对话的进行。教师可以适当练习对话。
教学过程: 教学随笔 t: look, it’s a big dial. let’s see what is on it?t, s: car, bus, bike, puppet, kitet: now let’s play! who can play with me?t: what’s this in english?s: it’s a …t: do you like …s?s: no, i don’t. / yes, i do. i like …s.t: here’s a … for you.s: thank you.t: now who can come here and ask.t: now read the sentences with me.t: here are some small dials for you. do it in a small group.1234
教学总结与反思: 1. 课堂结构课堂结构基本完整。2. 课堂观察以及改进方案在开始部分的剪纸环节,由于一些具体安排的问题,同时又因为纸张比较薄,因此改为透视猜物,不过学生似乎还挺有兴趣的。另外,实物的出现依然有非常好的课堂效果。但是,教学至今,关于单词的教学一直没有一个很好的方向,这主要涉及以下几个方面:一、每节课涉及单词的数量。二、每节课的单词如何与课文的教学有机结合。三、单词何时并以何种方式出现。这是一个值得继续思考与实践的问题。同样,教师在课堂内容的设置方面存在一些问题,最后的游戏没有完成。同时由于单词与课文没有作到很有机的结合,因此,在课堂中整个进行的略现凌乱。

课题:unit 4 period 2
1.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语me, too. i love dolls. thank you very much.等。
2.能熟练运用句型what’s this/ that in english? it’s a…
3.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词balloon, puzzle, doll, colour 。
 1. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语me, too. i love dolls. thank you very much.等。
2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词balloon, puzzle, doll, colour 。
 1. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语me, too. i love dolls. thank you very much.等。
2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词balloon, puzzle, doll, colour 。教学具准备及辅助活动: 实物:拼图、气球、玩偶
教学随笔课堂结构: 1.例行检查2.看木偶剧,学习句型thank you very much.3.学习me, too.4.学习p31(3),以及单词puzzle5.学习balloon,并进行p33的练习。6.学习p31(4,5),以及单词doll。7.练习以及表演对话。8.完成课内作业。
1.例行检查t: now open your book review the words and the dialogue t: now open your exercise book.
2.看木偶剧,学习句型thank you very much.t: now let’s look a…!s: puppet showt: yes! puppet show! let’s watch!he says what? 教学过程: 教学随笔 s: thank you very much.t: good! now let’s try to say like this!
3.学习me, too.t: look! it’s a …s: apple!t: i like apples!t: do you like apples?s: i like apples!t: me, too.t: now guess the meaning of “ me, too.”s: …t: good! i like apples.s: me, too.t: good!
4.学习p31(3),以及单词puzzlet: oh, look! it’s a puzzle. what’s this in english?s: it’s a…t: listen to me! puzzle!t: what’s that in english?s: it’s a puzzle.t: now let’s change!s: what’s that in english?t: it’s a puzzle. i like puzzles.t: now read after me! i like puzzles.t: change! what’s that in english?s: it’s a puzzle. i like puzzles.t: good. me, too.t: now make this dialogue!
5.学习balloon,并进行p33的练习。t: boys and girls! what’s that in english?s: 气球t: yes! balloon!t: what’s that in english?s: it’s a balloon.t: now turn to page 33. let’s make a dialogue on your exercise book.s: what’s this in english? it’s a bus.t: picture 4? 教师可以用puppet示范,来调动学生的情绪。教师先拿出一个苹果,然后再拿出一个苹果。教师可以强化一下这个单词。教师强化一下这个单词。1234
 s: what’s that in english? it’s a bike.t: good!
7. 学习p31(4,5),以及单词doll。t: now look here! they are dolls. do you like dolls?s: yes, i do. t: i love dolls.t: do you like dolls?s: yes, i do. i love dolls.t: here’s a doll for you.s: thank you very much.t: now let’s read this dialogue.
8. 练习以及表演对话。
9. 学习以及演示p35的对话。t: xxx, come here, please.s: ok.t: look at my kite. do you like it?s: yes, i do.t: let’s colour it?s: ok.t: now open your books turn to page 35. read this dialogue and act!8.完成课内作业。 这里的练习要有90%的学生达到运用熟练。如果时间不是很充裕,这一部分部分可以放在短课进行。并可以教学生如何用英语写贺卡。
教学总结与反思: 1.课堂结构 课堂还是具有相当的完整度的。2.课堂观察以及改进方案 课堂中,看一个puppet show是比较受学生欢迎的。me,too.的学习也是相当容易的。但同样存在单词安排方面的问题。需要重新设计整个的设计概念。

课题:unit 4 period 3
1.能熟练运用句型do you like …? yes, i do. / no, i don’t.
2.能诵读歌谣fly, fly my kite
4.学生能熟练运用本单元的玩具类的单词。教学重点: 能熟练运用句型do you like …? yes, i do. / no, i don’t.
教学难点:能熟练运用句型do you like …? yes, i do. / no, i don’t.
教学具准备及辅助活动: 图片
教学随笔课堂结构: 教师要默写以下单词doll, balloon,puzzle, puppet以及p31的对话。教师可以通过简笔画来帮助学生了解整个小诗的含义。 1. 例行检查2. 学说小诗fly, fly my kite。3. 情景练习句型do you like …? yes, i do. / no, i don’t.。4. 自主阅读p36的内容。5. 学生能了解辅音字母j和k在单词中的读音。6. 完成课内作业。
1.例行检查t: now open your book review the words and the dialogue on p7.t: now open your exercise book.
2.学说小诗fly, fly a kite。t: look here! here’s a kite. today let’s learn a rhyme about kites.t: fly, fly my kitefly, fly my kite.fly, fly my kite. fly, fly very highup, up to the skyt: now let’s read sentence by sentence!t: now who can show here!
3.情景练习句型do you like …? yes, i do. / no, i don’t.。t: oh, excellent! look at this dial! what do you like? 教学过程: 教学随笔 t: xx, do you like…?s: yes, i do. / no, i don’t.t: now open your boos and turn to page 34. do this part in four.
4.自主阅读p36的内容。t: now let’s turn to page 36. after you read this dialogue tell me the word “clean”, it’s chinese meaning.t: now let’s read this dialogue together.t: now let’s act this dialogue. who can be mike? mr brown?
5.学生能了解辅音字母j和k在单词中的读音。t: look at this boy. his name is jim. jim! jim! this is jim’s juice! what’s this?s: jim’s juicet: good!t: and this is jim’s key! what’s this?s: jim’s key t: now look! it’s a kitchen!t: jim’s juice and key are in the kitchen.t: now let’s find some words with the letter j and k.s: jacket, jack, kite, jeans, t: now use these new words to make a new sentence.1234
6.完成课内作业。 教师可以给完成得好的学生加星。尽量鼓励学生保质保量地完成任务。教师在讲解的时候不仅要注重句子的结构同样也要注意发音的重点。如果课堂时间有所限制,教师可以通过这个活动帮助学生背诵。
教学总结与反思: 1.课堂结构2.课堂观察以及改进方案在进行小诗的学习的时候,教师采用了一个纸风筝做道具,学生好像非常有兴趣,这有些令人感到意外,也许可以在今后再次尝试。

 课题:unit 4 period4
教学重点: 复习并测试本单元的主要知识点。
 教学随笔课堂结构: 1.复习本单元的主要知识点。2.测试本单元的主要知识点。3.完成课内作业。
细节设计: 1.复习本单元的主要知识点。t: now open your books and tell me the important points here.t: now the most important points.① what’s this/ that in english? it’s a…do you like…s? yes, i do. / no, i don’t.t: then some small points!② i like…s. me, too. i love…s. thank you very much. come here. look at… let’s colour it. that’s ok. t: some points about words! now check the exercise books and check it by yourself.
2. 测试本单元的主要知识点。t: now let’s have a test.
3. 完成课内作业。
教学总结与反思: 1.课堂结构2.课堂观察3.改进方案



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