【4a广告公司】4A Unit 6 教学方案(第一课时)

小学四年级英语教案 2021-04-27 网络整理 晴天


第一部分 简要提示
二、单元:unit 6
三、课题:whose gloves?
五、教学内容:单元part a
1、掌握单词、词组small, big, short, dress, jeans, gloves ,skirt, funny, pretty, they, a pair of, try…on
2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型whose … is this /are they ? it"s /they’re …
七、重难点:初步了解句型:whose … is this /are they ? it"s /they’re …
第二部分 教学过程
t:hello, boys and girls. nice to meet you.同学们,你们好,今天我们来学习牛津小学英语4a第六单元的a部分。好,请大家先看图说单词。
出示单词已学过的服装类单词a sweater, a jacket, shoes
t: what’s this? (稍停顿) it’s a sweater/jacket. what are these? (稍停顿)they’re shoes.
t:good. can you say these words? 真棒,你会说下列单词吗?(逐个学习其它服装类单词a dress, a skirt, a pair of jeans, a pair of gloves)
t: what’s this? (稍停顿) it’s a dress. a dress,一件连衣裙。 please read after me, a dress(稍停顿)a dress。(同法学习a skirt)
t:what are these? (稍停顿)they’re shoes. it’s a pair of jeans. a pair of,一双,一副,一条,当我们表达一双鞋子、一副手套、一条裤子的时候就用a pair of…(带读a pair of shoes,呈现a pair of gloves并学习)
t:(出示图片dress)what’s this? it’s a dress. whose dress is this? 这是谁的连衣裙?whose,谁的。whose dress is this? (出示人物)it’s helen’s.(带读句型,同样的方法学习whose gloves are they? they’re nancy’s)
t:(出示四副图)同学们,你们能用whose … is this /are they ? it"s /they’re …这个句型谈论这几副图吗?(给学生1分钟时间操练)
t:very good,boys and girls.同学们,你们做得真棒!苏海、苏阳要去参加一个party,他们会穿什么样的衣服呢,他们穿的衣物又是谁的呢?ok. please look at the picture.好,请看图。
t:(出示图)this is su hai. she is trying a dress and a pair of jeans on. the dress is too small and the jeans are too long. 同学们,这是苏海,她正在试穿一件连衣裙和一条牛仔裤,连衣裙太小而牛仔裤太长了(重复句子the dress is too small and the jeans are too long.并学习too small,too long)这些衣服有的是太小了,有的又是太长了,让我们试穿一下吧。你们知道“试穿”用英语怎么说吗?(出示学习try…on, try this one on, try this pair on等词语并学习)
t:good. please watch and listen carefully, try to answer these four questions.好,我们来学习a部分,请同学们先看这四个问题。
q1 whose gloves are they?
q2 are they big?
q3 whose skirt is it?
q4 is it long?
t:ok. please watch cartoon.
t: can you answer the questions? 同学们,听了课文,你们能自己尝试做出来吗?(出示问题ppt)12
t:well, let’s check. no.1:whose gloves are they? yes, they’re su hai’s father’s. no.2:are they big? yes, they’re so big. look, they’re so big. su hai looks so funny.(出示和词语so big和so funny并学习)
t:no.3: whose skirt is it? yes. it’s yang ling’s. no.4: is it long? no, it isn’t. look, yang ling’s skirt is too short. it’s pretty. (出示图画和词语too short和pretty并学习)
t:ok. please watch cartoons again.请同学们再看一遍。
t:ok. do you understand?  please open your books at page 44. listen and imitate. 好,同学们,你们看懂了吗?现在请打开,书第44页,听录音跟读。(分句朗读)
t: (出现课文第五幅图)well down. here’s a picture about su yang and yang ling . can you talk about them? 同学们读得真不错,这是一幅课文中的图片,你能用课文内容谈论它吗?请看两位同学的示范。
结束语:同学们,这节课我们学习了a部分内容,主要句型有:whose … is this /are they ? it"s /they’re …,请同学们课外认真听录音模仿,以小组为单位表演课文内容,好吗?see you next time.
第三部分 本节课说明


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