4a广告公司|4A Unit 4 I like白板教案

小学四年级英语教案 2021-04-27 网络整理 晴天


part a  learn to say .
teaching contents:
1. vocabulary :in english , do , you , like , don’t , love,  a  puppet,  a puzzle , a kite and a doll.
2. pattern: what’s this/that in english? it’s a puppet. do you like puppets? yes, i do. /no , i don’t.
teaching aims :
1. the ss can understand and say the communion parlance : what’s this/that in english ? it’s a puppet. do you like puppets? yes, i do.  no, i don’t.
2. to know some words: in english, do, you, like, don’t, love, a puppet, a puzzle, a  kite 和 a doll 。
1能正确听说读写词语in english, do, you, like, don’t, love, a puzzle, a kite, a doll.
2能正确运用日常交际用语 what’s this/that in english? it’s a puppet. do you like puppets? 及其回答 yes, i do./ no, i don’t.
3正确朗读单词 puppet, puzzle.
difficult points:
1.正确理解like & love
2.正确使用do you like this puppet? &do you like puppets?
teaching aids :
1. 课件。       2. 玩具:洋娃娃、木偶、拼图。
3. 歌曲。       4. 单词卡片。
5. 预先写好课题unit 4 i like和句型what’s this?
teaching procedures:
step1 free  talk (约6分钟) 
1. t :good morning/afternoon.
ss: good morning/afternoon.
2. boys and girls, i like english songs.(在课题i like上贴一个    表示)
do you like english songs?
指着黑板上的板书说now let’s sing an english song ‘what’s this?’. ok?
3. (请学生拿出课前准备的玩具或者学习用具)  
t: excuse me. what’s this? what’s this in english? (板书出示in english,故意慢慢地说in english)
s: it’s a ….
t: is this your …?
s: yes, it is. / no, it isn’t. perhaps it’s ….
t: i like this …. do you like this …?
s:yes, i do. / no, i don’t.(可提示学生)
4. look at the screen.用聚光灯看到图片中的某一样物品,来提问。
同上。what’s that? what’s that in english? 如果学生看不清图片,可让学生走上前观察,please come here. look carefully.
do you like that …?      (板书)
yes, i do. / no, i don’t.      (可提示学生并板书)
step 2  presentation and practice(约18分钟)
1. 利用句型what’s this/that in english? it’s a … 介绍生词a puppet,a doll,a kite 和a puzzle 。
1) 拿着玩偶说what’s this in english? it’s a puppet. say ‘a puppet’, 先听录音,再让学生跟读数遍。
2)  利用放大镜操作
放大图片t: what’s this in english? it’s a … do you like this …?
can you ask me?可让学生手里拿着木偶提问老师,作为示范。123
practice in pairs. 让学生手里拿着木偶
what’s this in english? it’s a … do you like this …?
缩小图片t: what’s that in english? it’s a …do you like that …?
practice in teams.
what’s that in english? it’s a …do you like that …?
3)介绍名词单复数,生词like 和句型do you like puppets?及其回答yes,i do. /no,i don’t.
当场复制puppet的几张图片,然后提问do you like puppets?教puppets/ts/。穿插教me, too.
practice in halves.
2. 看实物。what’s this in english? it’s a doll.
2) do you like dolls? yes, i do. /no, i don’t. 穿插教me, too.
教dolls /z/
do you want to know what i like. ask me, please.
ss: do you like dolls?  yes, i do. i like dolls. and i love this doll.(指着手里的玩具,边说边在课题i like后面贴一个     ,再在love后面贴)
3) 图片:胡老师i like puppets. i love dolls.
let’s help the stars to choose the correct words.
姚明      ifootball. i basketball.
刘翔      ifishing. i running.
张军      iswimming. i badminton(羽毛球).
朗朗      iplaying the guitar. i playing the piano.
做对的同学表扬,奖励积分卡,穿插教here’s a card for you. thank you very much. 听录音,注意very much的读音。
3. let’s enjoy the rhyme.
欣赏完rhyme后,教 kites /ts/
what can you see in the picture? two kites.
what’s that in the picture? it’s a kite. 教kite
do you like kites? 穿插教me, too.
practice in teams.
4. 再看一个kite图片提问,点击kite,变成puzzle
what’s that in the picture? it’s a kite. no, it’s a puzzle.
教puzzle。先听音,再朗读。a puzzle和a puppet中pu的发音。
do you like puzzles? 教puzzles /z/
若同学回答yes, i do. 教师就一边把拼图给学生一边说,here’s a puzzle for you. 让学生回答thank you very much.教师说:not at all. / that’s ok.
5. 名词单复数用法总结
step 3 read and say(约9分钟)
1. watch the cartoon.
2. 分段朗读
picture 1 listen and repeat.  picture 2 read and check.
picture 3 read in groups.     picture 4 read and act.
3. read together.
step 4 consolidation(约6分钟)
1.  play a game. do a survey. make groups in four. 先示范,①问一位学生,记录在表格中。②再请那位学生问老师同样的问题,记录在表格中。通过示范让学生了解后,让学生在班级中至少提问3-5位同学自由提问,进行问答练习,完成调查。
    t: what’s this/that in english ?
    s: it’s a …
    t:do you like …? 123
    s:  yes, i do. / no, i don’t.
   2. 发音归类。先朗读6个单词,然后听每个表格中的音标读音进行分类。
step 5 assign homework(1分钟)
  1. listen to the tape and read aloud.
2. read and copy.
3. 表演对话。
 unit 4 i like                   what’s this in english?


it’s a ….











do you like … ?

yes, i do.

me, too.

no, i don’t.

①用实物提问what’s this in english?,用聚光灯提问what’s that in english?,能较好的表达this与that的区别。
3. 单词、句型穿插教学,在句型中学单词,用单词巩固句型。
4. 板书时like 和love 应放在一起,更有利于学生对比理解。
5. 利用明星让学生选择like和love填空时,应再多一些图片,看单词填空应改成图片填空,更符合四年级学生特点。



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