[4a广告公司]4A Unit 8

小学四年级英语教案 2021-04-27 网络整理 晴天


give me the corn
l 本单元学习食物和饮料:potatoes, sausages, pork, chicken, corn, beans, tomatoes, eggs。要求学生掌握可数名词的单复数变化,及不可数名词。
l 听说读写give… 句型,灵活运用词语仿说对话。
l 本单元中grand theatre的语言材料,要求学生根据图片、录音理解课文内容,培养学生小组合作表演课文的能力,同时激发学生热爱小动物的情感。
l 能流利地朗读笑话。划出生词,理解笑话内容。能根据图片或上下文,猜猜单词的意思,然后教师给予提示(作选择choose)或回答一些问题。
l 掌握辅音音标/ l /, / r /的正确发音。
l 本单元的project部分,要求学生做到"三会",(会听、会说、会读),对于学习能力较强的学生,要求他们能用英语表达制作水果色拉的步骤。
1.学习表达食物及饮料的八个单词:potatoes, sausages, pork, chicken, corn, beans, tomatoes, egg, 掌握其拼读规则。
3.学习掌握句型:give me…?
4.听说和阅读grand theatre的语言材料,并理解其意思。
5.能听音写出字母/l /, / r /
序号 类型 内容 课时
1 单词教学 wonderland 1课时
2 句型语法教学 farmland  1课时
3 课文教学 grand theatre 1课时
4 音标教学 music box 1课时
5 儿歌教学 disneyland  1课时
l 预习:课前要求学生预习unit 8 wonderland,了解所学单词的基本读音及意思。
l 课前准备:ppt演示文稿制作、单词卡片。
l 第一课时目标
1、 知识目标
l 单词认读potatoes, sausages, pork, chicken, corn, beans, tomatoes, eggs.
l 学习包含这些单词的短语和句子
2、 能力目标
l 学生能够用其中的形容词组词造句。
l 了解不可数名词及用法。
l 课型:单词教学。
l 课堂活动(参见下表)
活动过程 教师活动      学生活动     
pre-task preparation l  review:1. what time is it ?2. i"m hungry.  are you hungry?3. what do you want to eat?4. i want to have some rice and dishes.  can you help me with the cooking? l discuss what to eat.l help the teacher with the cooking.
while-task procedure 活动一 教师出示pork, chicken, corn的图片:1. what"s this?  2. do you like it?   3. are there any … in your fridge?活动二 教师出示potatoes, sausages, beans, tomatoes, eggs的图片:1. what are these?  2. what colour are the …?  3. what shape is the …?4. do you like ...?5. have you got any …?6. are there any … in your fridge?7. how many … are there on the desk?活动三 教师提醒学生注意可数名词(单复数)和不可数名词;  朗读单词时注意 a   e  ea  or  ch  ge 正确发音。 l 学生回答。l 学生拼读单词。l 学生回答。l 学生拼读单词。l listen to the tape.(p55)l read the new words.123
post-task activities l talk about the pictures.  what"s in the picture?  how many…?  what colour…?  do you like…?  ……l do a survey:   what"s in your fridge?  what do you like? l 学生讨论回答。l 学生做调查。

l 预习:复习一些食物和饮料。
l 课前准备:ppt演示文稿制作、单词卡片、食物和饮料。
l 第二课时目标
l 学习掌握句型:give me…?
l 理解、掌握p56词语,并能组词。
l 课型:句型教学
l 课堂活动
活动过程 教师活动      学生活动     
pre-task preparation l review:1. what can you see in the picture?   give me a pencil, please.2. what do you like to eat?3. do you like cooking?   what do you need for your cooking?4. do you like picnics?  what do you want for the picnic? l 同桌讨论。l 学生回答问题。
while-task procedure 活动一 make a shopping list.1. tomorrow we"ll have a picnic. let"s get ready for the picnic. ok.first, we must write a shopping list. peter, have you got a pencil?(yes, i have.)give me a pencil, please. (ok. here you are.)thank you.what do we need, children?(……)sorry, i made a mistake. peter, give me a rubber, please.(ok. here you are.)thanks. any else?(……)be quiet! be quiet!peter, i"m thirsty. give me some water, please.(ok. here you are.)thanks.板书划线的句子。活动二1. act and say: i"m hungry. give me some cakes, please.2. look at the sentences.   what"s the meaning for chinese? l 学生在回答问题中复习旧知识,学习新知识。l 学习give me……l 学习它的应答:o.k. here you are.l listen and read.
post-task activities 1. showing the cards:   a pie  cakes  biscuits  sweets   fruit   water   a cup of tea   a glass of water     look and say: i"m thirsty /hungry, give me ….,please.ok, here you are. thanks.2. practise with the study tools.  l students read the cards loudly.students work in pairs.

l 预习:课前要求学生听课文录音,了解课文的大意。
l 课前准备:flash、ppt, 图片。
l 听说和阅读grand theatre的语言材料,并理解其意思。
l 学习课文中的生词和短语。
l 小组合作表演课文。。
l 课型:课文教学
l 课堂活动
活动过程 教师活动      学生活动     
pre-task preparation l review:1 daily talk2 act out the dialogue3 read the new words l students read the new words and act out the dialogue.
while-task procedure 活动一 引出句子give me…..1 ask the teacher questions.have you got any books?have you got any pork?have you got any corn?2 t: (1) please give me some books.   (2) please give me some pork.   (3) please give me some corn.活动二 引出no, molly doesn"t like pork.l t: do you like pork?does molly like pork?    no, molly doesn"t like corn.活动三 引出句子have some corn.l does the parrot like corn?yes, it does.l have some corn, parrot.活动四 read the text.l listen to the tape and read after it.l work in pairs.l read and act out the sentences. l students ask some question.l students read the sentences.l students work in pairs and read and act out the sentences.123
post-task activities l answer the questions according to the sentences. (p57)l work in pairs. l students answer the questions.l students practice the questions.

l 课前准备:ppt演示文稿制作。
l 正确朗读、拼写、默写所有单词,复习已学过的大量词汇。
l 能运用这些单词看图说话、写话。
l 掌握辅音音标 的正确发音,能听音写出字母。
l 课型:音标教学
l 课堂活动
活动过程 教师活动      学生活动     
pre-task  preparation l review wonderlandl review farmland & pair work. l read the words and sentences.l read the new phrasesl read the  short dialogues.l read the new words and phrases.l make short dialogues .
while-task procedure 活动一 review grand theatre 活动二 show the phonetics on ppt.l play the cassette.l ask the students to find out the sound of the letters.l learn the phonetics according to the sound they have heard.l ask the students to do some exercises. l read the text twice.l read the new words and phrases.l remember the text.l students listen and repeat.l students listen and fill in the blanks.

l 预习:听p59--61录音,生词查字典。
l 课前准备:ppt演示文稿制作。
l 第五课时目标
1、 知识目标
l 朗读joke,语音语调基本正确。
l 能流利朗读project,理解其内容。
2、 能力目标
l 用英语表达制作水果色拉的步骤。
活动过程 教师活动      学生活动     
pre-task preparation review
while- task procedure l 活动一 a jokea. listen to the recording.b. read after the recording.c  .do the actions and understand the joke.l 活动二 project 4a. underline the new words.b. read the new words.c. read the projectd. let the students say how to make a fruit salad.  l students read them.l act out the joke. l activity: act and say the joke each other.
post-task activities 

l 到下载有关内容。
l 建议学生上课时将食物饮料带到课堂上。

4a unit 8 来自。123


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