《牛津小学英语》4A介绍_《牛津小学英语》Book 4A Unit7

小学四年级英语教案 2021-04-27 网络整理 晴天


本课是《牛津小学英语》book 4a unit7的课文教学。英语教师在教学中有意识地培养学生对英语的持久兴趣,激励学生不断地追求进步,使他们对英语乐学、善学、会学。四年级学生对英语有一定的基础,但都为口语基础,为了更好的与五年级教学连接紧密,本单元教学采用课文教学。对于学生来讲,本单元重、难点较多,学习内容较多,因此教师要灵活运用多种多样的教学方法,组织学生进行广泛的语言实践活动,加强学生的英语阅读理解能力,从而真正达到学习英语的目的。
a.听、说、读、写单词: seven、 four空
空 听、说、读单词: have breakfast 、fifteen、thirty-five、 forty
b.听、说、读、写句型: what’s the time?空 it’s…
空 听、说、读句型:what time do you…?空 i…at…see you.
1.能听懂、会说:what’s the time?空 it’s…
空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空 what time do you…?空 i…at…
空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空 see you.
3.have breakfast的读音
一、warm up
1. greeting
t: what is the weather?
ss: it is…
what day is it today?
ss: it is…
t: let us sing a song: ten little indians
ss sing a song
2. free talk
t: what’s this? / what’s that over there?
s: it’s a …
t: is this/that your…?
s: no, it isn’t.
t: whose … is this?
s: it’s …’s.
1.t: there’re many numbers. can you read?(出示数字1-19)
ss count the numbers(a. count by themselves空空空 b. count together)
t: look, is it ten?
ss: no. it’s twenty
t: what about this one?(出现30,40,50)
learn thirty空 forty空 fifty空
空 ss read these numbers
(a. read the numbers one by one空空空空空 b. read together)
t: it’s…(ppt出现35)
ss: thirty-five.
t: right. it’s thirty-five.
ss read
(ppt出现45,55)ss learn forty-five 、fifty-five
2.t: look, what’s this?
ss: it’s a clock.
t: clock can tell us time. look.(t拨钟,如:11:00、12:00)
t:what is the time?123
ss: it is eleven o’clock.
t: oh, i see.
(t再次拨钟,如:eleven twenty-five, seven thirty-five)
t:what is the time?
ss: it is eleven twenty-five.
t: oh, i see.
t:what is the time?
ss: it is seven thirty-five.
t: oh, i see. like this, work in pairs.
ss practice and act
3.t: in different time, we can do different things.空
now listen to me and repeat.
i have breakfast at 6:35.
ss try to repeat: i have breakfast at 6:35.
learn and read “have breakfast” “at”
a.read it one by one空空空空空 b. boys/girls read
c.read it together(t纠正读音)
t: hello, i have breakfast at 6:35. what about you? what time do you have breakfast?
ss: i have breakfast at…
(ppt出示一些图片,如:get up)
t: what time do you get up/go to school/have lunch/come home/go to the bed?
s: i …at…
let ss make a dialog like this in pairs and act.
(由教师自身说法学习本课句型及一些单词,形象、具体,让学生具有模仿的对象,充分调动学生的积极性,激发学生的模仿能力。在教“have breakfast”时,由于其读音是一大难点,通过“开火车”等形式,既集中学生的注意力,又能很好的帮助学生纠正个别的语音错误。在教学句型时,利用一些漂亮的图片,让学生用不同的词组、时间操练所学句型,激发学生兴趣,并使英语学习变得生活化。)
4. t: today we will learn unit7.
空first,listen to the tape and answer my questions.
空q1: what is the time now?
q2: what time does mike go to school?
q3: what time does mike come home?
ss listen and answer. a1: at 7:35.
空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空 a2: at 7:40.
空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空 a3: at 4:15
t: “late” what is the meaning ?
a 早的(地);b 时间正好;c 迟的(地);晚的(地)(ppt)
ss choose and learn “late”
t: listen to the tape and read after it.
ss read ①read it after the tape.
② read it by themselves
③ read it in groups
④read it together
ss act the dialogue
make a dialog like the text(课件出示)
mum: get up,×× .
×× :空 oh, no, what’s the time?123
mum: it’s...
××: it’s late.
dad : what time do you go to…?
××: i go to … at...
gm : what time do you come home?
××: at ...
gm :see you in the afternoon/evening!
××: bye ,grandma!/…
1.read the text five times
2.make another dialogue with your friends.
《牛津小学英语》book 4a unit7 来自。 123


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