[《牛津小学英语》]《牛津小学英语4A》Unit 1第一课时表格式教案

小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-01 网络整理 晴天



unit 1   may i have…?            第一课时 新授课


1、认知:(1)能正确听说读写单词 a pen, a ball pen, a pencil, a book。

         (2)能正确听说读单词a copybook, a ruler, a rubber, a pencil case, a bookmark, a notebook, a school bag。

         (3)能正确听说读写句型may i have…?

         (4)能正确听说读日常交际用语yes./sure. here you are. thank you.









step 1: warming up

1. introduction   2. chant

3. free talk and revision

t: what’s this on your desk/ in your desk/ in your pencil case…?

s: it’s a pen/ ruler/ rubber/ knife/ book/copybook/ school bag/ crayon.

step 2: presentation and practice

1. learn new words and sentences

a. learn “a pen”   

t: boys and girls, today i am very happy, because i have a new bag. look! it’s very nice. i like it very much. but what’s in my bag? who can guess?

s guess.

t: let me see. yes, / no, there is a pen. (read and spell)

b. learn the sentence

t: may i have a pen?(t带读句型并做替换练习,用a ruler, a rubber, a pencil case, a copybook, a school bag 注意may, i, have的发音)

s make sentences. t: yes. / sure. here you are.  s read.

c. learn “a ball pen”

t: boys and girls, look. is it a pen? no, it isn’t. it’s a ball pen. (read and spell)

t: may i have a ball pen? s: sure. / yes. here you are.

(read the sentences.)

d. learn “a pencil” “a pencil case”

t: may i have a pencil?    s: yes. /sure. here you are.

t: thank you.    (read and spell)

t: may i have a pencil box/ case?

s: yes. /sure. here you are.   t: thank you.




(read the word 比较pencil box与pencil case)

e. learn “a book”

t: may i have a book?   s: yes. /sure. here you are.

t: thank you.  (read and spell)

f. learn “a bookmark”

t: look, what’s this? it’s a bookmark. (read the word)

g. learn “notebook”

t: look, is it a book? is it a storybook? is it a copybook? it’s a notebook. (比较copybook与notebook)

(read the word)

2. play a game: what’s missing?

3. practise

t: boys and girls, you are very clever. you have learned so many new words. what voice? (嘘,假装在听包说悄悄话,并不时点头作高兴状) she tells me that she likes you very much. if you can use the sentence “may i have…?” she will give you what you want. 12

step 3: consolidation

1. ask and answer(part c)

2. play a game: 在文具店

t: now we are in the stationery shop. i’m the shop

assistant. who’d like to be the customer?

s1: may i have…?  t: what colour? / what about…?

s1: oh, i’d like …   t: sure. / yes. here you are.

s1: thank you. how much is it?  t: …yuan, please.  



作    业

1.copy the new words and sentences.

2. listen to the tape and repeat part b three times.

3. write the dialogues of part c in books




unit1   may i have…?

may i have…?

yes. / sure. here you are.



《牛津小学英语4a》unit 1第一课时表格式教案 来自。 12


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