[教学片段设计模板]教学片段: 4A Unit 1 May I have…?

小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-01 网络整理 晴天


step 1
t: look at the teachers’ desk. i have many things on it. now i’m a shop assistant. who’d like to buy something from me?
s: may i have a …?
  may i have a … for xxx?
t: yes/ sure, here you are.
  yes, this … is for you.
s: thank you. goodbye!
t: goodbye!/ see you!
step 2
t: ( after several groups) oh, i’d like to buy some useful things, too. who’d like to be the shop assistant? (ask one student to have a try)
s1: good morning! can i help you?
t: may i have this storybook?
s1: sure, here you are.
t: may i have that pen?
s1: ok, this pen is for you.
t: thank you. bye!
s1: see you!
t: ( put the storybook and pen in the bag) oh, you’re a kind and nice shop assistant. you’ve done a good job! boys and girls, let’s reward her a star!
s: shining!( action)
ask some more students to have a try. ( s-t   s-s )
step 3
t: now please look at the blackboard and i’ll write down the new sentences. look carefully and do you have any questions? are they right or wrong? (point to the title when i say these words.) you can speak in chinese this time.
    may i have this storybook
may i have that pen
s2: miss wang以前讲过书写句子时:句首字母要大写,句子末尾要标点。这句话的末尾少了标点符号。
t: yes, you are right. (给句子添上标点)
  may i have this storybook.
may i have that pen.
are they right now?
s3: no, miss wang这句句子是问句,不能加句号,应该在句尾加问号。
t: yes. (把句号改成问号) any questions now?
  may i have this storybook?
may i have that pen?
s4: miss wang,你还讲过句子是由单词组成的,而单词是由小写字母组成,因此组成句子的字母都是小写字母。但这句话里的“i”是大写字母,应该改成小写“i”。
t: yes. but today i’ll teach you a new rule, that is, “i” am the most important one in the world, so it must be capitalized for ever. (“我”永远要大写。)please remember this rule by your heart. understand?
s: yes.
step 4
t: now please use the new drills to buy things from your partners.
after several minutes, ask some students to act out their dialogues.
t: ok, let’s have a break and say the chant “ a little book”.
……  ……


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