【4a广告公司】4A Unit 5 Review and check

小学四年级英语教案 2021-04-29 网络整理 晴天


《牛津小学英语》4a第五单元第三课时(part a look read and write)
2、复习句型:where’s your …? is this/that your …? do you like…? 并能在不同的情境中灵活运用。
3、学习句型:i like that one. 懂得该句型运用的恰当场合。
2、句型:where’s your …? is this/that your …? do you like…?
where’s your …? is this/that your …? do you like…?
step one: warming up
1. warming exercise. (热身活动)—— listen and do.
t: first let’s listen and do. i say, you do. listen! stand up, clap your hands, stamp your feet. show me your pencils. show me your rulers. … show me your rubbers. wonderful! sit down, please.
2. free talk. (自由谈话)
t: hello, what’s your name?
p1: my name is …
t: nice to meet you.
p1: nice to meet you, too.
t: hi, what’s this in english?
p2: it’s a pencils case.
t: may i have your pencil case?
p2: sure. here you are.
t: thank you.
t: hello, boy. where’s your pencil case?
p3: it’s on the desk.
t: where’s your ruler?
p3: it’s in the pencil case.
step two: revision
1. revision and practice.(复习操练)
t: children, follow me, please. where’s your rubber?
(呈现第一个句型词条“where’s your …?”并板书。将一些文具放在词卡上作替换练习。)
t: look, this is my book. i put it here. (师将书放在讲台上)where’s my book?
p4: it’s on the table.
t: yes, you’re right. and where’s your book?
p4: it’s on the desk.
t: excellent. now children, please work in pairs. (学生两两互问互答,能够增加操练的广度和深度。学生自己两两问答后, 三组学生展示。)
p5: where’s your pencil?
p6: it’s in my pencil box.
t: excuse me , is this your pencil box?
p6: yes, it is.
t: can i have a look?
p6: sure. here you are.
在学生展示过程中,教师通过句型“is this your …? can i have a look?”从学生那儿借一些有特色的文具。为下面的教学活动做好准备。
2. games
game 1: touch and guess.
t: look, i have a red bag here. i put them(向学生展示刚才从学生那儿借来的文具)in the bag. now let’s play a game. touch and guess. you, please.
t: what’s this ?
p7: it’s a rubber.(学生边摸边回答) 12
t: yes?(要求学生将触摸到的文具拿出来给大家看)
p: yes.
t: is this your rubber?
p7: no, it isn’t.(师引导学生)perhaps it’s tom’s.(该生拿着文具去问)tom, is this your rubber?
p8: yes, it is.
p7: here you are.
p8: thank you.
请不同的学生上来触摸的同时,要求下面的小组或个别学生模仿老师问他is this your…? 从而操练该句型。
game 2: throw a magic box.
t: look, the red bag is empty now, but i have yellow bag here. what’s in the bag? guess, please. perhaps it’s a book.
p9: perhaps it’s a storybook.

t: children, do you want to have a look?
ps: yes.
t: you may ask me “miss…, can i …?”
ps: miss…, can i have a look?
t: sure.(通过师生间对话,复习三会句型“can i have a look?”)
ps: miss…, can i have a look?
t: sure. let me take it out. what is it?
ps: it’s a box.
t: it’s a magic box. what are these? let’s have a look. (引导学生边看边说玩具类单词。然后师做示范扔盒子,看哪一面的图在上面,根据该上面的图,用句型do you like …? 来询问,学生互相传扔盒子,问该句型。从而达到复习、巩固和运用的目的。最后盒子传到老师手上。)
t: let me have a try.(教师转动盒子到有故事书图片的那一面)
ps: do yo12


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