[unit]Unit 10 Review and check

小学四年级英语教案 2021-04-29 网络整理 晴天


unit  10   review and check      常州市丽华二小  丁勤芝教学内容:牛津小学英语4a第10单元part d look and talk教学目标:1.通过d部分看图说话的练习让学生复习本册所学的词语。2.能熟练地在情景中运用6~9单元的句型和日常交际用语。3.初步了解元音字母i在开音节的单词中发本音,从而有规律地学习单词。4.能看图编对话。教学重点:1.能综合运用所学过的词汇、句型,并能正确地听、说、读、写。2.能综合运用所学的日常交际用语。课前准备:2只书包,一些实物,课件教学过程:一.     free talk1.     t::hi./hello.how are you?s1:fine,thank you .and you?t: i’m fine, too. is this your scarf?s1:yes.t:i like your scarf. it’s pretty.s1:thank you.t: i like red.s1:  me too.(同法再与其他几位学生进行日常交谈.)2.让学生自由交谈1分钟。3.t: look, what’s the time ?(多媒体出示时钟)s: it’s six thirty.t: is it time to get up?(出示起床图片)s: yes.t: what’s the time ?(多媒体出示时钟)s: it’s seven twenty.t: it’s time to…(多媒体出示上学图片)s: go to school.…t: what time do you get up?s: i get up at six.t: what time do you…?s: …t: ask me ,please.s: 用what time do you …?询问老师。s:同桌问答后请一位学生上讲台,让其他学生询问他。二.     let’s chant.1.t: look at the picture, can you do like this?(多媒体出示hungry, cold等图片) s: 模仿图片做动作。t: what’s the matter?s: i am hungry.t: here’s a cake for you.s: thank you.2.s:ask and answer in pairs.(学生自己表演同桌问答)3t:now let’s chant!hello. hello. what’s the matter?s: bored. bored. i am bored.t: doll. doll. it’s for you.s: make the chant. work in pairs.三.     play a game “magic eyes’1.t:what’s in my red bag? a bike, a ruler or a book?s: a bike.(猜对奖星星)t: can you spell “bike”?s: b-i-k-e2.t: what’s in my white bag? a kite, a notebook or a key?s: a kite.t: can you spell “kite”?s: k-i-t-e3.t:do you find the same letter in these two words?s:yes. “i”t: what is “i” pronounced?s:   …t:do you know any other words contain the sound “   ”?s: like, nine,five,nice  …(说对奖励)t: look at these two new words. can you read them?s: wine, pipe.4.t: what’s in my brown handbag? a rubber, a scarf or a pencil case?s: a pencil case.t: whose pencil case is this?s: it’s wangxi’s.t: whose yellow gloves are they?s: they are xiefei’s.s: ask and answer in pairs.四.     look and talk1.     t: let’s review some words.(多媒体归类出示图片,学生说出单词,让学生举出其他一些同类的单词) 2.look at the picture1)给学生10秒钟时间记忆图片. 2)t: what can you see in the picture?  s: i can see a  … t ; what colour is it?s: it’s  …3) make the dialogues.t: yangling, come here. can you see an umbrella in the picture?s: yes . i can.t: what colour is it?s: it’s blue.t: i like blue.s: me too.t: whose umbrella is this?s: it’s liutao’s.t: what’s the time?s: i t’s five.t: oh ,it’s late. let’s go home!s: let’s go.同桌看图编对话并表演。3.look at the picture and make the dialogues.出示一幅综合的图片,让学生编说对话。五.     dictation.a: what’s the        ?are you       ?b: no, i’m            .a: what           do you go to bed?b: i go to bed at             .a: oh, it’s too              ! go to bed at            .六.     homework.1.     听写6~9单元部分单词。2.     完成练习册。   板书设计:unit 10 review and checkpart d   look and talkget up         what can you see in the picture?          bikego to school    i can see  …                        kitego home                                          winewatch tv   .                                      pipe
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