牛津4a电子课本_牛津4A Unit 6-10知识点

小学四年级英语教案 2021-04-27 网络整理 晴天


a sweater, a skirt, a jacket, a scarf, a dress, a pair of shoes, a pair of jeans, a pair of gloves, a pair of socks, a pair of shorts, green, blue, colour, big, small, long, short, father, mother, funny, pretty, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, a hundred, eat, drink, write, read, close, open, draw, copy, give, stand up, sit down, a boy, a girl, a word, a cap, new, tired, ill, hot, cold, hungry, thirsty, (bored, sleepy), happy, water, a cake, a glass of… .
1.whose … is this/are they? it’s/they’re 某某’s.
2.the…(物品) is/are too…(大/小/长/短) .
3.what’s the time, please? it’s … .
4.what time do you …(做的事)?
i …(做的事) at …(时间)/at …(时间).
5.shall we go … ? ok. /all right/good idea!
6.open/close … , please. don’t … .(祈使句)
7.what’s the matter? i’m … .
8.here’s … for you. thank you.
9.what’s your/his/her matter? i’m/he’s/she’s … .
10. are you … ? yes, i am/no, i’m not.
11. why don’t you …
12. i like …/i don’t like … .
13. what can you see … ? i can see … .
fixed phrases:
1. try this one on. try this pair on.
2. sorry, i’m late. that’s all right.

a sweater, a skirt, a jacket, a scarf, a dress, a pair of shoes, a pair of jeans, a pair of gloves, a pair of socks, a pair of shorts, green, blue, colour, big, small, long, short, father, mother, funny, pretty, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, a hundred, eat, drink, write, read, close, open, draw, copy, give, stand up, sit down, a boy, a girl, a word, a cap, new, tired, ill, hot, cold, hungry, thirsty, (bored, sleepy), happy, water, a cake, a glass of… .
1.whose … is this/are they? it’s/they’re 某某’s.
2.the…(物品) is/are too…(大/小/长/短) .
3.what’s the time, please? it’s … .
4.what time do you …(做的事)?
i …(做的事) at …(时间)/at …(时间).
5.shall we go … ? ok. /all right/good idea!
6.open/close … , please. don’t … .(祈使句)
7.what’s the matter? i’m … .
8.here’s … for you. thank you.
9.what’s your/his/her matter? i’m/he’s/she’s … .
10. are you … ? yes, i am/no, i’m not.
11. why don’t you …
12. i like …/i don’t like … .
13. what can you see … ? i can see … .
fixed phrases:
1. try this one on. try this pair on.12
2. sorry, i’m late. that’s all right.
2. 祈使句(叫别人做事情的句子
   肯定句:stand up, please. read the new words, please.
   否定句:don’t draw in your book. don’t write on the desks.
3. 感叹句:what a nice/beautiful/lovely/pretty/big/small ...(物)!
4. 在书/本上用in, 在桌上用on. 为某人: for … .
*6. 一(玻璃)杯…:a glass of … 一(茶)杯…:a cup of …
一瓶:a bottle of …  一盒…:a carton of …
*7. 做(某事)的时间到了:it’s time to + 动词(词组).
  it’s time for + 名词 .
/ l / ruler lion blue colour long glove eleven close sleepy glass
/m/ bookmark umbrella classroom computer small mother
/n/ pencil notebook lion green jeans ----teen hundred name new
/p/ shop purse tape puppet pair pretty open up happy panda
/ r / ruler rubber read rabbit running
/s/ storybook sweater small scarf six skirt sit thirsty seven sofa
/ t / photo tiger water bottle tv computer puppet ---teen ---ty
/ v / tv five seven twelve vest violin

牛津4a unit 6-10知识点 来自。 12


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