【unit】Unit 5 Review and check 教案

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-05 网络整理 晴天


一、 单元教学要求:
1. 通过复习,要求学生能比较熟练地听、说、读、写所学过的词汇和句型。
2. 能综合运用所学的日常交际用语和三会句型。
二、 单元教学重、难点:
1. 巩固和复习学过的四会单词和句子
2. 能熟练运用日常交际用语。
一、 教学要求:
1. 复习there’s/there are … . 句型。
2. 复习he/she cannot… .句型。
二、 教学重、难点:
1. 学会运用can的否定式
2. 区分比较并能正确运用there be … .句型。
三、 课前准备:
1. 教具准备: 教学挂图、实物、句型卡片
2. 板书准备:预先写好课题 unit5 review and check
四、 教学过程:
step 1
step 2
step 3
step 4
homework 1. free talk
2、say a rhyme «halloween»
3、let’s check. unit4  f、do a survey
1. review the sentence  : there is / are … .
t: how many buildings are there in the school?
t: how many boys are there in the classroom?
t: are there any theaters in suzhou?
t: what’s in the desk?
比较说明:have  has 的区别,它们也解释为“有”,但通常用于:某人有… .
e.g. 1. i have a toy panda.  2. he has a nice watch.
2. review the sentence: 以can cannot 引导的句型
t: what can you do?
t: can you sing?
t: he/she can sing.
t: can you dance?
t: he/she cannot dance.
3. 创设情景,利用图片,操练句型
t: there is not a pen.
 he cannot write the words.
t: there are not any storybooks.
she cannot read.
板书句型:there is not a … .
there are not any … .
he /she cannot … .
4. look at the book
part a look, read and write
1)read these sentences
2)according to the pictures, choose the correct sentences.
3)look at these pictures, then read the answers.
1. using this structure, make sentences.
2. 扩散练习,复习否定句。
先找出am  is  are   do  does  can + not 构成。
3. do some exercises.
1) he is a student.
2) i can draw a dog.
3) we have hats.
4) i think they are in the classroom.
5) there is some paper in the desk.
6) there are two women under the tree.
1、复习本课句型, 创设情景,自编对话
3、复习否定句的构成,并完成练习 ss answer the questions from t.
s: there’re  … .
s: there’re  … .
s: yes, there are
s: there’s… .
s: i can … .
s: yes, i can.
s: no, i can’t.
ss read.
板书:  unit5 review and check
          there is not a … .
          there are not any … .
          he /she cannot … .

1. 复习where’re … ?
they’re in / on / behind / between / beside … .
2. 复习巩固四会单词 、句子和方位词的正确用法。1234
1. 熟练运用介词短语以及相关句型
2. 区分where is /are … ?以及相应的回答
it’s … . they’re … .
1. 教具准备:教学挂图、词组卡片、文具用品、盒子等实物
2. 板书准备:unit 5 review and check
step 1
step 2
step 3
step 4
homework free talk
利用there be 句型复习介词短语
t: there is a pencil on the desk.
  there is not a ruler in the pencil-box , etc.
1. 利用实物复习句型:
t: where’s my pencil?
t: where’s the blackboard?
2. play a game:
3. look at the book. p40利用教学挂图,通过六幅图展示了一条鱼成为猫的美餐的过程,师生问答:
picture 1. t: where’s the fish?
    picture 2. t: where is the fish?           
picture 3. t: where is the fish?
picture 4. t: where is the fish>
     picture 5. t: where is the fish?
   picture 6. t: where is the fish?
1. 学生do pair work. 两人一组结合图片问答.
2. 这些in, on, behind, 等表示位置的词属于介词,在英语中介词很多,主要还用于表示时间、地点、原因、方式等。
e.g.  — at 在(某一点),在(某物)旁
        at the shop 在商店里
        at the desk 在桌子旁
     — on 在…之上(尤指在某物的表面),悬挂…
        on the wall 在墙上
        (some apples) on the plate (一些苹果)在盘子里
     — in 在…(一般指一个范围)里
        in china 在中国
        in the park 在公园里
       — after 在…后面(“追赶”、“追随”的意思)
         — behind 在…后面
        behind the house 在房子的后面
     — near 在…附近
        near your house 在你房子附近
     — under 在…下方,在…下面
        under the table 在桌子下面
4. do some exercises.
(1)在周六      (2)在学校里            
(3)在家里         (4)在街上              
(5)在学校附近        (6)在你卧室里           1234
1. 复习介词、介词短语及相关句型
ss make a sentences like that.
s: it’s on the desk.
s: it’s on the wall.
s1: where’s … ?
s全体:is it … ?
s1: it’s … .
s: it’s in the water.
s: it’s behind the duck.
s: it’s in the basket.
s: it’s on the plate
s: it’s near the cat.
it’s in the cat’s mouth.
ss listen.
3. 让学生利用文具用品等实物互相问答
  where is/are … ?
  it’s /they’re … .
板书: unit 5  review and check
where is the fish?

巩固复习 do you like … ?
         yes, i do. / no, i don’t.
         what do you like?
         i like … .
         can you … ?
1.区别比较句型do you like … ?
   what do you like? 及相应的回答。
2.板书准备:预先写好unit 5  review and check
step 1
step 2
step 3
look, read and complete.
step 4
step 5
homework free talk.
a): is there a … in/on/behind/under the … ?
b): yes, there is . /no, there isn’t.
a): are there any … in/on/behind/under the … ?
b): yes, there are . /no, there aren’t.
a): where is/are the … ?
b): it’s /they’re … .
1. 利用实物或图片,复习句型
t: do you like model cars?
t: do you like dogs?
t: do you like swimming?
t: what do you like ?
t: can you make a cake?
t: what can you do?
t: shall we go to the park?
2. look at the book
1) look an the pictures, then read and complete the dialogues. (注意单复数的句型结构)
2) check the answers. read it together.
  讲解1.put … in   2.put … on   3.shall we … ?
3) act the dialogue. (use some masks.)
1、do a survey. 调查班中同学
favorite sport
2. 扩散练习,复习一般疑问句
1) 找出be 动词、can 或利用助动词do, does
2) 把上述动词提前
3) 句号变问号
4) 降调变升调
3. do some exercises
1) i am a nurse.
2) i like dolls.
3) she can play the violin.
4) he has matches.
5) he is sitting on the football.
6) she has a pot.
7) there are some pictures on the wall.
8) they like cats.
1. 复习一般疑问句及肯、否定的构成
仿照课文part c对话内容自编一段话。 ss can make the same dialog too.1234
s: yes, i do. / no, i don’t.
s: yes, i do. / no, i don’t
s: yes, i do. / no, i don’t.
s: i like ….
s: yes, i can. / no, i can’t.
s: i can ….
s: ok.
do pair work. talk about each other.
1) favorite sports
use structure: do you like … ?
e.g. do you like swimming?
use structure: what do you like … ?
i like … ?
2) ability
use structure: can you … ?
what can you do?
板书:unit 5  review and check
do you like … ?
yes, i do. / no, i don’t.
what do you like ?
i like … .
can you … ?
yes, i can. / no, i can’t.

一、 教学要求:
巩固和复习句型: can you see … in the picture?
                 yes, i can.
how many …are there?
there’s / there are … .
where is it /are they?
it’s / they’re … .
二、 教学重、难点:
三、 课前准备:
1. 教具准备:教学挂图、 句型卡片
2. 板书准备:预先写好unit 5 review and check.
四、 教学过程:
step 1
step 2
step 3
step 4
 free talk
t: do you like … ?
t: what do you like ?
t: can you … ?
t: what can you do?
look and talk
1. look at the pictures carefully.
2. 按由近及远或由左到右的顺序,于学生问答:
t: can you see ducks in the picture?
t: how many ducks are there?
t: where are they?
3. do pair work.
4. ask some students to act.
5. 以小组抢答形式操练其它几幅图,要求正确, 并且不能重复。
1、出示课前预先画好的图片,如:大楼示意图、卧室图等,用  can you see …? how many …are there? where is it /are they? 等句型进行扩展对话。
讲解特殊疑问句的构成,以及举例有哪些特殊疑问句,e.g. what  who  where …,etc.及这些特殊疑问词运用的场合。
1) she’s miss li.
2) they’re some big watermelons.
3) it’s  seven o’clock now.
4) they’re  in the teachers’office.
5) they’re gao shan’s.
6) not so good.
7) let’s go there by car.
8) my grandfather is eighty.
9) i’d like four kilos pears, please.
10) they’re fifty yuan, please.
11) the one in black.
12) she can ski.
13) he is swimming.
14) it is an oval.
15) she has a blanket.
16) we have some flowers.
17) i like pe.
18) he has six lessons on monday.
19) it’s sunday.
20) lucy’s shoes are brown.
1. 完成«练习册»上的练习
s: yes, i do . / no , i don’t.
s: i like … .
s: yes, i can. / no, i can’t.
s: i can…
s: yes, i can.
s: there’re three.
s: they’re in the river.
unit 5  review and check
can you see … in the picture ?
yes, i can. / no, i can’t.
how many … are there ?
there’s /there are … .
where is it ?/ where are they ?
it’s … . / they’re… .

unit 5 review and check 教案 来自。 1234


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