[5a景区]5A Unit 1 The first day at school

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-05 网络整理 晴天


一、 教学内容
二、 教学目标
1. 认知目标:
能正确地听、说、读词汇 first,term, of, back, each other,building,reading room,table tennis room
能听、说、读、写句型is there a…?yes,there is./no,there isn"t. are there any…?yes,there are?/no,there arent"t.how many… are there?there are…能正确地理解掌握对话内容,并能朗读,复述对话。
it is the first day of…
they are happy to see each other. glad to see you.
i"m not sure. 
2. 功能目标:学会用本课句型描述自己的学校。
3. 情感目标:在学习的过程中加深学生对学校的了解并激发学生爱校的情感。
三、 教学重点
四、 教学难点
五、 教学准备
1.a部分的教学图片。 2.板书。
六、 教学过程
step 1  free talk and lead in
新授first,be happy to,each other ,be  back
(1) t:hello everyone,i am miss tang .i am  happy to see you!what’s your name?
和一些学生对话,让学生会说i am  happy to see you!
t:oh i’m happy to see you!  are  you happy to see me?
s:yes, we  are  happy to see you !
t: we are happy to see each other!
用手势作出彼此的动作,让学生明白each other是彼此的意思。
(2) t:hello. how are you,…? are you happy today? why?
t:i’m  very happy today,because i am the first day  to come to your school!yes?
s: yes.
t:do you know “first”? gess!(做手势让学生理解) 叫学生回答后出示课件,让学生进一步理解。
t:who can use “first”make  some phrases.for example”the first lesson.
s:… (学生回答完后课件出示一些词组)
t:are you the first day at school?
s:no.(卡片出示课题the first day at school)
t:unit 1 is the first unit .
(3)t:it is a new term. 学习term,课件出示,注重发音。
all the students are back at school.学习词组be back.
(4)t:hello,everyone,please look at the picture  listen carefully and tell me what do you listen? 将这部分的主要词组在课件上出示,听完录音后,让学生尽可能的复述课文内容。
   it is the first day of the new term. all the students are back at school. they are happy to see each other again.
step 2 presentation and new teaching
复习句型there is a\an…  there are some …
新授单词 a table tennis room,a reading room,building
新授句型is there a…?yes,there is./no,there isn"t. are there any…?yes,there are?/no,there arent"t.how many… are there?there are…
(1)t:nancy’s school is very beautiful,but i think your school is more beautiful.look,the classroom is clean and bright.do you want to tell me what’s in your classroom?让学生利用there be…句式来介绍自己的班级。12
t:i see.it is really beautiful.now i will ask you some questions.please listen carefully.
利用老师问,引出is there a…?are there any(用语一般疑问句和否定句中)…?
在教授are there any …时要强调some 的变化。
(2)t:today i have some presents.do you want to get them?
t:you can ask me use “is there a…? or are there any…?
(3)将糖果放在其中一盒子里,让学生触摸,猜对后即问“how many sweets are there in the box? 数完后用there are … 来回答。
(4)放些乒乓球让学生摸,问what’s in the box ?
s:there are some table tennises in the box.
t: how many table tennises are there in box?
t:do you like playing table tennise?
t:where do you play?引出a table tennis room。
t:how many table tennis rooms are there in your school?
s:there are…
t:hello ,do you like reanding ?
s:yes ,i like reading .
t:where do you read?引出a reading room.
t:are there any reading rooms in your school?
t:look, there is a new building.it’s very tall. so ,there are a lot of rooms in it. 提示a lot of 等于lots of . 
how many classrooms are there? 让学生自由猜测。 there are ….(课件显示答案twenty-four classrooms)
t: are there any reading rooms in the building?
s: yes. there are two reading rooms.
t: is there a table tennis room?
s: yes, there is.
t: are there any other classrooms?
老师可补充训练一些词汇:computer room, art room, music room, infirmary等。
step 4  consolidation
(1) 听录音回答问题
is it the first day of the new term?
are the students happy to see each other again?
is it a new building?
how many classrooms are there in the building?
what rooms are there?
(3)sing a song
step 5 assign homework(可使用课件)
七、  blackboard design
                    unit 1  the first day at school         
the first day of the new term           back at school         
happy to see each other again           new building         
       is there a…?yes,there is./no,there isn"t.
are there any…?yes,there are?/no,there arent"t.
5a unit 1 the first day at school 来自。 12


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