5a景区_5A Unit 9 Shapes

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-04 网络整理 晴天


ⅰ.teaching content :
fun with english 5a unit 9 shapes
period 1:
ⅱ.teaching aims:
1.linguistic aim:
a:enable pupils to command the new words : a circle , a square , a diamond , a rectangle , a triangle , a star
b:enable pupils to command the patterns : what shape is the …? i t’s a …
2.ability aim:
develop pupils’ ability of speaking , reading and listening .
3.emotional aims :
a: cultivate pupils’ sense of communication with others and cooperation in the activity .
b: encourage students to speak english and take interest in learning english .
ⅲ . teaching difficulties and teaching importance:
    the use of the new pattern : “what shape is the …? it’s a …” in communication .
ⅳ .teaching methods :
   tpr ; cai ; task – based approach .
ⅴ.teaching preparations :
1.some different shapes .
2.some things of different shapes .
ⅵ . teaching procedures : 
step1. warm up
1、sing a song : twinkle, twinkle, little star
2、greetings: t:hello, boys andgirls!
ss: hello, miss cao!
t: nice to meet you!
ss: nice tomeet you, too!
step2. lead-in
t: boys and girls, doyou like english?
ss: yes, we do.
t: what can you do? (可提示:canyou …?)
oh, you can …, but i can draw. i can draw many pictures .
 2. lead in .
t: what can you see in these pictures?
s1: i can see many shapes. (若学生答不出,帮助学生说shapes,从而引出单词shape的教学,出示单词卡 shape 形状 )
学生齐读shape,开火车读(师作朗读指导 she /shape)
t: today, we’ll learn unit 9 shapes. (齐读课题,板书) (通过freetalk引出四会单词 shape的教学,并揭题)
step 3 presentation
1、  circle
t: now let’s learn some shapes. look, what shape is it?(出示circle)
师手拿单词卡片,领读单词 circle, circle(ss read row by row)
t: what’s this in english?( 手拿一钟)
s2: it’s a clock
t:whatshape is it?
s2: it’s a circle.
t: good, can you say circle, circle, the clock is a circle?
s2: circle, circle, the clockis a circle.
t: very good, i’ll give you a star.(并请该生跟师读一读,astar) 再请全班同学说一说。
2、  triangle
t: i have three pencils, boys and girls can you make a shape? come here and show us how to do it.
t: what shape is it?
 s3: it’s a triangle.
t:(出示riangle, 学生跟读两遍 师领读手拿单词卡 注意音标)
 师做手势,请学生跟读, tri- tri -tri-angle -angle–angle, triangle, triangle
t:what’s this?(师出示大三角尺的刻度边)123
s4: it’s rule.
t: what shape is it?
s4:it’s a triangle.
t: good, can you say triangle, triangle, the ruler is a triangle?
 s4:triangle, triangle, the ruler is a triangle.
t: very good, you can get a star, too.(同样请该生读一读 a star )
3、  square
t:( 事先准备好一个由正方形折得的三角形,师手拿该图形)
what shape is it?(展开再 问)
s5: it’s a square.(贴黑板上)(学生若答不出,请学生问老师,提前出示句型
what shape is it ? (pass and say) 出示该单词,教读。
(学生操练ask and answer one by one, group by group)
t: i have a box, what shape is it?
 s6:it’s a square.
 t: so we can say: square, square, the box is asquare. 4、  rectangle
t: (拿长方形) is it a square? is it a triangle?
s7: no, it’s a rectangle.
t: look, what can you find?(贴黑板上)下方出示angle, 角,角落,请学生跟读2遍,
ask: what shape is it?
ss: it’s a rectangle.
师做手势,请学生跟读, rec- rec -rec- tangle-tangle–tangle, rectangle, rectangle
t: can you find some rectangles in our classroom?
(师适当提示:i can find, look, the window is a rectangle.)
(请全班学生问:what shape is the …? 贴板书)
s8:the … is a rectangle.
指名答,答完一齐说rectangle. rectangle. the …is a rectangle.(说的过程中奖star)
5、  diamond
t: what shape is it?
s9:it’s a diamond. 教读单词,音标 (出示几样实物操练)学生ask and answer(奖 star)
6、  star
(t直接出示单词卡片)what shape is it?
s10: it’s a star.
 t: do you have any stars?
ss: yes.
t: please show me your stars and say star.(要求拼读)
说句子: star, star, the star is a star.
step4.practise .
  t: look carefully . i point it , and you should say it quickly .
2、t: i can give you some letters , you can make a word .
     give me a …/an…
3、 guess the shape .
1)t: i have awatch, guess, what shape is it?(请一生回答)
2)t:i have a purse,guess, what shape is it? (钱包中装有一些cards, stamps, money
先问一元硬币,复习circle, then ask the cards, stamps and the money渗透图形的复数形式,they’re all rectangles.)
3) t: i have a pencil sharpener, guess, what shape isit?
4) t:i know you also have some things .who can ask
step 5 : consolidation .
1.t: today , we have learned some shapes . i use these shapes to draw some pictures .123
look , how many …s are there ? let’s count .
(用以前所学的how many 句型来操练今天所学的形状类单词,注意了新旧知识的结合)
2.you can use these shapes to draw many shapes .
step 6 : blackboard design .
 unit 9  shapes
     what shape is it ?   a circle  a rectangle
     it’s a …     a trianglea star
    a square a diamond

本课的课题是shapes, 对象是五年级的学生。鉴于五年级的学生已经有了一定的动手能力和自主思维能力, 我在这堂课中设置了不少同桌协作和动手操作的环节, 以次提高学生的合作能力和独立思考的能力,并尽量使所学知识与实际靠拢, 尽可能多的利用实物进行单词和句型的操练。整节课的宗旨是, 将说的机会尽量让给学生。除了一些必要的示范, 我通过暗示,引导等方法让学生尽可能多说,多思考,多表现,有效地激发了他们学习的热情和表现的欲望,并很大程度上锻炼扩展了他们的思维,并在一定程度上提高了他们的动手能力。很好的体现了小学英语兴趣性活动型和生活性的原则,在实施教学的过程中充分体现学生是学习的主体,调动了学生的积极性。

5a unit 9 shapes 来自。 123


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