牛津小学英语5a电子课本|牛津小学英语5A Unit 8 A camping trip教案

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-03 网络整理 晴天


period:the first period (part b&c&d&h)                        dec.3rd     
aims:1。structures: you have…and i have…     what does he/she have?
                        we have…and they have….  he/she has…. 
2. function: using words and expressions correctly to describe what things they have, when having a camping trip.
language focus: personal pronouns and verbs in declarative sentences and special questions.
aids: a tape-recorder, courseware, some objects.
procedures            contents           methods   
1. pre-task  preparation   1. song  ps: sing a song “what are you doing?”
                       2. question.     t: what is the telephone doing?
ps: give the answer.
3. free talk.     t: what are the children doing?
ps: answer the question according to the picture. (computer)
4. the scene of nature. ps: enjoy the beauty of nature.
2. while-task procedure    1. introduction: when i am going on a camping trip, i have some things for it. t: show the pictures and tell ss what things i have.                                                             2. the words: a tent, a telescope, a tin-opener, a pot, a stove, a blanket, a towel.
ps: look at the picture and learn the words one by one.
t: explain the usage of the seven things for a camping trip. “i use the tent for sleeping and resting. the telescope is used to watching and looking for the beautiful scene.” ps: get an idea of them in brief.
3. chant.         ps: say a chant.
                blanket, blanket, i have a blanket.
                pot, pot, we have a pot.
               you have a blanket, and they have a pot.123
4. game.         t: let’s play a game. “what else do i have? here are six bags. guess what i have in the bags.” ps: choose a bag and guess what things i have.
5. further study: the other words. t: present the other words: a hat, a coat, a water bottle, a tin of fish, some bread, some apples. they are related to the camping trip.
6. sentence structure. i have…what do you have? t: i have so many things. what do you have? ps: show their toys.
7. work in pairs. you have…and i have…ps: do the pair work.
8. work in groups. we have…and they have…ps: do the group work.
9. further study.(the third personal pronoun singular form) t: present the grammar of language point.
10.  ask and answer. what does he have? he has…what does she have? she has…
t: look at the pictures (computer) and answer my questions. ps: answer.
3. post-task activities   1.do some exercise: read, talk and write.
a short passage: mr. black, mrs. black and their children, nancy and david, are at the camping site. it is near a hill. mrs. black has a big basket. there is some fruit in it. mr. black has a bag. there are some food and drinks in it. they put the fruit, food and drinks on a blanket. then they sit down and have their lunch.
1 where is the camping site?                 it is ________a hill.
2 who are at the camping site?        _________________________________.
3 what does mrs. black have?         she ______________________________.
4 what’s in the basket?                  there ______ some ________.
5 what does mr. black have?            he _________a ___________.
6 what’s in the bag?               there _______ some________ and _____.
7 what are they doing now?          they ______   _______ their _________.
8 do you like going camping?       ___________, i  ________.
2. give the results.
3. sing a song and make a new one. ps: sing a song“what do you have?”,and try to make new ones.
assignment    1. copy the new words twice of part b.
2. look for more things for a camping trip. e.g. medicine, tools…123
board writing            unit 8  a camping trip
a tent,                     what do you/they have?
a telescope,                 i/we/they have…
a tin-opener,                what does he/she have?
a pot,                      he/she has…
a stove,
a blanket,
a towel.
teacher’s reflection    
本节课的主要内容是有关于野营的七个单词(a tent, a telescope, a tin-opener, a pot, a stove, a blanket, a towel.)和关于“have”的句型(what do you have? i have…you have…and i have…we have…and they have…what does he have? he has…what does she have? she has…)。首先,由图片引出a camping trip,再引出单词,教授发音和拼法。接着操练句型,从第一,二人称过渡到第三人称单数形式,先同桌对话,再小组形式,最后通过练习巩固本课所学的知识。在教学过程中,我发现学生的活动没有开展到位,对于新授内容的接受速度较缓慢;在操练关于第三人称单数作主语的句型中,我没有给予学生充分的时间。最后的练习是阅读理解,内容对于学生来说有一定的难度。总之,这节课的容量较大,课后还须多花些时间巩固。
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