[unit]Unit 8 A camping trip教学设计

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-03 网络整理 晴天


一、教学内容:《牛津小学英语》5a unit 8 a camping trip
教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词a telescope, a tin-opener, a pot, a stove, a blanket, a towel
   2. 能听懂、会说、会读并熟练运用句型:i have…/you have…/we have…/they have…和what do you have/ what do they have?
   3. 会唱歌曲what do you have?
   4. 能将i have…/you have…/we have…/they have…和what do you have/ what do they have? 句型运用到实际场景中去。
二、教学重点:1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词a telescope, a tin-opener, a pot, a stove, a blanket, a towel
   2. 能听懂、会说、会读并熟练运用句型:i have…/you have…/we have…/they have…和what do you have/ what do they have?
三、教学难点:能将i have…/you have…/we have…/they have…和what do you have/ what do they have? 句型运用到实际场景中去。
四、课前准备:多媒体课件,单词图片,开罐器,毛巾等实物;写好课题unit8 a camping trip
step 1 free talk
t: hello, boys and girls, let’s speak english. hi, s1, how are you today?
s1: fine thank you and you?
t: fine, thank you. i like fruit, do you like fruit?
s1: yes, i do.
t: i like oranges, what do you like?
s1: i like…, i like… what do you like?
t: s3, i like pandas, what do you like?
s3: i like…, i like… what do you like?
t: s5: i like chocolate, what do you like?
s5: i like…, i like… what do you like?
s6: i like…
t: i like singing, what do you like?
s7: i like…, i like… what do you like?
s8: i like…
s9: i like…, miss chen, what do you like?
t: i like going camping.
设计意图[通过free talk营造出一个良好的英语学习氛围,每个小组讨论一个主题,通过操练i like… what do you like? 这样的句型的chain-work也顺利过渡到今天的新授内容。]
step 2 presentation
1.learn the title
t: look at the screen, “camping”
ss: learn: camping
t: “trip”
ss: learn: trip
t: a camping trip(课件出示a camping trip野营旅行)
ss: a camping trip
ss: chain-exercise
2.learn the new words
t: (课件出示野营场景图,教师背上旅行包)i’m going camping now, but what do i need for a camping trip?
t: (课件呈现一些物品让学生判断)do i need a duck?
ss: no.
t: a pumpkin?
ss: no.
t: what do i need? (背包中拿出望远镜)i need a telescope.
s1: 试着读出telephone
t: 引导学生读出telescope
ss: practice “telescope”
t: we need a telescope for a camping trip, but i want eat something. en…i’d like to eat a fish, do you like it?
ss: yes.
ss: fish123
t: [i] fish
ss: [i] fish
t: but the fish is so big, i can put it in a …(课件出示tin图片,引导学生读出单词)
ss: practice “tin”
t: look, a tin of fish(出示下实物)
ss: practice “a tin of fish”
t: i want to open it, but it so hard.(做出很难打开的样子)how can i open it? i can use a tin-opener
ss: practice “a tin-opener”
(课件呈现一个小chant)open, open, a tin-opener, open, open, open the tin.
ss: practice the chant.
t: i need a tin-opener to open the tin, and i need this one to cook rice. (课件呈现pot图片)try to read these words first.(课件呈现单词dog, lot, box, hot)
ss: dog, lot, box, hot
t: how to read this one?
ss: practice “pot”
t: i have a pot now, but there is no stove. (课件呈现stove图片)try to read these words first.(课件呈现单词student, stand, close, open)
ss: student, stand, close, open
t: how to read this one?
ss: practice “stove”
t: what else in my bag? oh, there is a blanket
ss: practice “blanket”
t: i have a blanket, and i have a towel. (课件呈现单词how, brown, flower)
ss: how, brown, flower
t: how to read this one?
ss: practice “towel”
step 3 consolidation
1.review the words.
t: let’s read the new words
2.play a game “magic eyes”
3.read and judge
设计意图[这部分我通过齐读单词,游戏 “magic eyes”和read and judge这3个活动来操练新学的有关野营的单词,从单纯的读单词,正确掌握单词的读音和意思,到这些单词的常识性运用,让学生有完整的认知过程,掌握知识更牢固。]
step 4 presentation
1. learn the sentences
t: i have a tin-opener and you have a telescope, shall we go camping?
s10: ok, let’s go.
s10: i have a telescope, and you have a towel, shall we go camping?
s11: good idea.
(板书:i have… and you have…)
ss: chain-exercise.
t: we have a tin-opener and a telescope; they have a towel and a blanket, let’s go camping
s11&s12: ok. let’s go.
(板书:we have… and they have…)
ss: chain-exercise.
2. ask and answer
t: look at the screen, let’s practice the pictures
ss: practice the pictures
t: ask some groups to show the dialogues.
step 5 short break
1.let’s chant
t: (课件出示chant)let’s chant with me123
ss: chant with teacher.
ss: chant together.
2. play a game “magic box”
3. let’s sing
t&ss: sing the song
设计意图[通过chant, game和sing a song的活动来调节课堂气氛,将学生放入一个轻松的学习氛围中,调动了学生的视觉、听觉来参与学习,让学生的注意力完全集中到学习中,有效的突破了教学中的难点。]
step 6 activity
t: boys and girls, halloween is coming soon, it’s just on next wednesday, what do we need for a halloween party?
s13: we need some masks
s14: we need…
t: let’s talk about halloween, christmas, ben’s birthday and a camping trip. what do we need for these? let’s do the activity. find the things we need for these parties and try to use the sentences we learn today “ i have…and you have… we have…and they have…”, “what do you have? what do they have?” let’s have a…party” let’s start.
ss: (6人一组进行活动)
t: let’s have a performance
ss: performance(学生展示活动成果)
step 7 assign homework
1.listen to the tape and copy the new words.
2.make a dialogue about camping trip with your classmates.
unit 8 a camping trip

what do you have?                  i have… and you have…             what do they have?                 we have… and they have…

christmas学生帖图展示halloween学生帖图展示ben’s birthday学生帖图展示a camping trip学生帖图展示

unit 8 a camping trip教学设计 来自。 123


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