5a景区|5A Unit7 After school第一课时(B、C、D部分)

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-03 网络整理 晴天


能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a newspaper, a picture book, chess, play with
能听懂、会说、会读词组read a magazine, play with a yo-yo, play with marbles
能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型is he/she doing…? no, he/she is not. he/she is…are they doing…?no, they aren’t. they are…
is he/she doing…? no, he/she is not. he/she is…
are they doing is he/she doing…? no, he/she is not. he/she is…
are they doing…?no, they aren’t. they are… ?no, they aren’t. they are… 的运用。
step 1 revision
1. motivation
sing the song “ what are you doing?”
2. catch an eye: show the pictures of activities learnt in units 3 & 6:
ask: what is he/she doing? what are they doing?
3. t: what can you do? what can he/she do?
ss: i can…he/she can…
t: do you like swimming/skating, etc?
ss: yes, i do.no, i don’t. i like…
step 2 a game
t: ask a student to come over to the teacher’s desk, ask him to make actions: sing a song without any sounds.
what is he doing?
ss: is he …?
t: yes, he is. no, he’s not. he’s…
ss make other actions and the others guess.
step 3presentation
1. t: show the ss a newspaper and ask: what’s this? it’s a newspaper.
se the same way to teach the ss: read a picture book
2. t: show the ss a yo-yo: what’s this in english?
ss: it’s a yo-yo.
t: can you play with a yo-yo?
ss: yes, i can.
t: come and show us how to play with a yo-yo.
what is he doing?
ss: he’s playing with a yo-yo.
t: show some marbles: what are these? they are some marbles.
do you like playing with marbles?
s: yes, i do.
t: come here and play with marbles.
is he playing with a yo-yo?
ss: no, he’s not. he’s playing with marbles.
把用play with的词组放到一起进行教学,便于操练和学生掌握。
3. t: show the ss a box of cards: look, here’s a box of cards. can you play with cards?
two students: no, we can’t.
t: what can you do?
ss: we can play chess.
t: show a box of chess: look, here’s a box of chess too. come and play here.
are they playing cards?
ss: no, they aren’t. they are playing chess.
step 4practice
1. t: show the ss small pieces of paper with different names on one side, and actions the other side, let the ss guess.
what is ...doing?
ss: is he /she….?
t: look, no, he’s/she’s not. he’s/she’s…
ss: are they …?
t: look, no, they aren’t. they are…
2. t: show the pictures of part c.
ss make up dialogues as above in pairs, then show the others how to talk about the pictures.
step 5homework
1. copy the new words and phrases
2. practice the new dialogues and sentence drills.

unit 7after school
a: is he sitting on a volleyball?
b: no, he’s not. he’s sitting on a basketball.
a: are they playing cards?
b: no, they aren’t. they are playing …

新课程标准积极倡导学生相互间的合作。在学习活动中,学生既有同桌间 的合作学习,又有小组间的合作表演。在活动中,学生有情感的引入有内在动力的支持,积极运用各种学习策略,使学生在语言学习的过程中,主动思维,乐于探究,大胆实践,创造性地学习知识,形成了积极的学习态度和学习习惯。全班进行游戏操练时现在进行时的一般疑问句的问答不仅为小组分开练习作好句型限制,防止学生练习出题。同时为学生小组操练提供了热情,让每个学生都能在全班游戏操练没机会参加的遗憾中走出来,到小组中去感受活动的气氛,去熟练现在进行时的一般疑问句的问答的实际运用,实现综合语言运用能力的培养。]

5a unit7 after school第一课时(b、c、d部分) 来自。 12


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