【牛津小学英语5a电子课本】牛津小学英语5A Unit3 At a Music lesson教学案例

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-03 网络整理 晴天


一、教学内容:牛津小学英语 5a  unit3 part a  
(1)能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:learn, sing, dance, together, start .  
(2)能比较熟练地掌握句型:can you…? yes, i(we) can. / no, i (we) can’t.   
(3)能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:listen to … , please. now , follow me, please. yes. / ok. / all right. let’s sing it together.  
1. free talk and revision  
1) greetings  
2) t: today there are a lot of teachers in our classroom. can you see them?  
  ss: yes, we can. (引导生答)  
  t: can you sing the song “in the classroom” for the teachers?  
  ss: yes, we can.  
  板书:yes, we can. (领读三遍)  
2. presentation and drill    
1)t: listen to the tape and sing together.  
  ss:(sing the song together)  
  t: you can sing and i can dance. (师做舞蹈动作)  
  出示单词 dance  
2)t: can you dance?  
  s1: yes, i can.或no, i can’t. (引导生答)  
  板书:yes, i can.和no, i can’t.(各领读三遍)  
3) ask some students “ can you …?”using the words and phrases they learnt.  
  such as: swim/ skate/ ski/ cook/ sing / dance  
          play basketball/ football/ table tennis  
          play the piano/violin/guitar  
  (此环节旨在操练句型can you…?的答句 yes, i can. / no, i can’t.)  
4)guessing game:  
t: look at this picture, who is he?(show the picture of zhou jielun)  
  s1:he is jay.  
  t: clever.  
  t: i’m not miss yin, i’m jay.  guess: what can i do?  
who can ask me?  
s1: can you…?  
t: yes, i can. / no, i can’t.  
(同法依次出示姚明、杨丽萍、菲尔普斯、杨阳等明星照,让学生猜,旨在操练句型yes, i can. / no, i can’t.的问句:can you…?)  
5)the students ask and answer in pairs, using the sentences “can you…? yes, i can. / no, i can’t.”  
6) t: christina, xx can sing, xx can dance, xxx can cook.  
what can you do ?  
  christina: i can play the violin.  
  t: really? do it at once.  
  christina: (play at once)  123
  t: wonderful! this present is for you.  
  christina: thank you.  
  t: christina can play the violin. what can you do, xxx?  
  s: i can…  
板书句型: what can you do ?  
           i can…            
7)discuss in groups and complete the form. (四人一组)

   name     activity                          

(此环节旨在操练句型what can you do ? i can…)  
 after discussion, ask one member of the team to sum up.  
8) 有奖竞答游戏  
 t: boys and girls , i can sing, i can dance , i can also make flowers.  
   look, there are many beautiful flowers in my hand, each flower has a bookmark. if you can answer the questions on the bookmark, you’ll get the flower and the flower. who wants to have a try?  
a.can you sing the song “two jackets”?  
b.can you sing “color song?”  
c.can you sing “ in the classroom?”  
d.what can you sing?  
e.can you sing the song “ we can sing and dance”?  
(书签上的问题与本节课a部分内容密切相关,也为师教授歌曲“ we can sing and dance”作好铺垫。)   
3.read and say  
(1)t: can you sing the song “ we can sing and dance”?  
  ss: no, we can’t.  
  t: shall we learn the song “ we can sing and dance” now?  
  ss: yes.  
  t: listen to the song, please.  
  ss: ok.  
  t: now, follow me, please.  
  ss:( sing after the teacher)  
  t: can you sing it now?  
  ss: yes, we can.  
  t: good. let’s sing it together.  
  ss: (sing together)  
 (2)t: you did a good job. you can sing, can ben sing? (手拿头饰)  
now listen to the tape, and answer the questions:  
1.can ben sing?  
2.what can ben do?  
(3) t: ( check the answer)  
(4) read after the tape  
(5) read by themselves  
(6) ask some students to act the dialogue.  
t: do you like having a pe/ an art lesson?  
ss: yes , we do.  
t: think about your pe/ art lesson, try to make dialogues like this.  
出示幻灯片:a task: think about your pe/ art lesson, try to make dialogues like this:  123
t: boys and girls, can you …?  
ss: no, we can’t.  
t: what can you do?  
s1:i can …  
s2: i can…  
s3: i can…  
t: shall we learn …?  
t: now, follow me , please.  
ss: all right.  
t: can you…,now?  
ss: yes, we can .  
t: let’s … together.  
ss: all right.  
2. do a survey: 2008 北京奥林匹克运动会刚刚胜利落下帷幕,请上网查查自己喜欢的奥运冠军,除了会自己擅长的体育项目,他们还会其他什么运动项目,写在笔记本上,准备下节课为全班作汇报。  
unit3  at  a  music  lesson  
   can you(你们)…?   can you (你)…?  
   yes, we can.  yes, i can./ no, i can’t.  
   no, we can’t. what can you do?  
 i can…  
英语歌曲是提高学生英语学习兴趣和学习效率的有效方法之一。“in the classroom”这首歌曲动听悦耳,既能感染学生,调动学生的情绪,又能复习前一个单元的there be句型。   


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