[5a景区]5A Unit 2 A new house

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-03 网络整理 晴天


一 教学要求:
1 能听懂、会说、会读、会写live,a study,a bedroom,large, beside, a wall, behind ,a bed, under, between,a door。
2 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型
what"s in/on/under/beside/behind/between...?there"s/there isn"t a/an...  there are some/aren"t any ...
3 能听懂、会说、会读 i live in a new house now. they like the ... very much. here is a/an ... for you.  here are some ...for you.
4 了解元音字母a在单词中的会读音。
5 会诵会读歌谣 do you like my house?
二、 教学重点:
1 能听懂、会说、会读、会写live, study, a bedroom,large, beside , a wall, behind, bed, under, between, door。
2 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型 what"s in/on/under/beside/ behind/between...? there"s /there isn"t a/an... there are some/aren"t any...
1 能听懂、会说、会读、会写live, study, a bedroom,large, beside , a wall, behind, bed, under, between, door。
2 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型 what"s in/on/under/beside/ behind/between...? there"s /there isn"t a/an... there are some/aren"t any...
四、 单元课时: 六课时。
1 教学内容: read and say(on page 14) , look read and learn.
2 能听懂、会说、会读、会写 live, a bedroom,a bathroom, a study ,large, a bed, a sofa,a telephone。
3 能听懂、会说、会读 lamp, parents, dining-room,kitchen, sitting-room.
4 能听懂、会说、会读there are three bedrooms,two bathrooms,a study, a kitchen, a dining-room and a large sitting-room. there isn"t a garden.
1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写live,a bedroom,a bathroom,a study, large,a bed,a sofa,a telephone.
2.能听懂、会说、会读a lamp, parents,a dining-room,a kitchen, a sitting-room.
3.能听懂、会说、会读句子there are three bedrooms,two bathrooms,a study, a kitchen, a dining-room and a large sitting-room. there isn"t a garden.
1.教具准备 :收音机,磁带,一张卧室的空白结构图图片和一些家具的图     片和父母的图片,投影仪。
2.板书准备:unit 2 a new house
step 1
free talk:
step 2
look read and learn:
step 3.
read and say
 t: good morning/afternoon.
t:is there a playground in the school?
t: are there any classrooms in the building?
t: how many boys are there in the classroom?
t: how many bikes are there in the street?
教师拿出一个同学带来的卧室图片,展示给全班看。t: what"s this?
t: good. it"s a bedroom. ok, now read after me: bedroom.
t: bedroom, b-e-d-r-o-o-m,bedroom.
s: bedroom, b-e-d-r-o-o-m,bedroom.
t ask a team to read and spell the word.
t: look, this is my bedroom. now, it is empty.
guess, what"s in it?1234567
t: yes, there is.教师把电视机的图片放入结构图中。
t: yes, there is . 教师把床的图片放入结构图中。
ok,now read after me : bed.
t: bed, b-e-d, bed.
t ask a group to read and spell the word: bed. t:anything else?
 t: yes, there is .教师把桌子的图片放入结构图中。
t: yes, there is.教师把椅子的图片放入结构图中。
t: yes,you"re right.ok,now read after me : sofa.
t: sofa, s-o-f-a,sofa.
t ask a group to read and spell the word: sofa.
用同样的方法教授lamp, telephone.
t: ok, now in my bedroom there is  a bed ,a sofa, a lamp and a  telephone.so, what"s in your bedroom?
t: good. guess, what"s in his bedroom?
1. 教师拿出画的自己家的结构图用投影仪放大与学生对话。
同时教授 bathroom,sitting room,dining room,kitchen. parents,
read the dialogue.(on page 14)
t: whose house is it?
 t: yangling live in this house.
i don"t live in this house. do you live in this house?
t: ok. read after me : live,l-i-v-e,live.    
  b. t: ok.let"s read the dialogue after the tape.(two times)
1.copy the words  bed,sofa,telephone,lamp,live,bedroom,bathroom,study, large.
2.read the dialogue on page 14 three times.
 s: good morning/afternoon.
s: yes, there is .
s: yes, there are.
s: there are ...
s: there are ..
s: it"s a bedroom.
s: bedroom.
s1: is there a tv?
s2: is there a bed?
s: bed.
s3: is there a desk?
s4: is there a chair?
s5: is there a sofa?
s: sofa.
s7: there is a bed and a tv.
ss guess.
ss answer the questions.
it is yangling"s house.
ss spell the word. review the contents ss learned in last unit.
introduce the new words according the situation that t sets.
guess can help ss to practise the sentences.
  unit 2 a new house
bed   sofa    telephone
bedroom       sitting-room                picture
bathroom      kitchen
dining-room   lamp             

一 教学内容要求:
1.教学内容:read and say (on page 15),look read and learn.
4.能听懂、会说、会读句子i live in a new house now.they like the new house very much.what"s in your bedroom?
2 能听懂、会说、会读句子i live in a new house now.they like the new house very much.what"s in your bedroom?1234567
1.教具准备 :收音机,磁带,教学挂图(page 14),投影仪。两只盒子,一只玩具狗和一只玩具兔。一些卧室内家具投影图片,一张空白的投影图片。
2.板书准备:unit 2 a new house
free talk:
step 2 revision:
step 3
look ,read and learn.
read and say (page 15)
homework: t: good morning/afternoon.
t: what"s your job?
t: how old is he?
t: what"s her job?
t: what"s in your bedroom?
t:how many chairs are there in our classroom?
t: is this house large?
t: how many bedrooms are there in the house?
t: how many bathrooms are there ?
t: how many kitchens are there in the house?
t: what"s in the house?
t: is there a garden?
t: is your house large?
t:what"s in your house?
1.teach the new words.
a.teacher puts the dog in the box.
t:where is the dog?
t: ok.read after me : in,i-n,in.(t writes the word “in” on the blackboard.)
b.teacher puts the dog on the box.
t:where is the dog?
t: ok.read after me:on,o-n, on.(t writes the word “on” on the blackboard.)
t puts the rabbit in the box.]
t: where is the rabbit?
c.teacher puts the dog under the box.
t: now, where is the dog?
      is it on the box?
t: where is it?
t: good.read after me :under,u-n-d-e-r,under.
(t writes the word “under” on the blackboard.)
t asks a team to read and spell it.
t puts the rabbit under the box.
t:where is the rabbit?
 d.teacher puts the rabbit behind the box.
t: where is the rabbit?
     is it under the box?
t: is it behind the box?
t:it is behind the box.
ok.read after me: behind,b-e-h-i-n-d,behind.
(t writes the word “behind” on the blackboard.)
t asks a team to read and spell the word.
t puts the dog behind the box.
t:where is the dog?
t: ok.this is my bedroom.now, it is empty.but there are a lot of things in it.guess,what in my bedroom?
t: yes.(教师拿出床的图片用投影仪放大放在卧室的图片上)
anything else?
t: no, there isn"t.
t: yes, there is.(教师拿出桌子的图片用投影仪放大放在卧室的图片上)
t: yes, there is.(教师拿出椅子的图片用投影仪放大放在桌子的旁边)
 where is the chair?
t: yes,you are right.(教师拿出灯的图片用投影仪放大放在桌子上)
t: where is the lamp?
t: yes, there is.(教师拿出电话的图片用投影仪放大放在卧室的墙上)
t: where is the telephone?
t: good.now read after me: wall,w-a-l-l,wall.
t ask a team to read and spell the word.
t: what colour is the wall in the picture?
t: look,what are these?
t:where are they?1234567
t: what"s that?
t: it is a map of the world.ok, read after me :world.(边领会读边用手指世界的范围)
t: read after me : a map of the world.(用手指世界地图)
t: where is the telephone?
t: you are right.
 2.listen to the tape and answer the questions.
a.what"s on the bed?
b.where is the telephone?
after the ss listen to the dialogue on page 15 once,
t: what"s on the bed?
t: where is the telephone?
3.open your books turn to page 15.read the dialogue after the tape.(two times).
4. boys read as nancy, girls read as yangling.
5.read the dialogue on page 15 together.
6.teacher read yangling and ss read nancy. (page 14 and 15)
7 read the dialogue on page 14 and 15 together.
copy the new words
read the text.
 s: good morning/afternoon.
s: i"m a ...
s: there is ...
s: there are ..
s: yes.
s:there are three.
s:there are two.
s:there is one.
s: there is a sitting-room and a dining-room.
s: no, there isn"t.
s: yes./no.
: there ...
s: it"s in the box.
s: in,i-n,in.
s: it"s on the box.
s:on,o-n, on.
s: it"s in the box.
s:no,it isn"t.
s1:it"s under the box.
s:it"s under the box.
s: no,it isn"t.
s: yes./no.
s: it is behind the box.
it’s behind the box.
s: is there a bed?
s:is there a tv
s: is there a desk?
s: is there a chair?
s: it is beside the desk.
s:is there a lamp?
s: it is on the desk.
s: is there a telephone?
s: it is on the wall.
s: wall,w-a-l-l,wall.
s: it is white.
s: they are dolls.
s: they"re on the bed.
s:it is a map.
s: world.
: a map of the world.
s: it is on the wall.
s: it is beside the desk.
s: there are some dolls.
板书:nit 2 a new house
 in    on 
 under   behind                       picture
beside   between 

一 教学内容要求:
1.教学内容: ask and answer, look and read , say a rhyme.
2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写what"s  in/on/under/beside/behind/between...?
  there is a ...in/on/under/beside/behind/between....
  there are some ...in/on/under/beside/behind/between...
3.会诵会读歌谣do you like my house?
4.能灵活使用in,on,under,beside,behind,between 这些词汇。
1 能听懂、会说、会读、会写what"s in/on/under/beside/behind/between...?
  there is a ...in/on/under/beside/behind/between....
  there are some ...in/on/under/beside/behind/between...
2 能灵活使用in,on,under,beside,behind,between 这些词汇。
1.教具准备 :收音机,磁带,教学挂图(page 17),一只玩具猫和一只玩具鼠,篮子。
2.板书准备:unit 2 a new house
step 1 free talk:
step 2
review and practice:
look and read.
step 4
say a rhyme
 t: glad to see you.
t: what"s in our classroom?
t: how many chairs are there in our classroom?
t: is there a playground in our school?
t: what would you like?
t: something to drink
t: what"s her job?
t: what are their jobs?
1. 教师拿出一直玩具猫。
t puts the cat on the desk.
t:what"s this?
t: where is the cat?
t: what"s on the desk?
t: no, you"d better say : there is a toy cat on the desk.
t puts the toy cat in the basket.
t: what"s in the basket?
t puts the toy cat behind the door.
t: what"s behind the door?
s: there is a toy cat behind the door.
t:ok,read after me : door,d-o-o-r,door.(t points to the door)
s: door,d-o-o-r,door
a.t: look at the picture.
       what"s this ?
t: what"s in the basket?
b.t: (point to the football) what"s this?
t: what"s under the bed?
c.t: what"s on the table?
t: what"s under the glasses?
d.t: what"s behind the door?
t:how many umbrellas can you see ?
e.t: what"s beside the desk?
t: what"s beside the sofa?
f.t: how many buildings are there in the picture?
t: what"s between the buildings?
3.let ss open their books turn to page 17.ask and answer in pairs.
4.ask some pairs to act.
a.t puts the pencil in the bag.
t: what"s in the bag?
b.t puts some books on the desk.
t: what"s on the desk?
d. ask some pairs to act.
g.play a game.
1.listen to the tape and answer a question.
where is the mouse at last?
2.after the ss listen to the dialogue,
t: where is the mouse at last?
t: good.ok,pay attention to this word: mouth.(t points to her mouth)
t:(takes out a toy mouse) what"s this?
: ok.read after me :mouse.
3.open the students" books and turn to page 19.let ss look at the dialogue.(2 minutes)
t:look at picture 1,what"s in the desk?
t: look at picture 4,where is the mouse?
t: look at picture 7,what"s behind the door?
4. read the dialogue after the tape.(two times)
5.ss read the dialogue together.
1.listen to the tape.(边打拍子边听)
2 read after the tape.(边打拍子边读)
3 read after the teacher.(边打拍子边读)
4.read it together.(边打拍子边会读)
2 根据本课所学的句型,自己设计创造四句句子问答,完成在作业本上1234567
 s: glad to see you
s: there ...
s: there are ...
s: yes, there is.
s: i"d like ...
s: she"s a ...
s: they are ...
s: it"s a toy cat.
s: it is on the desk.
s: it"s a toy cat.
s: there is a toy cat in the basket.
t asks a team to read and spell it.
s: it is a dog.
s: there is a dog in the basket.
s: it is a football.
s: there is a football under the bed.
s: there are some glasses on the table.
s: there is a table.
s: there are some umbrellas.
s: three.
s: there is a sofa.
s: there is a desk.
s: there are two.
s: there are some trees.
s: there is a pencil in the bag.
s: there are some books on the desk.
s: it is in the cat"s mouth.
s: mouth.
s: it"s mouse
s: mouse.
s: there is a mouse in the desk.
s: it is between her shoes.
s: there is a mouse behind the door
板书:unit 2 a new house
what"s in/on/under /behind...?
  there is a ...in/on/under /behind....   picture    
  there are some ...in/on/under /behind...

一 教学内容要求:
1 教学内容:look and say,find the differences, listen and repeat.
2 能听懂、会说、会读、会写there"s/there isn"t a/an ... there are some/aren"t any ...
3 能听懂、会说、会读here is a/an ... for you. here are some... for you.
4 了解元音字母a在单词中的读音。
1 能听懂、会说、会读、会写there"s/there isn"t a/an ... there are some/aren"t
  any ...
2 能听懂、会说、会读here is a/an ... for you. here are some... for you.
1.教具准备 :收音机,磁带,教学挂图(page 17),一只球,一些蜡笔,一个铅笔盒。
2.板书准备:unit 2 a new house
step1 free talk:
look and say:
find the differences:
step4 listen and repeat.
homework t: good morning/afternoon.
t: who is she?t: what"s his job?
t: how old is he?
t: what"s in your bedroom?
t: how many buildings are there in our school?
t: what"s in our classroom?
a.t puts a book on the teacher"s desk.
t: what"s on my desk?
t takes away the book.
t: what"s on my desk ?
is there a book on my desk?
t: there isn"t a book on my desk.
t writes the sentence “there isn"t a ...”on the blackboard.
b.t puts a ball on the desk.
t: what"s on the desk?
t takes away the ball.
t: is there a ball on the desk?
t: there isn"t a ball on the desk.
c.t puts some crayons in the bag.
t:what"s in the bag?
t takes away the crayons.
t:are there any crayons in the bag?
t: there aren"t any crayons in the bag.
t writes the sentence “there aren"t any ...”on the blackboard.
d.t puts some pencils on the chair.
t:what"s on the chair?
t takes away the pencils.
t:are there any pencils on the chair?
t: there aren"t any pencils on the chair.1234567
e.t points to the empty desk.
t: there isn"t a rubber on the desk.
there isn"t a telephone on his desk. (教师走到学生的桌子前)
there aren"t any crayons on her desk.(教师走到学生的桌子前)
there aren"t any books on his chair.(教师走到学生的椅子前)
f  教师让学生根据自己情况用there isn"t a/aren"t any ...的句子造句。
g.ask some students to say the sentences.
t: here is a rubber for you.
t: here are some books for you.
t: here is a pencil for you.
t: here are some crayons for you.
t writes the sentence“here is a ...for you. here are some ... for you.
h. t(points to the empty chair) there isn"t a ruler .
t: thank you.
t: there aren"t any books.
t: thank you.
i.t takes out the picture ( page 18)
j.let ss work in pairs.(page 18)
k.ask some pairs to act.
l.ask ss to make their own dialogues.work in pairs.
ask some pairs to act.
1.let ss look at the two pictures carefully.
and try to find the differences between the two pictures.
2.let ss work in 4 to discuss the differences.
1.listen to the tape and read the words.
3 教师可以补充一些单词如bag,cap,cat,fat,apple等。
4 让学生边看图片边看句子更好的理解句子的意思。
5 跟磁带读句子the rabbit in the black hat looks very happy.
2 根据本课所学的句型,自己设计创造四句句子,完成在作业本上。 ss answer.
s: there is a book on your desk.
s: no, there isn"t.
s: there is a ball on the desk.
s: no.
s: there are some crayons in the bag.
s: no,there aren"t.
s: there are some pencils on the chair.
s: no,there aren"t.
work in pairs.
sa: there isn"t a rubber on my desk.
sb: there aren"t any books in my bag.
sc: there isn"t a pencil on my desk.
sd: there aren"t any crayons in my desk.
s: here is a ruler for you.
s: here are some books for you.
6.read the words and sentence after the teacher.
7.let ss read the words and sentence together.
板书:unit 2 a new house
 there isn"t a...
 there aren"t any ...
 here is a ... for you.                   picture
 here are some ... for you.



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