5a景区|5A Unit1 The first day at school

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-03 网络整理 晴天


unit 1   the first day at school   (the first period)

一 教学内容:

b.look,read and learn   c.ask and answer

二 教学目标:


2.能掌握词汇building, day, all, happy, again等。


it is the first day of the new term.
all the students are back at school.
they are happy to see each other again.

4.三会单词toilet,garden, table tennis room, reading room, swing, slide.

三 教学重点和难点:

it is the first day of the new term.
all the students are back at school.
they are happy to see each other again.

2.三会单词toilet,garden, table tennis room, reading room, swing, slide.

四 课前准备: 录音机,磁带,课文挂图和歌曲“two jackets”。

五 教学过程






listen and sing a song “two jackets”

listen to the song.

b free talk

1.     say some sentences.


2.     say to the students:

welcome back to school.
nice to meet you.

1.     ask and answer with the teacher.

2.     say after the teacher and practice in pairs.

c presentation and practice

1.     t:today is september 1st.it’s the first day of the new term.all the students are back at school. they are happy to see each other again.

2.     look, there are a lot of rooms in it.

3.     teach some rooms: a toilet, a table tennis room, a reading room, a computer room, a music room and an art room.

4.     t:is there a …in our school?

5.     t: are there any…in the garden?

teach:garden, swing, slide,


1.learn the new words and read the sentences.





2.learn “a lot of”. ss make phrases using “a lot of”.

3.learn the new phrases. make sentences using “there is/ are…”


4.ask and answer in pairs.

5.learn :garden, swing, slide any

make sentences using “are there any…?”


d consolidation

tell the ss to ask and answer in pairs.

learn part c.

ask and answer in pairs.


六 板书设计:

unit 1 the first day at school

        is there a ……in our school?

        yes, there is.

        no, there isn’t.

        are there any…in the…?

        yes,there are./ no, there aren’t.

七 作业设计:

1.          copy the new words.

2.          read the sentences. 1234

3.          prepare unit 1 before class.

八 课后反思

本节课以教授单词和句型为主,以is there a…in the…?  are there any…in the…?为主,在教学中,学生用复数句型造句时,忘记any后面也是复数形式,如are there any swings in the garden?这一句,学生就会说成are there any swing in the garden?所以在以后教学和练习中要经常提醒学生。


unit 1   the first day at school   (the second period)

一 教学内容:

a.read and say  b. look, read and learn

二 教学目标:

1.能掌握词汇any, sure, garden, toilet等。


3.能运用日常用语i"m not sure. let"s go and see. 等。

4.初步掌握句型how many ... are there? there are(is) ... .以及is there a ... in the ...?yes, there is./no, there isn"t.及其复数形式。

三 教学重点和难点:


2.初步掌握句型how many ... are there? there are(is) ... .以及is there a ... in the ...?yes, there is./no, there isn"t.及其复数形式。

四 课前准备:


五 教学过程





sing a song

let ss sing a song.

sing a song "two jackets"

b free talk and revision

it"s the second day of the new term.
today we see each other again.

ask and answer in pairs.

c presentation and practice

1.look at the picture of our school.
how many buildings are there in our school?

how many classrooms are there in these buildings?

2.what are they? there’s / are……. is/are there ……?

teach the new words: any

3.when practicing the sentences and new words, teacher presents “i"m not sure." "let"s go and have a look."

4. showing the picture of our school and talk about it in groups, then talk about it in class.

1.answer the questions.






2.practise the sentences. “there is (are) ...” is(are) there …?

learn the new words:any

3.read and practice the new sentences.




4.talk about them.

d read and say

1) listen & think with questions (according to the dialogue)
2) answer some questions
3) read after the tape
4) role play

learn the text and follow the teacher.

六 板书设计:

unit 1 the first day at schoolis there ……?   yes, there is. no, there isn’t.

are there ……?  yes, there are. no, there aren’t.

七 作业设计:

1 copy the new words.
2 read and act the dialogue.

3 recite the text.

4.make a new dialogue (talk about our school).

八 课后反思

课文教学是比较枯燥的,在开始时,我先让学生说说我们学校的这幢大楼里都有些什么室,用there’s/there are…的句型,在一位学生说出一个室后,我就用is there/are there …?的句型来提问,让学生熟悉肯定和否定两种回答方式。how many…?的句型在4a中已经出现过,所以在这里要让学生熟悉回答there are…,但有学生常说成they are…,还有学生单复数不分,今后要加强练习。1234



unit 1   the first day at school    (the third period)

一 教学内容:

d .work in pairs   e. read and act

二 教学目标:


2.四会掌握句型is there a…in the …?are there any…in the …? 及其答语。  

3. 四会单词house, flower以及句型how many…are there in the…?及其回答。

三 教学重点和难点:

1.四会掌握句型is there a…in the …?are there any…in the …? 及其答语。    


四 课前准备:


五 教学过程





free  talk and revision

1.please look at the picture 2 of the text and answer the questions.
what"s in the building?

is there …?

are there…?

2.read the text together.
3.act the dialogue.

1.answer the questions.






2.read the text together.

3.act with the patterns.


 read and act

1.listen and answer:
what"s near your house?
is it a big one or a small one?
how many flowers are there?
... ...
(new word: house,flower)
2.read the dialogue.
3.make a new dialogue.
t: it"s a sunny day today.
shall we go to hongmei park?
s: ok. / good idea!
t: shall we go and play there?
s: yes./good idea.
4.make new dialogues in groups, then act it out in class.

1.answer the questions.






2.read together.

3.make and act.


cwork in pair

1.     t: is there a blackboard in our classroom?

2.t: how many blackboards are there in our classroom?
 3.板书:is there a ...in ...? yes, there is./no, there isn’t.
are there any ... in ...? yes, there are./no, there aren’t.
how many ... are there ...? there is (are)... .
( practise those sentences using the things in the classroom)
4. learn d.
 how many ... are there ...?
there is (are)....

1.s: yes, there is./ no, there isn"t.

2.s: there are two.

3.s:practice together.







4.students look at the sketch map of the floors and ask questions.

d practicework in pairs to finish the pictures of part d.

work in pairs.

六 板书设计:

unit 1  the first day at school

is there a ...in ...? yes, there is./no, there isn’t.
are there any ... in ...? yes, there are./no, there aren’t.
how many ... are there ...? there is (are)... .

七 作业设计:

1 recite and act e.
2.continue to make a new dialogue imitating e.
3.make some sentences.

八 课后反思

how many…are there in the…?这个句型中,学生常出现这种情况:how many后面的名词没使用复数形式,经常会说成how many swing,我想在以后的学习中要多练习,让学生真正掌握。1234



unit 1   the first day at school   (the fourth period)

一 教学内容:

f. look,find and say   g.listen and repeat  h.sing a song

二 教学目标:

1. 复习本单元所学词汇。

2. 能较熟练地在情景中运用所学句型和日常交际用语。

3. 了解元音字母a在开音节单词中的读音。

三 教学重点和难点:


四 课前准备: e read and act 挂图, 歌曲“two jackets”

五 教学过程





free  talk and revision

practice their new dialogues in groups, then act it out in class

practice the dialogue with their deskmates and report.


read and practice

1.is there a building in the picture?
are there any flowers?

how many flowers are there?
how many cars are there in the street?
.. ...
2.what" near the building? (new word: near)
3.read and practice the new words.
4.ask and answer the questions in pairs according to the picture.

1.answer the questions.







2.read together.


listen and repeat

1.put the words on the blackboard, giving prominence to "a "
a [ei]

cake plate plane grape

1.     say some words with[ei].

2.     read the sentence.

1.     read the words.





2.     say some words.

3.     read .

d do exercises

let ss do exercises of the wb.

finish the exercises.

六 板书设计:

unit 1  the first day at school   street   near

a [ei]  cake  plate  grape  table

七 作业设计:

1.     review the words and expressions, prepare for the dictation.

2.     make some sentences.

八 课后反思

在做练习中发现学生还是出现了how many后不使用复数的情况,但是比前几节课要好很多,只有一小部分学生出现这种情况。还有一个情况是学生在使用be动词的时候产生混淆,如there is a computer in the reading room.学生使用了there are…


unit 1   the first day at school   (the fifth period)

一 教学内容:

1.     默写本单元的单词、词组和句子

2.     完成本单元的练习。



unit 1   the first day at school   (the sixth period)

一 教学内容:




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