牛津小学英语|牛津小学英语 5A 复习练习题(全册)

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-03 网络整理 晴天


5a 复习练习题
unit 1
 在花园里 _________          乒乓室   ___________          阅览室  __________                      第一天  ____________         新学期_______                所有的学生___________
回到学校 ________         又相互见面了___________         在大楼里 _________                      许多____________          去那里玩  __________            在街道上___________
一些(用在肯定句里)__________            任何,一些(用在疑问句里)___________
二、用  there is  或 there  are  填空
1.__________a plate on the table.       2.____________some dogs near the tree.
3._______a tv in your classroom? yes, ______4.________any pandas near your home?no,  
5________a chair in the classroom? yes, __ 6_______any trees in the park? no, _________
1. near, a, are, the, park, there, lot, buildings, of(.)(连词成句)
2. shall, to, the, go, reading, we, room(?)(连词成句)
3. there, this, many, rooms, in, how, building, are(?)(连词成句)
4. the, at, us, and, blackboard, boys, look, let, girls(.)(连词成句)
5. back, the, are, school, students, at, all(.)(连词成句)
6. there are twenty-four rooms in the building. (对划线部分提问)
7. there are some books on the desk. (改为一般疑问句,作肯定、否定回答)
8. there are some swings in the park. (对划线部分提问)12345678910111213141516
9. there is a dog in the basket. (对划线部分提问) ______________________________
2.我们去那里玩好吗?____________________________ 3.一个星期有七天__________________

5a unit 2
父母亲 ___________ 卧室_____________浴室_________ 书房____________
在墙上 ___________________非常_____________________________
一张中国地图 _______________一张世界地图_______________________
住在盐城 ___________________住在北京___________________________

5a unit 3
practice 1
1、制作一架模型飞机___________________ 2、在一堂英语课上_____________
3、下午四点 __________________________ 4、听老师说___________________
5 、弹钢琴 ___________________________ 6、play basketball____________
7 、the boy in blue____________________ 8 、near the music room________
9 、sing an english song________________ 10、learn the new words_________
1、 你会什么?我会演奏吉他。______________________________________
2、 你会跳舞吗?是的,3、 我会。______________________________________
4、 那个男孩不5、 会游泳。____________________________________________
6、 学生们会唱什么歌啊?__________________________________________
7、 你可以在阅览室里读书吗?______________________________________
1、this is________( i ) new sweater .
2、is this________( she ) father ?
3、that is________( mr black ) car .
4、are there_________( some ) books on the desk ?
5、what_______( be ) in your school bag ?
6、________( not open ) the door .         ( open ) the window .
7、there is_______( a ) english book on the teacher’s desk .12345678910111213141516
8、her_________( parent ) are at home .

practice 2 ( unit 3 )

辩音 :
1. after father (   )   2、class  wall(   )  3、any dance (   )
4、name  game (   )   5、can can’t  (   )  6、play  basket(   )
1、i can play volleyball .( 对划线部分进行提问 )                       
2、mike’s father is a bus driver. ( 改为一般疑问句 )
3、these shoes are helen’s. ( 改为同义句 ) ___________    ______________
4、there are some pencils in the pencil-case. ( 改为单数 )
5、there are eighteen rooms in the building. ( 对划线部分进行提问 )
6、often , we , basketball , class , play , after ( 连词成句 )
a) it’s about six a clock in the morning._______________________
b) there are many studys in the building._____________________  _
c) whose toys are there? it’s kate’s. __________________________
d) thanks you very much. ___________________       _____________
e) we often play the football after school.                    
f) he look young in this white coat. ______________________________
how much the storybook? _________________________     __________
can you put the ball your head? ___________  _     

5a  unit 4
practice 1 ( unit 4 )    
1、许多出租车司机 ___________________ 2、听音乐_______________________
3、一只猴子面具______________________ 4、在每周六_____________________
5、买一些东西________________________ 6、look young____________________
7、helen and her parents_____________  8、have a music lesson____________
9、the clock on the wall _________________
10、play basketball with their friends________________________________
1、 你喜欢游泳吗?不,2、 我喜欢跳舞。
3、 你喜欢做一架飞机模型吗?是的,4、 我喜欢。
5、 我喜欢桃子。我也是。12345678910111213141516
6、 他们喜欢在下课后玩游戏。
7、 你会弹钢琴吗?不,8、 但是我会演奏吉他。
1、___________ is the toy car? it’s 100 yuan.
2、___________ do you like? i like skating.
3、___________ flowers are there in the vase? there are eighteen.
4、___________ can you do? i can make a puppet.
5、___________ is your new sweater? it’s white.
6、___________ is on the wall? there are some pictures.
7、___________ are the cakes? they are in the fridge.
8、___________ book is this? it’s betty’s.
9、___________ is the man in black? he’s my father.
10、__________ are you? i’m eleven.
1、li lei and lin tao _________ ( be ) good friends.
2、are there __________ ( some ) plates on the table?
3、this is ___________ ( helen ) toy doll.
4、what do you like? i like ___________ ( tiger ).
5、i like ___________ ( play ) table tennis very much.
1、what are their job? they are teachers.                          
2、where are your shoes? it’s under the bed. ____________________
he can swimming, but i can’t. ___________                 ____
4、there are an elephant and some monkeys in the zoo.
5、come here and play the football with us.

practice 2 ( unit 4 )
1、he  let  (   )   2、need  these (   )    3、each  she (   )
4、red  lesson (   )   5、head  sweater (   )   6、skate  listen (   )
1、for(同音字)_________________  2、by(同音字)_______________________
3、me(主格)___________________  4、let’s(完全形式)___________________
family(复数)_______________   6、he(复数)_________________________
7、have(现在分词)_______________  8、big(反义词)_______________________
9、these(单数)_________________  10、nancy(名词所有格)______________
1、 一张新的世界地图________________ 6、两昨旧的大楼_______________12345678910111213141516
2、 一间大书房______________________ 7、所有的医生_________________
3、 桌上的电话______________________ 8、下午四点___________________
4、 买一只玩具猪_____________________9、互相_______________________
5、 一些红色的灯笼___________________ 10、第一天____________________
6、 listen to the teacher. (改为否定句)_________________________________
7、 i like singing. (改为一般疑问句)__________________________________
8、 they like tiger masks. (改为否定句)______________________________________
9、 we like reading. (对划线部分进行提问)_____________________________________
10、 i can play the guitar. (对划线部分进行提问)__________________________________

5a unit 6
practice (1)
(     )         1、 h       work   a: orse  b: ouse  c: owse
(     )         2、 j       p       a: am     b: um  c: om
(     )         3、 cl              a: other    b: othess   c:othes
(     )        4、m       ning    a: or    b: er  c: ir
(     )         5、l       on      a: ear  b: ess  c:ist
(     )       1、what are your doing? i’m doing exercise.
                       a    b          c
(     )        2、lucy and lili is at home..
                      a          b     c  
(     )        3、how many are they ? twenty yuan..12345678910111213141516
                       a         b         c
(     )        4、can you playing football? yes, i can.
                  a          b                      c
(     )         5、the telephones are ring.
                              a         b    c
practise (2)
1、扫地                             2、洗衣服                   
3、帮助我做数学                     4、做蛋糕                       
5、今天上午                         6、clean the windows                    
7、do my homework                    8、at home                   
9、read an english book                 10、listen to music           
a) 哪儿?他在卧室。        liu tao?   he’s         the bedroom.12345678910111213141516
他在干什么?他在睡觉。what          he doing? he’s           .
苏海在哪儿?她们在教室里。               su yang and su hai?     in the classroom.她们在干什么?她们又唱又跳 。what are      doing? su yang and su hai are        and      .
(     ) 1、 what are you doing ? i’m        .
a: run         b: runing     c: running
(     ) 2、where’s john?         .
a: he’s sleeping.        b: she’s sleeping.    c: he’s sleep.
(     ) 3、do you like         model planes? yes, i do. i’m       now.
a: make, make    b: making, making     c: making ,make
(     ) 4、 betty is          the picture in the study.
a: looking at.    b: look at    c: watching at
(     ) 5、 hello, is that wang bing?        .
a: yes, this is wang bing.  b:yes, i am.  c:  yes. i’m wang bing.
(     )6、there are many balloons        the apple tree. .
a: at   b: on   c: in
(     ) 7、what can you do ,sally? i can         a bike.
a: ride.    b: ride on    c: riding on.

5a unit 7
practise (1)
1、                  you going?  i’m going to the playground.
2、                 studying in the library? yes, they are.                                 
3、                 teachers are there in your school? about 70.12345678910111213141516
4、                 your name? i’m gao shan.
5、                 a sports hall in the building? yes, there is
         in the evening
father is in the kitchen cooking.
mother is doing some washing.
brother is in the garden playing.
sister is doing some cleaning.
i’m in the study reading.
we are all busy in the evening.
1、how many people (人)are there in my family?
2、what is my mother doing?                                   
3、where’s my father?                                         
4、what’s my sister doing?                                      
5、are we all free in the evening?                              
practise (2)
1、put               2、make           3、go         4、dance        
5、swim                6、ride            7、do       8、run           
9、sit                       10、clean            12345678910111213141516
1、下棋                   2、追赶                3、看画册                         4、寻找                  5、读报                           
6、play with a yo-yo                     7、play cards                        8、sit on a basketball                    9、on the dog’s head                 10、in the playground           
(   )1、 what are you doing,miss li ? i        an english book.
a :is reading         b: reading     c: am reading
(   )2、the dog can’t        on the see-saw .
a: play        b: is playing.    c: playing.
(   )3、mike and his friends         the basketball.
        a: is playing   b: playing     c: are playing
(   )4、i’ll go and join        .      a: they     b: them     c: their
(   ) 5、the dog          after the mouse.   a: is to run   b: is running  c: are running
(   )6、        your sister watching tv?.   a: are     b: is  c:  do
(   )7、there aren’t        students in the playground .12345678910111213141516
a: some  b: any   c: and
(    )8、here          some water for you.    a: is    b: are     c: am
(   ) 9、         go and join miss li. a: let’us   b: let’s   c: let is
(   ) 10、the mother is looking        her son.  a: to    b: of    c: for
1、students、going、to、the 、library 、are、the (. )                          
2、he 、is 、in、office 、the、 helping 、 you (?)                           
3、dog  、is、jumping  、bed  、the、 on 、the (.)
4、playing、 they、basketball 、are、there (?)
6.black 、is、a magazine、mr 、reading、at、home (.)

unit 8  复习练习
(     )  1、  fish    tin-opener    (     )  2、 thing     find12345678910111213141516
(     )  3、  thin    think         (     )  4、 in        ride
(     )  5、  bike    live          (     )  6、 big       blanket
1、野营营地                           2、互相帮助                   
3、两罐鸡肉                           4、一只旧的望远镜             
5、一盒巧克力                         6、一篮水果                   
7、a brown blanket                    8、near the tent                 
9、a new towel                        10、behind the stove             
1. they       a new tent for the camping trip.
2. i       a map of the world.
3. my father       a blue towel.
4. do you        a stove?
5. ben        a mask.
6. –-what does her brother       ?     --he       a toy plane.
7. --do you       any pots?            --yes, we       three new pots.
(     ) 1、i have        old tent.  a: a     b: an     c: the12345678910111213141516
(     ) 2、what does       have?   a: jim       b: they    c: you
(     ) 3、you       some oranges, and he       one.
              a: has, has   b: have, has    c: have. have
(     ) 4、what do       have?   a: there    b: yang ling   c: they
(     ) 5、       does mike have?  he       a stove.
a: which, has    b: what, have  c: what, has
model: you, a telescope
       what do you have? i have a telescope.
1、he, a tin-opener                                          
2、nancy, a pot                                              
3、we, a stove and a blanket                                 
4、helen and mike, a tent                                    
5、you, a towel                                              
1、does, sam, what, have (? )
2、a pot, a stove, they, have, and (.)
3、have, they, some, towels, nice (.)
4、tom’s,  does, have, friend, what (?)
5、some, picture, they, some, have (.) 
ted is twelve years old. he has z little dog. it is a present(礼物) from his parents. ted likes the dog very much. he calls the dog luck(幸运). luck is white. it has two big eyes. it likes playing with ted. every sunday, ted takes luck to the park. they have a good time there.
(    )1. luck is twelve years old.
(    )2. ted likes the present from his parents..
(    )3. luck’s eyes are big.
(    )4. luck doesn’t likes playing with ted.
(    )5. every sunday, ted goes to the park with luck.

5a unit 9 shapes  复习练习
(    ) 1、 go  open    (    ) 2、 bed  head   (    ) 3、card  fat
(    ) 4、eat  sweater  (    ) 5、bike  big   (    ) 6、dance   match12345678910111213141516
(    ) 7、star  park  (    ) 8、grape   black  (    ) 9、close  sofa  (   ) 10、look  food
二、matching 连一连,将英语单词与相应的中文意思用线连起来。


1、在纸上                  2、一节艺术课                   3、放风筝                           4、五个圆                  5、下棋                     6、look at the blackboard                    
7、draw a triangle                    8、happy new year                   
9、make a card                      10、cook rice                      
(    ) 1、it’s         english lesson.   a: a         b: an     c: the
(    ) 2、miss li           us about shapes?   a: is teach     b: is teacher   c: is teaching
(    ) 3、 how many birds can you see       the tree.     a: in   b: on    c: at
(    ) 4、         some paper on the desk .  a: there’s    b: there’re   c: they’re
(    ) 5、 i don’t know how            a card.  a: to make    b: make  c: to making12345678910111213141516
(    ) 6、 are there any        in the playground?   a: child   b: children   c: childrens
(    )7、mike and i        looking for wang bing.   a: am   b: is   c: are
(    )8、what shape is the moon?  it’s         .   a: a circle    b: an circle    c: a triangle
(    ) 9、what        mike have? he       a pencil sharpener.
a: do , has   b: does,  have    c: does, has
(    ) 10、let me        you how to make a cake.  a: to show    b: show   c: showing
1、这个盒子是什么形状的?是星形的。               is the box?   it’s a star.
2、刘涛有什么 ?他有一辆玩具车。what          liu tao      ? he has a toy car.
3、你正在干什么?我正在洗衣服。what are you doing? i’m                   .
   how many stars are there on the national flag of china? there            .
5、那些是什么?是苹果。what are those?                apples.
1、many、can、see、how、you 、 diamonds(? )                            
2、buy 、let’s 、teacher、our 、a new year card、for (.)                      
3、making  、plane、she  、a  、model、is(.)                              
4、in、 the、my 、woman 、black、mother、dress 、is (.)                       12345678910111213141516
5、 are 、two、there、squares、in、the 、picture(.)                              
where are the cake and the cat?
it’s an art lesson. mr art is teaching his students drawing. the students are learning how to draw pictures.
mr art: today we’re going to draw a cake and a cat, ok? look at the blackboard, please. this is a cake. what shape is it, tony?
tony: it’s a circle.
mr art: that’s right. there are some candles and some words on the cake. do you know the words, mike?
mike: they’re “happy birthday!”
mr art: good. what can you see on the cake, liu tao?
liu tao: i can see two hearts on the cake, a big one and a small one.
mr art: yes, you are right. now, please look! beside the cake there’s a cat. i’ll show you how to draw it. ok?
(in a few minutes.)
mr art: great! now it"s your turn to draw the cat and the cake.
(all the students begin to draw pictures.)
mr art: tony! what are you drawing?
tony: i’m drawing a cake and a cat.
mr art: but where’s the cake?
tony: the cat has eaten the cake.
mr art: where’s the cat?
tony: it has run away(跑了).
(   ) 1. it’s a music lesson.
(   ) 2. mr art is teaching the students how to draw shapes.
(   ) 3. there are some candles, shapes and words. 
(   ) 4. the cake is a circle.
(   ) 5. mr art finds no cats or cakes on tony’s paper.



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