4a广告公司_4A UNIT 3 教案

小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-02 网络整理 晴天


1、 学生能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a key , a purse ,a storybook ,a fan 和
a tape 等。 
2、 学生能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 come here.  let me see.  not at all. excuse me,…?  i`m sorry.  i don`t know. 等。
3、 学生能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型is this/that my/your/his/her…? yes ,it is. / no, it isn`t.  where`s my/your/his/her…?  perhaps it`s in/on…
4、 了解辅音字母g和h在单词中的读音,并能举例。
5、 能有表情的演唱歌曲perhaps。
1.学生能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a key , a purse ,a storybook ,a fan 和
a tape 等。
2.学生能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型is this/that my/your/his/her…? yes ,it is. / no, it isn`t.  where`s my/your/his/her…?  perhaps it`s in/on…
lesson one
一、 教学内容
key  crayon  water bottle  storybook  fan  purse  tape  umbrella 
is this/that your/my/his/her…?  yes, it is./no, it isn`t.
           what`s that over there?  it`s…   
二、 教学过程 
 what`s this/that?    
 this/that is… (复习以前学过的生活用品类单词)
 ss answer review the knowledge.
2、 事先收集一些学生的物品:
key  umbrella  crayon 
water bottle  storybook
 fan  purse  tape
t: what`s that over there?(
指钱包 板书over there: 在那里)
(取钱包 出示单词卡片)
t: it`s a purse
(学生拼读 purse)
板书 what`s that over there?  it`s a…(学生跟读)
key  umbrella  crayon  water bottle  storybook  fan  tape
 (取钱包 出示单词卡片)
(学生拼读 purse)
(学生拼读 purse)
ss read after the teacher.
ss learn
key  umbrella  crayon
 water bottle  storybook  fan  tape
 by collecting the things of ss leads to the new words’ learning.
is this/that/my/your/his/her…?   yes, it is. / no, it isn`t.
t: sa, is this your purse?
t: here you are.
(板书:is this your…? yes, it is.)
t: sb, is that your umbrella?
sb: no, it isn`t.
(板书:is that your…? no, it isn`t.)
t: sc, is this your…?
t: perhaps, it`s…`s.1234
  (板书 perhaps:也许 学生拼读 ,通过对话让学生明白`s 也表示物主)
sa: yes, it is.
sa: thank you.
sc: no, it isn`t.
sd: yes, it is.
sd, is this your…?
学生间两两对话,完成page25 work in pairs
 consolidate the new learned words and practice the sentence structure.
4、  listen to the tape  
read and say   
read after the tape    
read after the tape   try to modify the pronounciation of the tape.
homework: read and copy the new words.
                 unit 3  a purse.
key  crayon  water bottle 
storybook  fan  purse  tape  umbrella 
is this/that your/my/his/her…?  yes, it is./no, it isn`t.
           what`s that over there?  it`s…

lesson two
一、 教学内容
1、 词汇:
in  on  my  your  his  her 
2、 句型:
        where`s my/your/his/her…?
        perhaps, it`s in/on…
3、 日常用语:
        let me see.  come here.  not at all.
二、 教学过程
review: 1、 (取学生的物品用来表演对话复习上节课所学的单词句型)
t: is this/that your…?
t: sb, is this your…?
t: come here.(示意学生上台取回自己物品) here you are.
(引导学生说 thank you)
sb: thank you.
t: not at all.
(通过对话让学生理解come here./not at all.的意思。板书 come here./ not at all.学生朗读日常用语。)
sa: no, it isn`t. perhaps,it`s…`s.
sb: yes, it is.
review the knowledge.
 2、 教师藏起自己的钱包让学生帮助找。引出对话中用于表示所在方位的介词短语
t: where`s my purse?
t: perhaps, it`s in the classroom/on the chair…
(教师同时用手势表示方位,让学生理解意思。板书介词短语:in the classroom / on the chair, 学生拼读。)
板书句型:where`s my/your/his/her…?
          perhaps, it`s in/on…
运用新句型让学生猜 where`s my purse?
t: let me see. no, it isn`t.
t: let me see. yes, it is. thank you.
(通过对话让学生明白 let me see.的意思。板书let me see. 学生跟读。)
sa: perhaps,it`s in the desk.
sb: perhaps, it`s on the floor.
 by creating the situation leads to the  prep learning .
3、 game: 猜一猜
  t: where`s his ruler?
  sa: perhaps, it`s in the schoolbag.1234
  t: no, it isn`t.
  sb: perhaps, it`s on the chair.
  t: yes, it is.
ss try to guess and answer. game is ss’ favourite activity.
4 学生两两对话,完成page26 ask and answer。
ss ask and answer in pairs.
some pairs act.
write down the sentences. practice.
5 listen to the tape 
 read after the tape
read after the tape
some try to read it individually. modify the tape.
6 完成练习册听力部分
homework: say and copy the new learned sentences.
            unit 3  a purse
where`s my/your/his/her…?
        perhaps, it`s in/on…

lesson three
一、 教学内容
1、 辅音字母g 和 h 在单词中的发音。
2、 日常交际用语:excuse me,…?  i`m sorry.  sorry, i don`t know.
3、 歌曲:perhaps                                                                    
二、 教学过程
read the taxt 1、 (朗读练习)
  acting is necessary.
2、 review: t: is this your purse/tape/umbrella…?
t: where`s my/your/his/her purse/tape/umbrella…?
 s: yes, it is./ no, it isn`t.
s: perhaps, it`s in/on…
 review the knowledge.
3、 听录音朗读单词:
 get  girl  hamburger  hot
让学生从中体会 g 和 h 在单词中的发音。写出音标:[ g ]、[ h ]
g: give  glove  good  goodbye  green…
h: happy  have  her  here  his…
学生从中体会 g 和 h 在单词中的发音。
ss try to say more words including the same kind of saying.
with the help of the teacher. learning the regulars can help them to pronounce the words .
4、听录音 page27  read and act
question: where`s david`s storybook?
听录音模仿跟读 板书:excuse me,… / i`m sorry. / over there
 s: it`s over there .(从对话中找到答案)
 this part most students like it very much.
5、 学生自己阅读 fun house 并理解意思,教师板书sorry, i don`t know.释义。
ss read the funhouse by themselves and try to understand the meaning by them
selves .
ss read the funhouse  reading is also important.
6、 sing a song: perhaps
       朗读歌词  听录音  跟唱  齐唱
homework: try to sing the songs.read the dialogue.1234
unit 3 a purse.
excuse me,…? 
i`m sorry.
 sorry, i don`t know.

一 教学目标
1.three skills:words he, she ;short forms: he’s=he is , she’s=she is
sentences:he’s\she’s in\on the…
2.finish the undone parts.
3. 通过复习,掌握本单元所学的单词和句型。
2、能正确拼写part b的单词
he, she, it 在 “….be in\on the…”的正确使用。
五、 教学过程
  1  act out part e
 ss act
ss act review
2  free talk
 t:what’s that over there? what’s this\that in\on…?
 ss answer review the sentences
3 games
 t: listen and do
    your english book is on the desk.  your copybook is in the desk.  your pen is in the english book.  your pencil-box is in the school bag.  your school bag is on the chair.
   t: listen and answer
    where’s your english book\pen\pencil-box\school bag\copybook? ss listen and do the action. game is very intere
4、 presentation a t: where’s s1?
t: he/she’s here/over there.
introduce ‘he’and ‘she’ in this way.
b t: (show a picture.): look at the study. where’s the light/book?
look, this is nancy. (put nancy in the study.) where’s she?
 guide ss to answer: she’s in the study.
 t: look, this is nancy’s brother, david. (put david in the bath.)
c use the picture to practise in this way.
 s1: i’m here.
 review the key senten
sens of this unit.
5、 part g 1 a look and comprehend.
b explain and read.
c underline the main phrases.
 ss do the exer
cise check the under
6、 part a page 23 a  act out page 22.
b listen to the tape. t: where’s yang ling? is this her purse?
c listen , read and say.
d practise in four. then act out part a.
 ss act
practice and act is very important.
7、 part g 2 make and play.
 a demonstrate the process of making a fan.
b let ss do it after school.
 ss try to do it. practice
a finish the writing work in the workbook.
b listen, read and recite part a.
c review unit 3.
words written on the blackboard
                          unit 3
where’s …?                       he 他   he’s=he is
it’s\he’s\she’s…                she 她  she’s=she is


4a unit 3 教案 来自。 1234


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