[4a广告公司]4A Unit3 A purse(第一课时)

小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-01 网络整理 晴天


1 四会单词a key, a tape, a purse, a fan
2 四会句型where"s my...? is this/that your...? yes,it is./no,it isn"t.
3 能在情景中熟练运用本课时所学的句型和日常交际用语
1 四会句型where"s my...? is this/that your...? yes,it is./no,it isn"t.
2 能在情景中熟练运用本课时所学的句型和日常交际用语
1 《金太阳》教学光碟,关于本课时的多媒体课件
2 单词卡片、实物(师生自带)
3 板书课题、日期
step1 free talk &revision
1 greetings
t: hello, xx, how are you today?
s: ...
2 t: (拿起生桌上的一张照片,放下)xx,what"s that on the desk?
s: it"s a photo.
t: can i have a look?
s: sure.
t: thank you.how nice!
t: look! what"s that?(装作偶然看见并拿起钥匙)
s: it"s a key.
t: xx, is this your key?
s: yes,it is.
t: here you are.
s: thank you.
t: not at all.
t: where"s my key?
s: it"s in the bag.
t: let me see. yes. thank you.
t板书 a:where"s my...?
3 t:(拿起一支蜡笔)look, is this a key?
s: no,it"s a crayon.
t: i see. what colour?
s: green.
t: yes, it"s a green crayon.
t: (走到学生身边递蜡笔问).xx,is this your crayon?
s: yes, it is.
t: here you are.
t: (从地上捡起一支蜡笔)xx,where"s your crayon? is this your crayon?
s: no,it isn"t.
t: (指讲台上蜡笔)is that your crayon?
s: yes,it is.
t: here you are.
t板书 b:is this/that your crayon?
a:yes,it is./no,it isn"t.
领读板书,强调is this/is that的读法和句子的升调。
t: (作寻找状)where"s my crayon?
s: is this/that your crayon?(如生不能回答则给予提示)
t: no,it isn"t./yes,it is.
学生用自己的钥匙和蜡笔,通过黑板上的句型,practice in pairs.
4 t用蜡笔在纸上作画,停顿,拿起一修正带,作修改状。
t指修正带:what"s this in english?
s: it"s a tape.
t: xx, is this your tape?
s: no, it isn"t.
t: you can ask other students.(小游戏:找主人,问三次还没找到,主人站起来:where"s my tape? 猜对的同学给予奖励)
s: xx, is this your tape?
s1: no, it isn"t. xx, is this your tape?
sx: yes, it is./where"s my tape?
5 t: now i"m tired. i"d like to read a story.(拿起英语书)is this a storybook?
s: no,it isn"t.
t: where"s my storybook? can you tell me?
s: is that your storybook?
t: no,it isn"t.
s: is that your storybook?
t: yes,it is. thank you.(给予奖励)
step 2 presentation &practice


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