5a景区|5A Unit 4 Halloween教学设计

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-05 网络整理 晴天


1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a family,thing,need,a horse
2、能听得懂、会说、会读单词halloween,tomorrow,mask,pumpkin, lantern,vase,
3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语what do you need? we need some… what else do you need?..., please. here’s your change. do you like…?yes, i do./no, i don’t. i like… what do you like? i like…
难点:1、句型do you like masks?中可数名词复数的正确使用。
step1 greetings
step2 sing a song《we can sing and dance》
step3 free talk
how are you?
what’s in the classroom?
is there a…?
what can you do?
do you like…?
are there any…?
where are they?(相机教授vase)
step4 presentation
a. learn “halloween”
t: today i’ll tell you something about a festival” halloween”(师出示halloween单词卡)
ss: (齐跟读,个别读)
b. introduce the festival “halloween”
t: halloween is on 31st of october.(师介绍halloween相机教pumpkin lantern, mask,horse并用do you like…? i like horse masks.what masks do you like?与学生对话)
c. learn what do we need? thing
t: halloween is so interesting. let’s have a halloween party,ok?
t: what do we need?
s: we need some…
t: (相机板书)what else do we need?
s: we need …
t: now let’s buy things for a halloween party. thing
ss: (个别读,齐读)
t: now i’m the shop assistant. can i help you?
s: we need some…
t : what else do you need?
s: we need some…
d.s—s practise, then ask a s to be the assistant.t相机教how much are they? here’s your change.
step5 have a rest
sing the song《can i help you?》
can i help you?
we need a mask.
what else do you need?
some flowers ,please.
how much are they?
twenty-five yuan.
here’s the money.
here’s your change.
step6 presentation
a. learn tomorrow
t: tomorrow is halloween. tomorrow
ss: (listen and read)
t: ben and his family are talking about the halloween party. what are they talking about? let’s listen to the tape and answer:
1.what do they need?
2.what does ben’s brother ron like?
3.how much are the things?
ss: (listen and answer the questions)
b. listen to the tape and imitate.
step7 consolidation
 make a dialogue :buy things for a birthday party.
step8 summary
step9 homework
a. listen to the tape and imitate.
b. copy the four skills words and recite them.
c. make a dialogue.
buy things for a halloween party.
buy things for a birthday party.
buy things for women’s day.12
buy things for children’s day.
buy things for teachers’ day.
unit 4 halloween  date
what do we need?
we need some…
what else do you need?
how much are they?
5a unit 4 halloween教学设计 来自。 12


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