5a景区|5A unit 2 第二课时教案

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-05 网络整理 晴天


第一部分 简要提示
三、课题:a new house
五、教学内容: 单元part b、c、d
六、 教学目标:
1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写behind, , under, a door, a bed, a telephone, a lamp.
2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型what’s in / on / under / behind …?
there’s / there isn’t a / an … there are some / aren’t any …
3. 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语here is a /an …for you. here are some … for you.
1.正确使用五个介词。in, on, under, behind, near。
2.能正确地使用否定句there isn’t….there aren’t …,及正确使用any
greeting: t:hello, boys and girls. last lesson we learned part a of unit 2. did you review it after class? today we’ll continue to learn unit 2. first of all , let’s sing a song ‘ two jackets’.同学们大家好,上节课我们学了第二单元的a部分,你们掌握得怎么样?课后都复习了吗?今天我们将继续第二单元的学习。首先我们来唱一首歌,two jackets. ppt 3
t:after singing the song can you tell me where are the jackets? 你能告诉我歌里唱的夹克在哪里吗?
t: good, they’re on the chair. now, look at this picture. can you tell me where is the rabbit?
t: yes. it’s on the box. where is it now? 现在兔子又在哪里呢?
t: ok, it’s in the box. look! where is the rabbit now? is it in the box? no. ppt5
t: now, look. here is the new word. please read after me. ppt6
t: now, can you answer now. where is the rabbit?(停顿)
yes, it’s under the box. look, is the rabbit under the box now?
no. where is it? 现在兔子又到了哪里呢?ppt7
t: now, look. here is the new word. please read after me. ppt8
t: now, boys and girls, please look at the screen and answer my questions. 请大家看图回答我的问题。ppt9
look at picture one. where is the rabbit? (停顿)
t: yes, it’s behind the box. please look at picture 2. where is the rabbit? (停顿)
great, it’s in the box.
t: now, look at this picture and make a dialogue with your partner.请同学们看图,跟你的同桌造句练习。 ppt10
t: now let’s check our answer.ppt11-12.同学们,你们都做对了吗?
1.t: look! i want to draw a picture. there is some paper on the desk. but there isn’t a lamp.ppt13
t: now, look. here is the new word. please read after me. ppt14
2 t:
look at the picture now. the boy wants to copy the new words.ppt15
t:you can see, there is a copy book on the desk. but there isn’t a pen.
t: so can you help him?
t: yes, you can say here’s a pen for you.12
t: good. now i’ll show you another picture. can you make some sentence?ppt16
t: good. look at the pictures. and make a dialogue with your partner. you also can open your books and you can find the pictures in part d. 请大家根据这几幅图片跟你的同桌对话,你也可以在书上的d部分找到这几幅图片。ppt17
t: now, let’s check our answer. ppt18-21
let’s see, whether you are right or wrong.同学们,我们来核对一下答案吧,你做对了吗?
1.t: boys and girls, please take out your paper. listen to me and draw in the room. 请大家拿出课前老师发的空房间的图片,听老师的描述,在相应位置画出物品。)ppt22
t : there’s a bed in the room.
there is a picture on the wall.
there is a table beside the bed.
there is a football under the table.
there are some pears on the table.
there is a sofa behind the table.
there are some sweets on the sofa.
t: now look at the screen and check your answer. are you all right?
(总结:today we learned the new words of part b. we also learned the drills of part c and d. after class, please use the pictures of part c and make a dialogue with your friend.今天我们学习了本单元b部分的新单词和cd部分的句型,课后请大家利用c部分的图片跟你的朋友做一个对话。好了,今天就到这里了,我们下次再见吧。)


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