[牛津英语8a unit1教案]牛津英语5A教案——Unit4Halloween

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-05 网络整理 晴天


title:  unit 4 (1st)
4. learn to say the words: a chicken,a duck, a horse,a pig
5. learn the 4 skill words: a chicken,a duck,a horse,a pig
6. revise the sentence structure:
do you like …?yes,i do . /no,i don't.
4. command the sentence structure:
do you like …?yes,i do . /no,i don't.
  command the words and the sentence structure.
command the sentence structure:
do you like …?yes, i do . /no,i don't.
teaching aids:  pictures, tape and tape-recorder, projects.
1.writing on the blackboard “unit4 halloween "
2. the projects.
writing on the blackboard:
      unit  4 halloween
   chickens  do you like chickens/singing?       singing
ducks    yes,i do .                        dancing
horses    no,i don't . i like ducks/dancing.   swimming
pigs                                      skating
summary of this lesson:
本单元 列出的a chicken ,a duck,a horse, a pig等  动物类单词都是第一次出现。其他已学过的动物类单词在本单元以复数形式再次出现。教师在教学中要注意创设够物情景,让学生熟练自如地进行交际会话。在学习do you like …? 后加名词复数时, 引申扩展学习后加动名词形式,为后面小短文教学打下基础。

out line   teacher"s activities    students" activities
step 1
speaking english 1.t: hi, boys and girls. glad to see you.
2. t: now, look at the pictures. what’s in the picture?
( revise the words: dog, cat, monkey, tiger,  panda, zebra, bird, elephant …) 1.ss: glad to see you, miss li.

2.ss: there is a… in the picture./
    there are some … in the picture.
step 2
learn to say the new  words. (show the pictures)
1.t: what’s in the picture?
it’s a chicken.

2. t: do you like it?
t: show the word “chicken”.
3. t: teach the words “ duck, horse, pig”
4.consolidation. 1. ss: it’s a …
.read and spell the word “chicken”.123456
yes, i do./no, i don’t.
ss: learn to say the words “duck, horse, pig”. 
3.listen and point the right picture.
read the words after the tape.
look and read.
step 3 learn the sentence structure. (show a picture)
1.t(反转图片): what’s in the picture, can you guess?
is there a … in the picture?
3.t: ( show the pictures)
do you like chickens?
what do you like?
4. show the sentence:
do you like…(s)? yes, i do. / no, i don’t.
5. show the pictures.
part c
horses, bears, pigs, pandas, ducks.
6. drill.

7. do you like singing?
write the verbs on the bb, and tell ss how to plus –ing.
8. (动词图片) ask ss to practise in pairs. 1. s1: there is a … in the picture.
2. s1( 在教师指导下):
yes, there is./ no, there isn’t.
3. ss: answer the questions according to yourselves.
( yes, i do. / no, i don’t. )
i like…

4. ss
understand the sentence.

5. make the sentences with partners “do you like…? yes, i do. / no, i don’t.”

6. look at the pictures and drill the sentence structure “do you like…? yes, i do. / no, i don’t.”
7. yes, i do.

8. do you like singing?
yes, i do.
no, i don’t. i like dancing.
step 4
practise the sentence structure. 1. t: look at part. c. please practise in pairs.
2. t&s: check.
3.drill. 2. ss: work in pairs.

2. 个别操练。 
3. 集体操练。
step 5 home work. give the homework to the students. ss: copy 4 skill words and sentences.
title: unit 4(2nd)
1.learn to say the words: a vase, a mask, a candle, a pumpkin,lantern, command the sentence structure: i like…what do you like? i like…
2. 4 skills words:   a candle, lantern                     
3.say a rhyme: halloween
1. learn to say and write the words: a candle, lantern
2. command the sentence structure: i like … what do you like? i like…
1. command the sentence structure: i like…what do you like? i like…
teaching aids:  tape, picture, project
1. writing the title on the blackboard.
2. pictures, project, tape and recorder.
writing on the blackboard:
unit  4 halloween 

i like… what do you like..?
i like…
summary of this lesson:
在教授句型时,先引导学生会说 “ do you like chickens/ducks/horses/pigs?”,然后教授学生问what do you like?最后逐步深入把句子问完整。
在作业中,出现 “do you like+单数名词”的现象,教师应在今后的教学中让学生多练习,使其真正牢固掌握。

out line teacher"s activities students" activities
step 1
english. 1.t: let’s revise the animals. 123456

2.look and say.

3. revise the sentence structure of last class. 1.ss: count the numbers “dog, cat, tiger, panda, pig, monkey, elephant…
2. ss: revise the words of last class.
3. ss: ask and answer “ part. c)
step 2
learn to say the words. 1.presentation.
t: (show the picture)
what is it ? do you know?
2.t: it’s a mask.
3.t: teach the words “ vase, candle, pumpkin, lantern” in the same way.
4. consolidation.
a. read.
b. play a game. 1.s1: yes./ sorry, i don’t know.

2. ss: learn to say and spell the word “mask.”.
3. ss:  learn to say the words “vase, candle, pumpkin, lantern”
4. a. read the words after the tape.
read after t.
read individuals.
b. listen and point.
step 3 learn the sentence structure. 1.(实物) t: there are some masks. i like this one . what do you like?
2.t: (show the pictures of part. d)
i like the masks. what do you like?
3.t: show the sentence.
4. drill.
5. practise.
6. check. 1.ss: i like that one.
  ss: understand and learn to say.

2.ss: (在教师指导下) i like the puppets.
3. understand and read.
4. ss: look and say the sentence structure “what do you like..? i like…”
5. ss: look at part. d, ask and answer in pairs.
6. 个别操练-小组操练。
step 4
consolidation. 1.t: now class, let’s do a survey
animals i like
2.t: what do you like…?
3. do a survey. write down the results. 1.ss: ok.
2. i like…( dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, elephants, monkeys, tigers, lions, pandas, bears, horses, pigs.)
step 5
have a rest.  say a rhyme: halloween.
step 6 home-work. give the homework to the students. copy 4skill words and sentences.
title: unit 4 (3 rd)
1. learn to say the 3 skill words and sentences: family, things, need, lantern
what do we need? we need some…
2. learn the 4 skill word: family, things, need, lantern
3. learn to say the dialogue “halloween” (part. 1  from “mum, it’s halloween tomorrow.” to “that’s a good idea.”).
learn to say the dialogue “halloween” (part. 1)
learn the 4 skill word: family things, need.
learn to say the dialogue “halloween” (part. 1)
teaching aids:
 tape, picture, project
1. writing the title on the blackboard.
2. pictures, project, tape and recorder.
writing on the blackboard:
unit  4 halloween
family   what do you need?
thing    we need some…
summary of this lesson:
以问问题的形式引出课文背景知识, 学习新单词,让学生以听录音回答问题what do they need? 让学生回答they need …掌握课文大致内容,这样学起课文来,学生就易懂,掌握较快。123456

out line     teacher"s activities           students" activities
step 1
english. 1.t: glad to see you , boys and girls.
t: glad to see you, ….

t: glad to meet you, …
2.t: i like chickens. what do you like..?
do you like the masks?
3. drill. 1. ss: glad to see you, miss li.
  s1: glad to see you, miss li.
  s2: glad to meet you.

2. s: i like…
yes, i do./no, i don’t.
3. ss: practice in pairs .
look at the picture part c and part d., ask and answer in pairs.
step 2
presentation. 1.t: (show a picture of page 30.) now, please look at the picture: what can you see in the picture?
2. 在学生的看图过程中提问
what do we need?
we need some …
t: new word: need
3. t: let’s listen to the tape,
try to find the answer of your questions.
4. t: ask the questions “ does ben like masks?” 1.ss: say out  the things they can see.
2. ss: try to understand the sentence “what do we need?”
  ss: learn to say and spell the word “need”.
  ss; learn to say the sentence  “what do you need? we need some…”
3. ss: listen to the tape twice.
4. ss: answer the questions.
step 3
read and say 1.t: now open your books, please. let’s read the dialogue after the tape please. (mum, it’s halloween tomorrow.”
2. check. 1.read the dialogue after the tape.
read after t.
read in groups.
2.read in roles..
step 4
learn to say the title. 1.t: according to the dialogue, what is the date of tomorrow?
2.t: it’s october 30th. it’s halloween.
3.talk sth. about halloween.
4.show the title 1.ss: look at the picture and answer.
2.ss: understand the meaning of halloween.
3. ss: read.
step 5 practice. guide and check. read and act out the dialogue
step  6 consolidation. ex.c in the work book
t: check. ss: read and match.
step 7
home work.  1.copy 4 skill words.
2.finish the ex. d in the workbook.
title: unit 4 (4th)
1.learn to say the 3 skill words : halloween, tomorrow, a mask,  a pumpkin, change.
2.learn to say the 3 skill sentences: what do you need? we need some… what else do you need?…, please. here’s your change.
3.learn the 4 skill word: else.
4.learn to say the dialogue “halloween” (part 2 from “can i help you?” to “here’s your change.” and the first paragraph)
1.learn the 4 skill word: else,
2.learn to say the dialogue “halloween” (part 2 from “can i help you?” to “here’s your change.” and the first paragraph)
learn to say the second paragraph fluently.
teaching aids: 123456
 tape, picture, project
1. writing the title on the blackboard.
2. pictures, project, tape and recorder.
writing on the blackboard:
unit  4 halloween
what would you like?  =   can i help you?
i’d like…                yes. i need …
anything else?       =    what else do you need?
…                       …
summary of this lesson:
out line     teacher"s activities           students" activities
step 1
english. 1.t: glad to see you , boys and girls.
(point to the picture of page 30)
t: who are they?
where are they?
what would they like? what do they need?
2. ask ss to act out the dialogue. 1. ss: glad to see you, miss li.


ss: answer questions.


2.act out the dialogue.
step 2
presenta-tion. (1) 1. t: (4b购物图片) where are they?
ask ss to act out the dialogue in roles.
2. ask ss to practise in pairs.
3. teach the new sentences in the shop:
can i help you?
what else do  you need?
4. practise in pairs with new sentence structures. 1. ss: they are in the shop.

act out the dialogue with t.

2. practise in pairs.
3. learn the new sentences.


4. practise in pairs with new sentence structures.
step 3
read and practice (1) 1.t: now open your books, please. let’s read the dialogue after the tape please. (from “can i help you?” to here’s your change.”)
2. check. 1. read the dialogue after the tape.
read after t.
read in groups.
2. read in roles.
act out the dialogue.
step 4
presentation (2) 1.t: now let’s read the whole dialogue together.
2.t: what is the date today?
t: yes, it is the halloween.
3.t(show the picture): look, ben and his parents are in the sitting-room.
 t: they would like to buy things for a halloween party.
what do they need?
4. t: please look at the boys in the picture, “what do they need?” 1.ss: read the whole dialogue.
2.ss: it’s october 30th.
ss: understand and learn to say the word “halloween”.
3.ss: understand and learn to say the word “family”.
ss: understand and learn to say the word “things”.
ss: spell the word.
ss: learn to say the sentence “what do they need?”
4. ss: they  need…
step 5
read and practice.(2) 1.read.

3.consolidation. 1.read after the tape.
read after the teacher.
read in pairs.
read together.
2.read individually.
3.act out the whole dialogue.
step 6
have a rest.  say a rhyme: halloween.
step 7
home work.  1.copy 4 skill words.
2.finish the ex. e in the workbook.

牛津英语5a教案——unit 4  halloween 来自。 123456


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