[pepper]PEP Book3 Unit4 My home 全单元教案

小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-25 网络整理 晴天


《my home》是pep第三册教材中的第四单元,这一单元主要是围绕家里的各类房间living room,study,kitchen,bedroom and bathroom及一些常见的生活用品和家具phone,fridge,tv,sofa,table,shelf and bed等展开的一系列话题.这些东西都是学生们非常熟悉而且和我们息息相关的,所以教师教起来会比较顺手,比较容易,学生也会乐于学习,并易于在生活中进行运用。
    本单元重点学习一般疑问句的用法,其中难点在于a、b部分的let"s talk中的问句“is it in/on/under…?”“is this…?”“are they on/near…?”其回答“yes, it is./no, it isn"t.”“no, they aren"t./yes, they are.”b部分的let"s talk是在a部分基础上的扩展。本套教材在学生用书三年级下册第五单元和本册学生用书第一单元中对句型“where is it? it"s in/on/near/…” 等已经作了铺垫。在教学中,教师要注意运用这些铺垫,减轻教与学的难度。
    在教学中,教师要注意将前两册学过的句子滚动到本单元的教学中,具体有以下一些句子:i have a…it has…how beautiful! how many…do you have? do you like…? i like…look at…let me…通过复习运用这些句子帮助学生复习滚动前两册的单词,如:fruits, animals, colours, big, small等,同时通过对let me等句型的复习巩固为第五、六单元的句型教学奠定基础。
1、  能力目标:
⑴能够简单描述自己的家,结合学过的语言描述各个房间及室内家具陈设的名称、特征等,如:this is my
house. it’s big. i have a living room. this is my bed.
⑵能够询问、猜测物品的位置,并做出相应的回答。如:where’s (where are)……? is it (are they) in/on/under……? yes, it is (they are)./no , it isn’t (they aren’t).
⑶能够听懂并发出一些指令,如:go to the living room/……watch tv. read a book. take a shower. have a snack.. have a sleep. sit on the sofa. water the flower. answer the phone. open the fridge. set the table.
⑷会唱歌曲"my bedroom"
2、  知识目标
⑴熟练掌握单词home, room, school, classroom, door, window, desk, chair的拼写。
⑵听、说、认读a、b部分let’s learn, let’s talk中的单词和句子.
⑶理解let’s do, let’s chant等部分的内容.
⑷了解story time, good to know等部分的内容.
第一课时:a(let’s learn   let’s do)               c(let’s sing)
第二课时:a(let’s talk    let’s play)              c(good to know)
第三课时:a(read and write  read and say)        12345678
第四课时:b(let’s learn   let’s do)               c(story time)
第五课时:b(let’s talk    let’s chant)             c(let’s check)
第六课时:b(read and write  write and say)        c(task time  let’s play)

教学目标:!、能听、说、认读单词study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen.
         2、能听懂会说"this is my home. you can see a bedroom,a living room……"
         3、能听懂"let’s do"中的指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作.
重点:与学生家庭生活密切相关的基本词汇与会话:this is my home. you can see a study,a bathroom, a bedroom, a living room and a kitchen.
难点:单词bathroom, living room, bedroom的发音。"let’s do"中"have a snack","take a shower"两个词组的发音及理解。
step1 warm-up
ⅰ、enjoy a song"i love my family"
ⅱ、t: i have a happy family. there are three people in my family. we live on donghai road出示家的图片。介绍给学生this is my home. we can see many rooms in it.问问学生看到了哪些房间。那么,今天我们就要来学习各个房间的说法。
step2 presentation
let’s learn
ⅰ、⑴ 教师出示study的图片,手指着书房里的书问学生:what are they? 学生回答:they are books. 教师接着自问自答:where are the books? they are in the study. 教读单词 study, 并板书,让学生认读。教师用动作帮助学生理解词义:we read the books in the study.
⑵ 教师出示living room的图片,教师问学生:are there many books here? is it a study?
学生回答:no.教师肯定学生的回答:good. this isn’t a study. it’s a living room. we watch tv in a living room. 教读单词living room, 并板书,让学生认读。
⑶教师出示bedroom的图片,问学生:what’s in it? 当学生回答出bed时,教师说:yes, there is a bed in it. we sleep in a bedroom. (做动作帮助学生理解)this is a bedroom.教读bedroom, 并板书,让学生认读。
⑷教师出示bathroom的图片,问学生:is this a study? is this a living room? is this a bedroom? 学生会回答:no. 教师告诉学生:this is a bathroom. we take a shower in a bathroom.(用动作帮助学生理解)教读单词bathroom,并板书,让学生认读。
⑸教师出示kitchen的图片,问学生:is this a bathroom? 教师可让学生用中文说出这是哪儿。然后教读单词kitchen, 并板书,学生认读单词。教师可请学生看图片说句子:this is a kitchen.
⑹练读五个单词。可以指名读,开小火车,也可以以小组为单位。教师对个别难发的单词bathroom, living room, bedroom进行特别指导。12345678
ⅱ、game1: what’s missing?
ⅲ、game2: guessing game
教师出示一张遮住一部分的图片,让学生猜一猜是什么。在这一活动中,教师要让更多的学生去猜:living room/kitchen/study/bathroom/bedroom.而不是某位学生猜对了,教师就马上说:that’s right.
ⅳ、look, think and say
教师出示一系列图片—a study, a bathroom, a bedroom, a living room, a bedroom……观后教师提问:what can you see?(i can see a study/bedroom……)
ⅴ、listen to the radio and read after it
vi、game: drawing while listening
    teacher says the demands and asks the students to draw.
        draw a big house.
        draw a study in it. colour it red.
        draw a living room. colour it blue.
vii、t: so nice rooms, my home is nice,too教师做示范:we have two bedrooms, one living-room, one study ,one kitchen and one bathroom引导学生介绍自己家的房子
let’s do
ⅰ、look , listen and point
ⅱ、listen and do
学生听录音或者听教师打乱次序说指令,并做出相应的动作。比如教师说:go to the living room. watch tv.学生便要做出走到起居室看电视的动作.教师要鼓励程度好的学生边说边做.
ⅲ、say and do
教师把全班分成两大组.ga:go to the living room. gb:watch tv. ga: go to the study. gb:read a book……重放录像或听录音伴奏,边说边做动作。
let’s sing
step3 homework
ⅰ、活动手册p26 listen and number

教学目标:1、能听懂、会说句型“is this your bedroom?”“is it in…? yes, it is./no, it isn’t.”“ i have a new……” “where’s……?”
教学重点:句型“is it in……? yes, it is./ no, it isn’t.”的理解与运用。
ⅰ、let’s sing a song“my bedroom”
ⅱ、let’s do
go to the living room. watch tv.       go to the study. read a book.
go to the kitchen.  have a snack.      go to the bathroom. take a shower.
go to the bedroom. have a sleep.
step2 presentation
学习句型“is this your……? is she in……?”
ii、 game:看动作猜图片
教师给一个学生看一张图片或照片,然后该学生通过做一系列可能在这房间发生的动作,让全班学生猜她或他看到的是什么房间的图片或照片。如:kitchen图片,该学生可以做烧饭、切菜等一系列动作。鼓励学生用句型:is it a living room\ kitehen…?并引导学生回答:yes, it is.或no, it isn’t.
ⅲ、继续上个步骤的guessing game,这一次将房间的图片翻过来呈现在黑板上,教师拿出一张猫的图片,说:look.i have a cat. where’s my cat? s: guess. 教师帮助学生用is she in the living room? is she in the bedroom?等来猜测,然后将图片翻过来,说: she’s in the bedroom.用其它动物图片做这个游戏。
1、  听let’s talk部分的录音。提问:where is the cat?学生在听一遍以后回答问题并逐句跟读。
2、  学生模仿课文内容,运用自制图片与同桌编对话。教师巡回指导,完后请几组搭档上台表演。
ⅴ、game: where is ××?
教师把上节课5个单词五幅图帖在黑板上。事先收集一部分学生的照片,请一位学生把其中一张照片巾在图片上。另请一位学生在没有看到巾照片过程的前提下猜一猜:is she/he in the living room?……猜错了,全班学生齐说:no, she /he isn’t.猜对了,齐说:yes, she/he is.
vi、教师发给学生几个盒子,盒子上分别写着不同的房间名称,以小组为单位让学生把snow white, amy, john等人物藏起来,可以按自己的意愿把他们画在书房里,卧室里等,然后互相提问:is she/he in the living room?……
step3 good to know
新出现单词有:attic阁楼   garage仓库,车库    garden花园    basement地下室    porch门廊,走廊
step4 homework
ⅰ、活动手册 p27  listen and number.
ⅱ、课后找同伴进行情景对话的设计: show your friends around your home.
教师给出可参考句型:this is my home./ welcome to my home. /is this your bedroom/study……?/yes ,it is. no, it isn’t./ i have a ……/ is it/she/he  on/in/under……? yes ,it/she/he is.   no, it/she/he isn’t. /where’s my……?

ⅰ、情景对话表演:show your friends around your home.
the…?学生回答:it"s in the kitchen. 变换不同的图片,学生之间操练对话:where"s the…? it"s in the kitchen/living room… 然后教师把黑板上的图片都收起来,然后问学生:where is the cat? 让学生凭记忆回答物品在哪个房间,学生用句型:is it in the study/…?进行提问。如果学生回答错了,教师说:no, it isn"t.如果学生回答对了,教师说:yes, it is.12345678
step2 presentation
read and write
ⅰ、look and read
⑴出示图片home, 让学生说出单词,并让学生用home说一句话。如:i have a home. this is my home. my home is very nice.等。
⑵分别出示图片bathroom, living room, bedroom, study, kitchen.告诉学生:they are rooms. 教读单词room.
⑶让学生想一想,说一说所学过的单词中还有哪个词属于room?引出classroom.可进一步问学生:what’s in the classroom?
⑷出示图片school,教师问学生:is it a room? is it a home?让学生回答:no, it isn’t. it’s a school.
ⅱ、look and match
ⅳ、游戏:what"s missing?
v、read and copy
write and say
ⅰ、write and say
如:look!this is my home. welcome to my home.
this is my home. in my home, you can see a big living room, two nice bedroom.
i have a nice room. in my room, you can see a small bed.
this is my school, s-c-h-doubleo-l ,school. it’s very nice. i like it very much.
this is my classroom. it’s big.
ⅲ、tongue twister
如:look at my home. it’s nice.          look at my room. it’s nice, too.
look at my classroom.  it’s big.     look at my school. it’s big , too.
welcome to my home,              welcome to my room.
welcome to my school,             welcome to my classroom.
step3 homework
活动手册p31   read and copy. listen, number and write.

教学目标:1、能听、说、认读单词phone, bed, sofa, shelf, fridge, table.
2、能听懂“let’s do”中的指示语,并按照指令做了相应的动作.
3、了解story time中的故事内容.
重点:听、说、认读单词phone, bed, sofa, shelf, fridge, table.
难点:1、单词fridge, shelf, table的发音。
2、“let’s do”中“make the bed”、“answer the phone”、“set the table”三个词组的发音及理解。12345678
step1(warm-up/ review)
ⅰ、let’s do
stand up/ take a shower/ read a book/ make a cake/ open the window/ have a snack/ watch tv/ have a sleep/ sit down.
ⅱ、greetings with the ss. tell the ss that the t is happy these days because she bought a new house. she asks the ss for some suggestions to design the new house.
利用课件呈现新房子图片,教师说:welcome to my home.用guessing game让学生猜出各个房间,同时复习前几课所学的有关房间名称的词汇。
step2 presentation
let’s learn
ⅰ、教师提问:what do i need for my new house?鼓励学生说出以前所学的有关房间设施的词汇,如:lamp, chair, tv, light等,同时呈现新单词 phone, bed, sofa, shelf, fridge, table.练读新单词
ⅱ、game1: bomber 轰炸机
ⅲ、game2: what’s changed
ⅳ、教师说: you give me many good suggestion, now i’ll go shopping to buy these things. 课件呈现商品价目表,教师设置情景: i have only 8000 yuan, what can i buy?学生小组讨论,设定最佳购买方案。
ⅴ、任务:用买来的家具装修房间,鼓励学生用:put the … in the… look, it’s very nice.等句型来表达。
ⅵ、listen to the radio and read after it.
let’s do
ⅰ、先听录音,然后跟说。对词组make the bed/answer the phone/ set the table要特别地指导。
ⅱ、把班级分成两大组,轮流给对方发指令,由对方做出动作,然后交换。如:ga:sit on the sofa.gb做出相应的动作。gb:make the bed.ga做出相应动作。以此类推.
step3 story time
step4 homework
ⅰ、活动手册p32   listen and match

教学目标:1、听懂会说where are……? are they……? yes, they are./ no, they aren’t.
          4、能哼唱let’s chant部分的歌谣。
重点:人称代词they; 句型where are ……?are they ……? yes, they are. /no, they aren’t.
step1: (warm-up/review)
ⅰ、let’s do 复习上节课的内容,可以加上对话中出现的指令:open the door.
ⅱ、let’s chant播放第一册unit 2 b部分的歌谣录音。学生说:“here it is.”教师要求学生用双手指自己的眼睛、耳朵等,教师提问“where are your ears/eye……?”帮助学生回答:here they are.并改编chant:12345678
where are your ears? here they are.   where are your eyes?   here they are.
where are your legs? here they are.   where are your hands?  here they are.
step2: presentation
let’s talk
ⅰ、ask and answer: what are they?
由出示一本书开始问:what’s this?增加书的数量,引出what are they? they are……再利用一些实物进行问答,加以巩固。
板书:what are they?  they are……
ⅱ、a guessing game: what’s in the bag?
t: what are those in the bag? touch them and guess. are they……?
s: are they apple/……? t: yes, they are. / no, they aren’t.
教师自制大教学挂图:一栋房子,(参考c/task time的图),找一找,where are mother’s
keys? 房子中的任何物品都可以取下(先制作一栋房子的结构,每间屋子的英文名字贴上去,背后有yes/no的答案。每间屋子中的物品都可摘下。物品背后有答案,找到画有钥匙的部分即为找到)。学生在猜的过程中,运用语言are they …来提问。教师用yes, they are./ no, they aren’t来回答。最后教师让学生闭上眼睛,然后教师把钥匙插在教室的门上,轻轻地把门关好,问学生:where are the keys? ss: are they on the floor/on the teacher’s desk/……? 最后引出they are in the door.
ⅳ、游戏:心有灵犀:把全班学生分成两大组,每组分别派出两名学生,一名学生面对教师,另一名教师背对教师。教师指图片问:where is\ are the…?背对教师的学生猜is it in…?\ are they in…?面对教师的学生判断yes, it is.\ they are.\ no, it isn’t\ aren’t.
ⅴ、学习对话。带着问题where are the keys?听录音学习对话。跟读,强化语音、语调的训练。
let’s chant
t: who’s in the living room?
s: mom is in the living room.
t: who’s in the kitchen?
s: my brother is in the kitchen.
let’s check
step3 homework
ⅰ、活动手册p33  listen  and  circle “yes/no”

教学目标:1、能听、说、读、写单词window, door, desk, chair, bed.
2、能运用本节课的五个四会单词看图填空,并正确朗读和运用“write and say”部分的句型。
step1 warm-up
ⅰ、let’s do
ⅱ、let’s chant
step2 presentation
read and write
ⅰ、四人合作小组学习。呈现情景图read and write的内容,四人小组talk about the picture.12345678
ⅲ、教学书写四会单词。注意window, chair的写法。
ⅳ、game: 排序。将四会单词字母顺序打乱,比一比谁在最短时间内排好单词。
ⅴ、game:what"s missing?
教师把本单元b部分的词卡与window, door, chair, desk, bed等图片混在一起,教师快速向学生展示一下所有图片,然后拿掉一张,让学生说一说少了哪张图片并拼写图片上的单词。
write and say
ⅱ、补充练习:看图问答:what can you see in the living room?听短文,完成练习。
welcome to my home. we have a big living room. the shelf is near the window. next to the shelf, there is a fridge. it is purple. and the sofa is purple too. the bed is near the tv. the tv is black. but the phone is white. we have a small desk. it is orange.
1. listen, link and colour .
2.listen again and write.
a.welcome to my________________ .
b.we have a big living_________________ .
c.the shelf is near the_________________ .
d.the_________________is near the tv.
step3 task time
t: look! this is my home. it’s big . we have two bedrooms. this is my bedroom. i have a pink bed, a big green window……my home is beautiful. i love my home.
step4 homework
活动手册p34.35  read and write     write and match    circle and read    
listen and write



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