4盎司等于多少克_4A《Unit8 In class》教学设计

小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-25 网络整理 晴天


b.look , read and learn .
c.look,choose and say.
d.look and say.
    1.能听说读写单词drink , eat, read , draw , copy , write,close,open.
    2.能听懂、会说和会读祈使句drink some… eat a/an… draw a …
read the new words . write the new words , please .
1.四会单词:drink , eat, read , draw , copy , write.
2.三会句型:drink some… eat a/an… draw a …read the new words . write the new words , please .
2.sing a song:《ten little indians》
  ppt(闪现数字):review numbers.
  t:today we learn unit8 in class(read)
1.t:in class ,what should we do?
  s:listen carefully./look at the teacher/blackboard.sit in straight.
  t:good.(多媒体)in class,you should open your eyes.(teach:open)
s1,can you open your...?
  s:all right.
t:can you make any phrases use “open”?
  s:open the door/the book...
  t:sometimes you should close your mouth,then listen to the teacher carefully,yes or no?(teach:close)
  t:s1,can you close the door?
  t:can you make any phrases with “close”?
  s:close the ...
  let’s say a chant: open , open, open the doors.
good! good! good!
clean! clean! clean!
close ,close, close the windows
ok ! ok! ok!
clean! clean! clean!
2.t:oh,now miss li is tried and thirsty. are you thirsty?
  t:after class we can drink some water.don’t drink in class!(teach:drink)
    look!there are many things to drink. what are they?
  s:milk/orange juice/water/coffee.
  t:what would you like to drink?
  s:i’d like to drink some ...
(设计意图:由小诗的练读,创设出drink some water的情境,自然地导出drink一词进行教学。然后让学生充分地学会运用这一单词。)
3.t:oh, i’d like drink some tea.(ppt:先呈现图片,后出现单词)
 here “t” is the first. now i put “t”here ,it changes“eat”.(teach:eat)
what do you like eating best? for example,i like eating fish.  what about you?
  s:i like eating ...
  t: (ppt) look at this tiger. he is very hungry.you can give him something to eat.you can say“eat,eat,eat, eat a/an/some...,please.”123
  s:eat,eat,,eat, eat a/an/some...,please.
  t:oh ,miss li is also hungry. shall i eat in class?
  t: please don’t eat in class ,and don’t drink in class.(出示don’t...=do not...教学)
4.t:we can see “eat”,ea pronounce/i:/,can you read these words:beat,neat,heat.  
can you make any phrases with “read”?  s:read...
  t:look at the picture,is she right?
  t:what should we say?
  s:don’t read in the sun.
  t:good.read in the sun is bad for our eyes.
5.t:can you read these new words?(指黑板上的新单词)
they are new words.(teach:word)
    let’s read the new words.
  s:all right.(引导学生用该句回答,并出示句子呈现在黑板上)
  t:right→write. (teach: write )
    write the new words on the...
write... on the...
  s:(make sentences)
  t:we also can write the new words on the copybook.
   copybook→copy (teach:copy)
 6.t:i have a new word. do you want to know?  please hands up, then you can come here and copy the new word on the blackboard.   (teach:draw)
who can say“draw,draw,draw a ...for me.”
  s:draw,draw,draw a ...for me.
  t:(ppt)look!is the boy right?
  t:what can we say to him?
  s:don’t draw on the wall.
 1.read all the new words in the blackboard.
activity 1: who has a good memory?
2. ppt:(part b and c)look at the pictures, then say and write the sentences.
   activity 2: choose the correct answer.(看图片,将句子正确的代号选到相应的图片下)
 3.activity 3: read a story.《the little rabbit》 and try to act it out.
m-the little rabbit’s mother
w-the wolf123
r-the little rabbit
m: don’t open the door, please. don’t open the windows. copy the new words and draw a dog for me at home.
r: all right
w: i’m your mother. open the door!! open the windows!!
r: no! you’re not my mother.
m: open the door, please.
r: all right. mummy, sit down, please. drink some water,please.
m: thank you.
(group play.)
1.read and copy the new words.
2.use the new words to make 5 senten123


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