
小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-21 网络整理 晴天


module9    happy  birthday!
unit1对话的主要内容是通过amy过生日的场景,围绕食物来学习表示请求的句型can i have some…? yes, you can.\sorry, you can’t.unit 2 的课文中向学生展示了西方传统节日之一——万圣节,课文以万圣节的风俗为背景,以unit 1 的已学句型can i have …?为语言素材,向学生讲述了万圣节的节日特色。
及句型can i have some…? yes, you can.\ sorry, you can’t.请求允许并做出回答,初读课文。
第二课时,复习巩固unit 1单词及句型,小组内分角色表演对话unit1 activity1
完成unit2 activity 4 game.
第三课时,学习unit2, 能够模仿录音,朗读unit2对话。并完成相应练习。

unit1 can i have some sweets?

1、四会掌握几种食物的名称:soup,sweets,bread,biscuit,fruit。掌握单词及短语:sorry,light,turn on。
2、能用can i have some…? yes, you can.\ sorry, you can’t.请求允许并做出回答。
1、四会掌握几种食物的名称:soup,sweets,bread,biscuit,fruit。掌握单词及短语:sorry,light,turn on。
2、能用can i have some…? yes, you can.\ sorry, you can’t.请求允许并做出回答。
1. 能就食物进行请求允许并做出回答。
2. 句子:now you can have some biscuits,some fruit and some cake.
step 1 warming up
1. greetings.
2. do a free talk.can you run fast/jump high/ride fast/jump far/make a ake/swim……?回答:yes,i can./no,i can’t.
3 saying a chant i can run .can you run? yes, i can. yes, i can. i can jump. can you jump? yes, i can. yes, i can. i can swim. can you swim?no,ican’t.no,ican’t.(可换成其他词)
step 2 presentation.
(一)、单词教学:soup, sweets,bread ,biscuit,fruit.
t:出示盒子,复习食物。i have got a box.guss.what’s in it?让学生自由
发言,比如:rice,noodles,meat,cake,milk,ice cream, egg ,chocolate。然后让同学看ppt。游戏:what’s missing?让同学们根据自己的印象来猜,猜对的同学及时奖励。最后学生猜不出来的时候,教师可以提示,从而教授新单词。
t:there are some food and some fruits。i am hungry.can i have some___?板书句型 can i have some___?
2、指板书和图片,不断机械操练句型can i have some___?
3、鼓励学生问老师: can i have some___?如果老师问到有的食物,引导学生回答yes,you can.没有的食物,答:sorry,you can’t.并板书。(注意礼貌教育here you are.thank you .)12345678
4.师说:iknow today is …’s birthday.let’s sing birthday song to him;.
can i have some …?教师回答:yes, you can. hers you are.或是sorry, you can’t.然后让这位同学用这个句型向同学们要礼物。
5小组练习。a-b b-c c-d d-a练习句型,看谁要到的礼物最多。谁就是冠军。
can i have some sweets?  can i have some sweets?
yes ,you can. yes ,you can.
can i have some  soup? can i have some soup?
sorry,you can’t.sorry,you can’t.
step 3 new text
1.t: today is amy’s birthday, too. let’s go and have a look.
 please open your books and turn to page 34. listen to the tape
2.listen again and try to answer my questions.
q1: who is hungry?
q2: what did amy ask?
q3: what did ms smart say?
3.解决问题:s1: amy is hungry.s2: can i have some sweets?
s3: sorry , you can’t.
5老师教读一遍,学生齐读一遍。在读课文的过程中,教师教读turn on the light.和turn off the light.并作相应动作,通过对比,教授单词dark,便于学生理解
3、分角色练习读对话。第一遍老师扮演ms smart,让女同学扮演amy,男同学扮演amy的朋友。第二遍四人小组做角色扮演练习。第奋勇者展示。
step 4 homework.
1、listen to the dialogue 3 times.
module9 unit1 can i have some sweets?
can i have some sweets?  sweets,bread,bisuit fruit(单词卡片)
yes,you can.           
 sorry,you can’t.  


1.复习食物类单词soup,sweets,bread,biscuits,fruit,dark,turn on,light
2.    能够使用can i have some… 这类语句。
3.    熟读课文,表演对话。
can i have some sweets/bread/fruit/biscuits? 能够用yes, you can ./sorry, you can’t.进行问答练习。
step 1 warming up
1. greetings
t: how are you today?       ss: i’m fine, thank you. and how are you?
t: i’m great, thanks.
2.let’s do some actions , ok?   ss:ok! 
t: are you ready?   ss: yes!
t&s: i’m happy. hahaha
i’m sad. wuwuwuwu
i’m full. bongbongbong
i’m hungry. gugugugu
t: i’m very hungry now. are you hungry?
ss: yes.
t:(show a card of the refrigerator) look! this is my fridge. i bought a lot of delicious food in it yesterday. can you guess?
step 2 presentation
1. 教师让其中一名学生从教师手中的食物卡片中任取三张,让其他同学猜,使用句型can i have some …?如果猜中,教师说:yes,here you are.(谁猜中就将单词卡片给他,看谁得到的最多,加分就最多)猜不中,师说:sorry,you can’t.
2. 教师给学生做一示范之后,让其中一名同学到讲台前来拿着卡片,抽取一组同学,一人抽一张,让同学们来猜。
3. 小组之间练习,让学生拿出自己事先准备好的实物卡片,轮流抽取卡片并作相应句型练习。
step 3 new text
1. listen to the dialogue,and show me your fingers.
2. 跟读磁带,模仿语音语调。
3. 教师领读。
4. 小组内分角色表演对话,有不会的地方随时询问老师。
5. 小组展示,看看那一组表演的最好,语音语调最规范,及时奖励。
step 4 production
can i have some cake?    can i have some soup? can i have some fruit?yes, you can. 
can i have some biscuits? can i have some bread?   can i have some sweets? sorry, you can’t.
1、act the dialogue out.

module9 unit1 can i have some sweets?
can i have some sweets?  sweets,bread,bisuit fruit(单词卡片)
yes,you can.           
 sorry,you can’t.  

module 9  unit 2 happy halloween!

1. 巩固掌握食物类词汇和句型,并作相应回答。
2. 了解万圣节相关风俗及西方传统节日。
3. 能运用句型表演课文内容。
继续巩固句型can i have some…?及回答:yes,you can./sorry,you can’t.
step 1 warming up
1. greetings。
2. listen and say.then chant.(unit2activity 3)
can i have some soup?  can i have some fruit? yes ,you can. yes,you can. and you can have some rice.they’re all very nice.
step 2 presentation
1、教师上课之前故意让一名同学上课迟到,老师就问同学们,where is…? 然后该生敲门,按老师提前告诉他的说: can i come in?然后老师回答:yes,of course.教师讲解其意思,并板书教读。利用排小火车游戏,练习巩固此句型。
2.boys and girls,do you know what day is june 1st?(children’s day)
and we say happy children’s day
what day is september 10th?(teacher’s day) and we say happy teacher’s day
what about october 31st?(halloween)
(teach “halloween”), and we say happy halloween!(板书,教读)
3. do you know the origin of halloween?12345678
   ss:(自由发言) 教师讲解,并将搜集到的有关万圣节图片呈现给学生,让学生进一步理解。
:(总结)so it celebrates autumn harvest and it’s also a ceremony of the dead.
2.t:now, let’s enjoy a performance. welcome!
ss:(give a performance)
t:oh, it’s wonderful.
(ask one student)excuse me. what’s this in english?
    s:it’s a pumpkin lantern.
t:(show a picture)look, it’s a pumpkin.
(teach “pumpkin”)
what’s in the pumpkin? there’s a candle.
(teach “candle”)
we can use them to make a pumpkin lantern.
(teach “lantern”)
    ss:(repeat “jack-o-lantern” several times) 
t:(ask one student)can you tell me what’s this in english?
s:it’s a mask.
t:look, here are some masks.(teach “mask”)
  (show the masks)it’s a dog /tiger mask.
it’s a pig mask.
3.t:if tomorrow we’ll have a halloween party. what do you need? please discuss in groups.
step3 new text
1. listen and point.
2.listen again and repeat.
3.practice with your groupers.
4.act out the dialogue.(教师拿出黑布,面具作为学生扮演道具,看哪一组扮演的最像,哪一组获胜。)
step4 production
课件再次出现日历 12月25日 上方写 christmas
t: it’s dec. 25th. it’s christmas. 课件出现圣诞节的场景,树,老人等典型let’s have a christmas party. and we would like to buy things for it. look, there is a shop. what do you need? please discuss with your partners. then you can act it out. 给学生三分钟时间讨论,再上台表演。
step 5 homework
1. read activity1, act out with your parents.
板书设计: module 9 unit 2
          happy halloween!
         can i come in? 12345678
        yes, of course.
module  10               the months.

unit 1   there is one birthday in may
1.基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇: count , january , february, march ,  april ,  may , june, parties.
2.基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:  how  many  birthdays  are there in…?  there are…(number)  there is …(number)   
1.基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇: count , january , february, march ,  april ,  may , june, parties.
2.基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:  how  many  birthdays  are there in…?  there are…(number)  there is …(number) 

2.句子发音:i’m counting my friends’ birthdays. 
i’m going to go to thiry-five birthday parties this year.
step 1  warming up
1. greetings
2. sing a song “ten little fingers”,listen and say a chant “zoo.”
step 2 presentation
1、教师出示一个一月份的日历表,教师问:whose birthday is in january?,
带学生起立之后,教师便问其他学生:how many birthdays are there in january?板书,教读,可分词练习此句型,let’s count.教读单词count,板书,并引导学生回答,比如:there are three.板书教读。教师补充:如果只有一位同学过生日,我们便说:there is one.板书,教读。
step3  new dialogue
1、 listen and point.
2、 listen again,and answer the questions.
q1:how many birthdays are there in january?12345678
q2:how many birthdays are there in february?
q3: how many birthdays are there in march?
q4: how many birthdays are there in april?
q5: how many birthdays are there in may?
q6: how many birthdays are there in june?
3、 listen and repeat.
4、 教师领读,在领读过程中,教读party-parties,并给予解释。
5、 小组之间练习对话
step 4  homework
1.复习单词 count , january , february, march ,  april ,  may , june, parties.
2.继续巩固句型:  how  many  birthdays  are there in…?  there are…(number)  there is …(number)   
2.灵活运用句型:  how  many  birthdays  are there in…?  询问数量,并能以there are…(number)  there is …(number)  回答。

2.句子发音:i’m counting my friends’ birthdays. 
i’m going to go to thiry-five birthday parties this year.
step 1  warming up
1、 greetings
2、 全班数字接龙游戏,1-100,要求学生数到3或是3的倍数时,不能数出声音,而是以拍手示意。
step 2 revision and consolidation
1. 教师出示1-6月份的单词卡片,并将其张贴到黑板上,让学生认读单词。
2. 教师快速指向一张卡片,让学生快速说出单词,看哪一名学生反应最快,就请该生到讲台上来,替换教师的角色继续练习。
3. 然后教师随即将其中一张卡片取下,每取下一张,就请学生说出该张卡片上的月份单词,直到取下所有卡片。
step 3 presentation
january february march april may june
3 .. .. .. .. ..
3、 汇报表格,教师询问:how many  birthdays are there in january?并让学生作出相应回答。接下来的小组,学生轮流问答。
3. 教师将学生的答案标记在自己的日历表上,将自己的日历挂在黑板上,告诉学生:如果每一个学生都要开一个party,那么我们一共参加多少个parties,算出总数。
step 3  presentation of the text
1. listen and point
2. listen and answer the questions:
q1 what is lingling doing ?
q2 how many parties are there?
3. listen and repeat
4. act out the dialogue.
step 4 production
1. 教师引导学生按照一定的顺序说出一下单词:year season month week day hour,教师教读,让学生明白意思。
2. 教师请学生展开联想,选取其中任意两个单词,同桌之间用how many….?及回答there is /are….进行对话练习。12345678
3. 教师给出示范,要求学生给出回答:
q1: how many seasons are there in the year?
q2: how many months are there in the season?
q3: how many weekss are there in the months?
q4: how many days are there in the week?
q5: how many hours are there in the day?
step 4 summary
there are four seasons th the year.
 there are three months th the season.
there are four weeks th the month.
there are seven days th the week.
there are twenty-four hours th the day.

step5 homework
1、 听读第一单元课文。
2、 看图用英语写出39页第三部分和40页第一部分的生日数。

unit2 there are twelve months in the year.
1、 学习7-12月份的英语表达法。
2、 学生能正确说出月份单词1-12
3、 能简单表达喜欢和不喜欢月份的原因。
1、 能准确说出1-12月份的单词
2、 结合单词灵活运用句型:there are five birthdays in july.
3、 培养学生综合运用英语的能力。
step 1                warming up
1. greetings
there are four seasons th the year.
 there are three months th the season.
there are four weeks th the month.
there are seven days th the week.
there are twenty-four hours th the day.
3 、listen and say,then sing a song.(课本unit2 activity2)
step 2           presentation
1、 教师呈现图片unit 1activity 3,学生问学生答的方式检查上一节课的作业。
2、 教师描述1-6月份其中一个月份的生日数量,要求学生以最快的速度抢答出老师描述的是哪一个月份,并举手回答,教师请每个问题抢答正确的学生请到讲台上,准备下一环节的活动。
3、 教师拿出一叠单词卡片,告诉学生是12个月份的单词,让学生抽取,如果抽到1-6月份迅速作出回答,并将卡片贴到卡片上,如果抽到7-12月份,由教师教读,并将7-12月份的单词卡片张贴到黑板上。
1、 教师请学生再次认读黑板上张贴到的12月份的单词卡片。i point you say。(看看老师指的快还是你说的快)
2、 教师请四名学生到讲台上,教师说出一个月份要求台上四名同学,以最快的速度摸到这张单词卡片,动作最慢的被淘汰,回到座位。
3、 教师告诉学生,要放一个炸弹在单词卡片里,比如一月january。当教师让学生摸这张卡片时,学生不应该摸,如果一旦碰到,则炸弹爆炸,则该名学生回到座位上。
step 3                         text12345678
1、 教师请学生翻看教材unit2 activity 1,请学生输出日历图片上每月的生日数量,并做记录。
2、 教师给学生做一示范,描述第一幅图:there are five birthdays in july.
step 4                         production
3、 教师再次呈现图片,要求学生抢答,教师就将该图片分发给最先抢答正确的学生。教师并让手持卡片的学生贴到相应的一个月份。
4、 教师在引导学生说出自己喜欢的月份和不喜欢的月份,并说明原因。
i like september .we can go to school…….
step 5                    summary
listen and say ,then chant.activity4
step6                     homework



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