
小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-21 网络整理 晴天





知识目标ⅰ.the pupils can use the present continuous tense to speak.ⅱ.e.g  what are you doing? i am playing football.能力目标ⅰ在教师所设计的课堂教学活动中,通过自身的参与、实践、体验、应用,掌握基本句型的问答方法,达到习得语言的目的。ⅱ培养学生的思维能力和语言表达能力,以及听、说、读、写等能力。情感目标通过学习,体验成功。树立学生终身学习的信念。培养学生养成上课大胆发言的好习惯。

教学重难点ⅰ.how to use “ the present continuous tense”. ⅱ.how to change the verbs into present continuous tense.

教学手段computer, cards, tape .教学方法小组合作学习法,情境教学法,任务教学法teaching




ⅰ: warming up and revision say “hello”to pupils first: sing an english song.<what are you doing?> second: say a chant.

ⅱ: leading-in

i will say some verbs:such as: swimming, running,dancing and so on. and you do the actions.

to ask the students to say some verbs like those.

ⅲ: listening& reading

activities first: listen to the tape and look at the picture .


say“hello”to teacher. to sing an english song. to say a chant. to do the actions. to say some verbs like “ swimming, running, and so on.”

first: listen to the tape and look at the picture, and try their best to understand the text.

教学环节及意图 复习旧知师生互相问好,给学生营造了宽松的学习氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的良好上课心理状态。 导入新课通过听单词做动作,调动学生的学习积极性。 通过一个简单的问题导入新课,使那些平常害怕回答问题、胆小,自卑感强的学生树立自信力和耐挫力,促进个性的健康和谐发展。同时拉进了师生的距离。 任务呈现训练学生的发散思维,培养创新精神。teachingprocess教学过程second: listen to the tape once more ,and then answer questions: “who is playing the piano? who is singing? who is playing the drums? is it lingling’s mother’s birthday? is ms smart at the party,too?” third: to ask the pupils to understand the words: “mother’s day,  surprise,happy.fourth: listen and repeat one by one. pay attention the pronounciation and intonation. fifth: practise and act it out. ⅳ: further development complete these sentences.模仿例句用现在进行时完成以下句子。example:play--playingplay:he is playing football.sing:tom is _____.dance: amy is _____.clap: they are ______.happen: what is ______.d what are you ______?have: we’re ____ a party.ⅴ: homework: use the present continuous tense to make a dialogue by yourselves.sencond: answer the questions: amy is playing the piano. tom is singing. sam is playing the drums. no ,it isn’t. 12to follow the teacher to read the words: mother’s day, surprise, happy. to listen and repeat. to practise and act it out. to do the exercise. tom is sing.amy is dancing. they are clapping. what is happening. what are you doing? we’re having a party.homework:to use the present continuous tense to make a dialogue by yourselves.开展小组合作式学习,在小组中讨论消除一个人的发言的恐惧心理,不仅增强了学生团结合作的精神,同时也训练了学生处理好人际关系的能力,克服自我封闭的心理毛病,通过自身的参与、实践、体验成功 重点操练操练完句型后,让学生回答就课文内容所提的问题,从中树立学习榜样,并可以给学生带来积极的竞争和压力,以此巩固课文的内容。 该活动能扩充学生的词汇量,并帮助他们复习所学的单词,并提供大量针对重点句型的练习,而且通过小组间的合作,可以加强学生的团队意识。增加课堂上的交际气氛,培养学生的实践能力,促进学生间的互帮互助。让每个学生都大胆开口说英语。课堂小结对学生应多鼓励,少批评与指责,注意教育的平等与公平,努力寻找学生的闪光点,锻炼学生的心理素质,培养学生的自信力和学习兴趣。课外活动留一些口头作业,为下节课的学习做铺垫。12


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