牛津小学英语4a课本_牛津小学英语4B Unit3 《What’s your job?》教学设计

小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-02 网络整理 晴天


(1)能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写a policeman, a policewoman, a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker, a farmer, a cook.
(2)能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语what’s your name? how old are you? what’s your/his/her job?
1. 重点:能正确地听、说、读、写本单元的四会单词及句型。
2. 难点:能灵活、熟练地运用本课的日常交际用语。
step1. warming-up
1. 播放欢快的flash动画音乐《who’s that boy?》,学生跟唱。
2. free talk.
who’s the boy with…?
who’s the girl in …?
who’s she?   what’s her name?    how old is she?
(设计意图:欢快的歌曲、与学生自由的交谈,营造和谐、宽松的学习氛围,不但接近了与学生之间的距离,更引出how old这个词组,为下面的学习作了铺垫。)
step2. presentation
1.教授句型“how old ” “how old are you” “job”
t: do you know, how old miss liu is?guess
s: guess
t:sorry,i can’t tell you miss liu’s age. it’s a secret. it"s not polite to ask women’s age.
excuse me,… would you mind tell me your age?how old are you?
s:i’m …
t:oh,i see. do you know how old is …?
s: she’s …. sorry,i don’t know.
t:you can ask her.
s:how old are you?(work in pairs)
t:i know your age. we don’t know miss liu’s age. but i think you know her job. (showing word card)
s (read and spell one by one, one group): job, j-o-b, job.
t:what’s miss liu’s job?
ss:she’s a teacher.
t:yes,she’s a teacher. mother’s day is coming. a girl wants to buy a present for her mother. let’s have a look. who’s she?
s:she’s liu xingyu.
2.教授单词“policeman” “policewoman ” “driver”
t:yes. today liu xingyu wants to go to the supermarket. what happened on his way? (呈现一张交通事故图) oh, there’s an accident. there are many people. what are their jobs?
t: what’s his/her job?
s: he’s/ she’s a teacher/ nurse/ doctor.
learn “policeman” “policewoman ” “driver”
3. chant.
policeman, policeman, he’s a policeman.
policewoman, policewoman, she’s a policewoman.
driver, driver, they’re drivers.
4. 教授 waiter/waitress /cook/farmer/what are their jobs?/they’re …
t:liu xingyu is very hungry. so she decides to eat something. she looks many people. look, what are their jobs?
t: let’s ask him.   t and ss:what’s your job?
(多媒体):i’m a waiter.
(read and spell one by one, one group)
t: what’s her job?
s: …
t: she’s a waitress.(呈现单词卡片)
5. 教授单词farmer
t: after kfc, liu xingyu had got a present. what is it? guess
s: (guess)it’s a …
t: look, it’s a dog. what’s her job?
(多媒体)dog: i’m a farmer.
6. play a game: who uses it?
step3 reading
1. look at the picture, listen to the tape, and answer some questions.
2. read after the tape together.
step4. practise
(一)想象二十年后的自己,运用所学句型,采访小学同学。(work in groups)
make a dialogue.
(二)an assignment
1.s: 完成老师课前下发的作业纸,看图写出词和句。
2.t: 进行纠对。
step5 homework
try to know your parents’and grandparents’ages, jobs, use the english sentences after school.
unit 3  what’s your job?     i’m a ….   
how old are you?     i’m ….
            what are their jobs?  they’re ….12


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