unit3_Unit3 A purse (4A)

小学四年级英语教案 2021-04-29 网络整理 晴天


a.认知目标: 1.能听懂、会说日常交际用语is this your ……?no, it isn’t. perhaps it’s ××’s. where’s……?perhaps he’s/she’s in…….come here. let me see. not at all.
2.能三会,四会掌握单词purse, fan, umbrella, key, storybook.
b.能力目标: 1.培养学生良好的学习习惯和学习方法。
c.情感目标:  1.进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣,养成礼貌待人的优良品德。
教学难点:perhaps it`s xxx`s.及not at all.的发音。
how are you?  what day is it today?  what`s the weather like today?
1.(师生游戏复习单词)look and guess.(显露局部猜物品)
   (通过游戏激发学习的热情)t: do you want to have this one?
 s: may i have this …?
 t: sure./yes. here you are.
 the way: recite and spell.
2.  say a humor.   asking the way.(出示挂图)
  question:   where is the woman ? i think she is in the hospital.
where is xxx(教室里的某一位学生) now? she is in the classroom.
1. 接上一步教学:where`s xxx? he`s /she`s in the ….(出示图片)
   look, read and drill.
2.teach: perhaps it`s xxx`s. let me see. not at all.
①接上一步问一生:xx, what`s that over there?
s:it`s a box.(盒内放一些物品)
    t: please give the box to me.(请一生把盒子搬上讲台)what`s in the box? let`s open it.
   ②询问物品主人)t:look,a big apple. whose? xx, is this your apple?
   s1:yes, it is.
    (又取一物) t:a book. look, whose? let me see.(师假装翻一下,说出该生姓,让学生猜)从而引出let me see. perhaps
  t :xx ,is this your…?
  s2:no, it isn`t. perhaps it`s xx`s.(指向另一同姓氏学生)
  t: let me see. yes, it is . xx, come here.is this your …?
s2:yes it is.
t:here you are.
s2:thank you.
t: not at all.
  read and drill the new sentences.
③(取出一辆toy train)t:a toy train.whose?
  t:now,look at this small photo.my son,xxx`s.
④(取出最后的物品:purse)t:look,a nice purse. whose? let me see. oh,it`s my purse. what`s in it?small photos.some money. id.ect.
1. read the new words and sentences.
2.出示本课挂图,t: who is the boy/the girl? where are they? perhaps they`re at school.
3.带着问题听录音:whose purse is it? it`s yang ling`s.
where`s yang ling? she`s in the classroom.
4.listen and repeat.
1.work in groups.
2.check some groups and act the dialogue.12
d.  look, read and complete.
板书:   unit3 a purse
is this your ……?   单词翻板
no, it isn’t. perhaps it’s ××’s.
where’s……?perhaps he’s/she’s in…….
come here.
let me see.
not at all.12


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