牛津英语3a单词表|牛津英语3A Unit 2 Nice to meet you

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-20 网络整理 晴天


、能听懂、会说、认读以下八个有关颜色的单词:blace, white, red, yellow, blue, green, brown,orange。
2、能用句型:what colour is it ? it"s …进行问答。
1.sing a song 《hello!》
2.greeting with each other.
二、revision and presentation:
1.show the colour cards to the students
(1)t: what colour is it?
     s: it"s blue.
     (t: write the word on the blackboard.)
(2)in the same way  review the words: black \brown\ white \ green
(3)look at the colour cards and say out the colours.
(4)look at the colour words written on the blackboard and read them out.
2.teach : red \ yellow \ orange
(1)t: (show the students a colour card) what colour is it ?
         listen! [red] (say three times)
     s: repeat
     say it group by group
     say it with other colours
(2)t: what"s this?
     s: it"s a cat.
     t: what colour is it?
     s: [  5crindv]
    t: thank you.
     ss:say it after the student.
      say it two after  two
      say it to each other
(3)teach "yellow"in the same way.
1. listen to the tape and read after the tape while looking at the book.
2. work in group of 4:one say a colour , the other three point at the right colour card as quickly as possible.
3. play a game : guess what colour is it?
    modle: t: (hide a colour pen then say)what colour is it? guess!
                 s: it"s blue.
                 t:no./ sorry, you are wrong.
                 s: it"s brown.
                 t: yes, you are right.
    (1) play the game with colour pens in pairs.
    (2) act in pairs.
1. put all the colour cards together, then let the students say them out one after another.
2. look at the words  and read them out .
3. play a game:
 t: (draw a cap on the blackboard then divide it into saveral parts) let"s colour the cap.
    s: all right.
        t :give orders 12
    s: come to the blackboard and colour the cap with colour chalks.
 1.open your english books and turn to page 16. now, listen to the tape and fish " listen and colour ".
2.say out the colours in your bedroom that you know to your parent.


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