[3a大作是什么意思]3A Unit 8

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-20 网络整理 晴天


let’s go to the zoo by bus.
张家港市兆丰实验小学 倪红
1、掌握句型let’s go to the zoo by bus.及回答all right./ ok. let’s go.
2、能灵活运用单词bus, plane, zoo, cinema, the great wall于句型。
灵活运用句型let’s go to the zoo by bus.及回答all right./ ok. let’s go.于实际生活。
多媒体课件 交通工具模型 录音机 磁带。
教学课时: 一课时
step 1. greeting
 free talk.
step 2. revision.
t: now let’s play a game. “listen and do”
  stand up. sit down. get up. go to school. go home. ok. all right. go to bed. good night.
  by bike. by bus.
【设计意图】“教师发指令,学生做动作”这是学生最喜欢的游戏。学生在跟我说的同时,还要迅速做出动作,以此做为切入点,在游戏中复习了前几单元的重要句型和所学的单词。做到了“眼到、手到、口到、心到”,同时自然过度到by bus这一知识点。
step 3. teaching and learning
1.by bus, by bus
bus bus阿嚏
bus bus 嘟嘟嘟,bus bus公共汽车
bike bike 叮铃铃,bike bike自行车
t: i go to school by bus. how about you?
s: i go to school by bike.
  i go to school by bus.
2.t: after class, i will go to an interesting place by bus. do you know where i will go? ok, i will give you a hint. now listen carefully, please tell me what you can hear. (多媒体课件中依次出现各种动物声音,学生猜对,便出现图案及单词)
s: dog cat elephant tiger monkey bird
t: where is it?
s: zoo.
t: that’s right. it’s a zoo.
show the picture of a zoo.
zoo [zu:] a nice zoo,  my zoo,  a new zoo……
t: look at this zoo. oh, it’s nice. do you like it?
s: yes.
t: ok. let’s go.
go, go, go, let’s go
let’s, let’s, go, go,
let’s go to the zoo.
3.t: now, who will go to the zoo with miss ni? you can say “hello, miss ni. let’s go to the zoo.”
s1: miss ni, let’s go to the zoo.
t: all right.
s2: hello, miss ni. let’s go to the zoo.
t: ok. let’s go.
practice the two answers. play the game. “train is coming.”
4.多媒体课件出现动物园及两种交通工具,教师引导学生自己说出let’s go to the zoo by bike./ let’s go to the zoo by bus.
5.t: on my way to the zoo, we will pass a place. it’s a cinema.
cinema  go to the cinema
let’s go to the cinema by bus. let’s go to the cinema by bike.12
6.t: now let’s watch tv. (多媒体课件中出现万里长城,引出the great wall)
s: let’s go to the great wall.
t: let’s go to the great wall by bike. oh, it’s too tired.
  let’s go to the great wall by bus. oh, it’s too far. i will feel sick.
  let’s go to the great wall by plane.
s: ok. let’s go.
【设计意图】带领学生go to the zoo,引导出需经过cinema。教师设疑:电影院里放映的什么影片?画面出现巍峨的长城,导入the great wall一词的学习。这样的教学设计给学生一种真实的语言学习环境,能激起其学习兴趣,过度自然。
step 4. consolidation.
1.play the game. “high and low.”(教师轻声说一个单词或句子,学生就大声说,高低声相反)
2.look at the screen. choose one place and one transportation. practice in pairs.
s1: let’s go to the zoo by bike.  s2: all right.
s3: let’s go to the cinema by bus.  s4: ok. let’s go.
s5: let’s go to the great wall by plane.  s6: ok. let’s go.
step 5. homework.
1.      remember the words.
2.      practice the conversation.
3a unit 8 来自。 12


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