[3a大作是什么意思]3A Unit 6 Do you like apples?

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-20 网络整理 晴天


the first period (new)
teaching aims:
1.the new words: apple banana pear orange
2.the new sentences: i like oranges.
 do you like apples? yes, i do.
focal and difficult points:
1.不定冠词 “an”的用法,如:an apple, an orange
teaching tools: 
tape recorder
teaching course:
1.warm-up activities:
 learn to sing a song: < apples>.
1) words:
     课前准备好一个装着本课所学水果的书包说:“guess! what’s in the schoolbag?”导学生猜想书包里的物品,学生这时可能会猜想以前学过的小动物单词,此时教师可以适当加以引导说:“no, not animals. they’re fruit.”或者让学生到前面触摸感知是水果,让后教师适时说:“open the schoolbag. take out the fruit.” 学生上前打开书包,取出一个苹果,教师教授“an apple.” the same as “ banana, pear and orange.”
   2) i like oranges.
    a. 出示两种水果:苹果和香蕉。教师出示手偶猴并用小猴子的强调说:“ hi, i’m a mon key. i like bananas.” 并把香蕉捧在怀里作喜欢状。让学生理解like并跟读。
b. 教师出示各种手偶,让学生分别扮演各种小动物,寻找自己喜欢的水果,以此来练习句型“ i like oranges.”
 3) do you like apples?及其肯定回答yes, i do.
   出示水果实物,让学生根据实际情况进行回答。如果喜欢就可以进行肯定回答 yes, i do. 教师扮演小狗,学生则扮演小猴子。小狗说:i like bananas. do you like bananas? 学生重复并猜这句话的汉语意思,学习这句话。
3. practice:
 1) make a chant to practice the new words.
  apples, apples, i like apples.
  bananas, bananas, i like bananas.
  pears, pears, i like pears.
  oranges, oranges, i like oranges.
 2) game: who is the winner?
   teacher points to the objects and students say the words.
   the teacher says the words and the students point to the objects.
   students work in pairs.
4. sum-up:
  i like+可数名词的复数形式。
  i like+不可数名词原形。
  recite and write down the new words twice.
the second period (new)
teaching aims:
1.the new words: watermelon strawberry peach lemon
2.the new sentences: do you like bananas?
  no, i don’t.
  let’s buy some oranges and apples.
focal and difficult points:123
teaching tools:
  tape, recorder
teaching course:
1.warm-up activities:
  sing a song: < apples>.
1)the teacher shows a watermelon and ask: what’s this? help the students to answer: it’s a watermelon. the same as: strawberry peach and lemon.
2)the teacher shows a pear and says: a pear. then shows some pears and says: some pears. the same as: some apples, some bananas, some oranges, some watermelons, some peaches.
1)make up a chant to practice the sentences:
have, have, have, have an apple.
have, have, have, have an orange.
have, have, have, have a lemon.
  设计意图:使用爽口的chant 使学生流利掌握句型的用法。
2)use: what stationary do you like? what animals do you like? what fruit do you like? to make a survey. give an example:
a: what do you like?
b: i like bananas.
a: here you are.
b: thank you.
a: you’re welcome.
   设计意图:通过自编小对话,让学生流利掌握you’re welcome的用法。
4. sum-up:
  表达喜欢一样东西用i like+可数名词的复数形式、不可数名词的单数形式。
 recite and copy the sentences once.
the third period (practice)
teaching aims:
1. the new words: apple banana pear orange watermelon strawberry peach lemon
2. the new sentences: it’s an oranges.
i like apples.
do you like apples? yes, i do. no, i don’t.
let’s buy some oranges and apples.
focal and difficult points:
 1. the reciting of the new words and sentences.
 2. 不定冠词an的用法。
 3. 如何邀请别人品尝食品。teaching course:
 1. warming-up activities:
   sing a song: < bananas>
   use “bananas, pears, oranges…” instead of “apples”.
 2. practice:
   1) prepare some fruit before class. the teacher point to the fruit and the students say and spell the new words. then the teacher says the words and the students point to the words and spell it.
     have a dictation to check them.
   2) practice “i like…”
     teacher says: i like bananas, what do you like? s1 answers: i like oranges. s2 answers: i like cookies. … 强调:i like+可数名词的复数形式。
3)practice “ do you like….?”
对于别人提供的物品,喜欢的用yes, i do.回答. 不喜欢的用:no, i don’t.回答。
 3. consolidation:
   1) section b and c:
     prepare some fruit and make sentences like this: it’s an… i like…
     students work in pairs and make a dialogue like this:
 a: do you like…?
 b: yes, i do. \ no, i don’t.
   2) section d\e and f:
     teacher prepares a picture of a fruit supermarket. make the students make up a new dialogue like it.
 4. sum—up:
  what have you learnt in this class?
  read the sentences and dialogue together.
   copy the sentences of unit 6 once.
   listen and read after the tape.123


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