【3a大作是什么意思】3A Unit3 This is my father 第二课时

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-20 网络整理 晴天


step1.warm- up
1. (师生问好)t: hello!\hi!\ good morning! \nice to meet you. s: hello!\hi!\ good morning! \nice to meet you. 2. sing a song “hi, nancy!”(复习歌曲) 3.(将问候与歌结合在一起练习,教者边走向学生边与学生握手唱歌问好) t: hi,***. s: hi, miss *. t: good morning. \nice to meet you. s: good morning. \nice to meet you,too. 4.introduce family members. t: ( 手指投影仪上的照片)this is my father\mother\ sister\ brother \grandfather\ grandmother\ friend. s: take out the photos of their family.introduce their family members to the classmate.(work in pairs) s: (将照片拿上讲台介绍)
step2. presentation and revision
1. guess riddle.(由猜动物爱吃的食物引出水果类单词,既复习了旧知识,又导入新课) t: there is an animal.it’s brown.. it has a long hail.(作出一个猴的动作) s: (monkey) t: what’s its favourite fruit? s: (引导说banana) t: what’s your favourite food? s: (自由说) 2.t: look at the screen.(出现水果,图下出现单词) 3.learn to the new words. 4.touch and guess. t: i have some fruits in my bag. i want one student to touch and guess. s: gusee! t: 贴图片拼读 s: pass the apple and say “apple ”one by one. (同法学习水果类单词) 5.出示单词首字母猜单词7.读出单词的复数读音\ s\ .\z\..\iz\. 6.碰地雷游戏方法:在单词卡下面贴一张地雷图,学生读单词,认为有雷的同学不动,认为无雷的同学站起来读单词。教者翻开单词卡,错误的同学倒下表示被轰炸。 7.读出单词的复数读音\ s\ .\z\..\iz\.
1. listen to the tape and repeat.once: once listentwice: listen and repeat 2. play a game: there’re some fruies on the desk.i want one student to taste them,then guess“what fruit is it?”and spell the word.if you are right,i’ll give you taste them..
step4. consodation
头带头饰,自我介绍 s1: i’m an apple.i’m red. s2: this is an apple. it’s red. t: how nice!


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