【unit】Unit 8 Let’s go to the park A Learn to say

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-20 网络整理 晴天


            unit 8  let’s go to the park              a  learn to say                   北环路小学  吴旭飞教学内容《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书.牛津小学英语》3a第八单元第一教时一、           教学目标1、  能听懂句型let’s go to … 单词 park  cinema  zoo  xi’an2、  会回答all right .  ok.let’s go .  good,but how ?  by bike .  by car  by bus  by plane   on foot.二、           教学重点1、  单词:park  cinema  zoo  bike  car  bus  plane train     foot2、  日常交际用语:let’s go to …   all right.\ ok.let’s to .\good.   but how ? by bike .by car . by plane. by bus. by train. on foot.三、           教学难点1、  cinema 的读音2、  能较自如地应用let’s go to the …这一句型并能自如的应答四、           课前准备 准备好课件与一个贴有图片的转盘、导游小旗、一些相关图片五、           教学过程a free talk and motivation 1、t: hello! boys and girls. how are you ?    s: fine,thank you.and you ?   t: i’m fine ,too.let’s sing the song   hello,how are you?   s:great!2.t: what do you like?s: hambuger\caket: it’s for you. you are hamburger team./ caketeam.t: what do you like?   a banana or a pear?s: i’d like a banana. s: pear/ oranget: oh! pear team  /banana team教师通过询问学生的喜好给每组提出组名3.t: hello ! what’s your english name?  s: i’m nancy.  what’s your english name? t: my english name is fiona. hi, nancy.    s:hi ,fiona.  let’s sing the song   hi ,nancy.4.t: hello! what’s this? s: oh! school.(电脑显示学校图片)(如没有条件的话,可设计一个大转盘,参考教材中该单元d部分的活动设计。  t: hamburger team ,go to school,please.   s: all right. see you.  (电脑显示家) s: home!  t:banana team ,go home now.              s: all right.b  presentation and practice1、(电脑显示公园:红梅公园、恐龙园的图片)   t: is this a park? yes or no?  s:yes. t: yes it’s a park..   t: this is hongmei park. (read “hongmei park”)    s: 恐龙园!t: dinosaur park is very beautiful. i want to go there. would you like to go with me?t: let’s go to hongmei park.  (电脑显示一群孩子去公园)   s: all right ,let’s go !t: let’s go to dinosaur park.s: all right.(teach  the sentence “let’s go to the park.”)everybody says “ let’s go to the park.”pair work  (电脑显示常州有名的一些公园图片学生选择去喜欢的公园编对话)s: let’s go to dongjiao park.s:all right.2. (电脑显示红星电影院图片)s:红星电影院t: yes,hongxing cinema.   (teach the word “cinema”  “hongxing   cinema”)s: let’s go to hongxing cinemat: great! but how?(手势)  (电脑显示自行车、公共汽车开来开去让学生选择交通工具)t: by bike or by bus?(教师指着图问学生)s:自行车!teach two sentences“but how?   by bike.”(电脑显示和平电影院图片)s: let’s go to heping cinema.t: ok ,but how?s: by bike.t: by car.  ok?teach the sentence “ by car.”(电脑显示兰陵电影院图片)t: let’s go to lan ling cinema.s: all right.t: but how?  listen and guess(电脑发出公共车的声音让学生猜一下)s: 公共汽车t: yes by bus.teach the sentence “by bus.”学生学会了通过小汽车、公交车、自行车这些交通工具到某地去的句型,这时教师可以教会学生比较常用的步行。s:lan ling cinema is near our school. so we can go there on foot.(教师可以做出步行的动作让学生明确意思)3.电脑出示上海动物园t: this is shanghai zoo.teach the word “zoo”boys and girls you can go to shanghai zoo in groups.work in groupss; let’s go to shanghai zoo.  (学生可用多种交通工具)t: ok but how ? s: by car.t:by train.teach the sentence “by train.”4.game magic circle教师拿出准备好的转盘,转盘上贴有公园、动物、电影院、等四幅图学生根据指针所指的图片进行即兴对话s:let’s go to hongxing cinema.s: great. but how?s: on foot.5.t:look what place?  s: it’s xi’an. t: let’s go to xi’an. s: but how? t: by train. also we can by plane.(电脑出示飞机飞过的情形)(teach the sentence “by plane.”)(电脑显示北京学生编去北京的对话)work in pairs6、today we have learned unit 8  listen to the tape and think how can they go to the zoo? let’s read it after the tape.   let’s read it again . c  consilidation1、         competition教师在电脑上闪现荆川公园、红梅公园、红星电影院、和平电影院、常州动物园、恐龙园、天目湖的图片学生以分好的组进行抢答剩余的同学进行集体的应答s:let’s go to tianmu lake.s:great. but how?s:by car.2、         make a plan for winter holidays: let’s go to nanjin .s: ok, by train. s:great! 3、little touristst: if you want to go to tianning temple  you can stand here.  if you want to go to changzhou zoo you can go there.教师根据学生的情况将学生分成不同的旅游团。并给每一个旅游团安排导游。tourist:let’s go to tianning temple.s:great .but how?tourist: on foot.4、t:today we have a good time .let’s go to school!s:ok but how?   t:by bike.    s:ok let’s go.   s:see you.   t:see you.(学生向听课老师告别后唱着riding in my bike的歌向教室走去)12d homework 与父母用英语制定暑假出游计划 六、教学后记:1、本课中学生不仅学会了教材中提供的四种交通工具,                 教师还提供了我们平时常用的火车及步行。使学生学                 到的东西更加有血有肉,扩大了语言量。                2、 部分学生在发电影院的音时会出现一些错误。12


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