
小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-27 网络整理 晴天


知识目标: a) 能听、说、认读下列单词:cool little cuteb) 能听懂、会说下列句型:he’s/she’s a bit/ very …能力目标: 能简单描述周围人的性格特征、个性特点。情感目标:能用英语向他人介绍某人的性格特征、个性特点,培养学生认真观察、善于观察的好习惯,进一步通过活动使学生热爱英语,培养学生团结友爱、互帮互助的良好习惯。教学重点:描述性格的形容词汇与句型的学习和运用。教学难点:描述周围人的性格特征、个性特点。教学准备:教师:教学图片、单词卡片、单词陀螺、课件。学生:每人一张人物个性特点调查表。家人的照片教学过程:ⅰ热身复习. (3’)① 问候:t——ss②听唱歌曲 “we’re friends.”(学生一边拍手一边唱)you and me, me and you.        you are my friend, i’m your friend.        me and you, you and me.        i’m your friend, you’re my friend.③ tpr活动复习形容表演小chant “ there is a little girl”.there is a little girl. and she has a little curl. and when she is good. she is very, very good. and when she is bad. she is very, very bad.ⅱ 呈现新授 (20’)1、cute、 cool、littlet: you have so many friends. today, i’ll take some new friends to you. do you know them?t: (课件出示小燕子的图片)who’s this?s: xiao yanzi.t: what’s xiao yanzi like?s: she’s naughty.t: yes. and she’s cute.(课件出示单词、教读、拼读单词)cute.(板贴图片、板书单词)s: practise in groups.(因为以前曾经接触过,所以由学生来当小老师进行检查)t: xiao yanzi is cute.(学生模仿,然后根据班中同学的性格特征、个性特点进行造句。)教师用同的方法出示明星周杰伦的图片教授单词coolt: (课件出示单词、教读、拼读单词)cool (板贴图片、板书单词)s: one group: one by one. t: zhou jielun  is cool. (学生模仿,然后根据班中同学的性格特征、个性特点进行造句。)t: let’s watch the cartoon. (课件:白雪公主的动画短片。)  who are they?s: 小矮人t: what are they like?s;littlet: (课件出示单词、教读、拼读单词)little (板贴图片、板书单词)s: two by two. t: this is my little sister. (学生模仿,然后出示自己家人的照片,模仿说句子)ⅲ课文学习(5’)1、教师播放录音机,学生边听边用手指出相应的图片。2、教师再一次播放录音,学生边听边用手指出相应的图片,并跟读。3、小组表演对话ⅳ任务运用1、(利用单词陀螺复习:cool little cute,单词陀螺快速旋转,由学生快速说出陀螺上的单词。)2、guessing game.(教师利用单词卡片复习单词:将单词卡片背向学生藏起来,请学生来猜:藏起来的单词是哪一个。)3、look and say.t: ok, i have many pictures. on the pictures, there are many people. tell me: “how do you think about them?”.(课件展示蓝猫、唐老鸭、柯南、蜡笔小新、樱桃小丸子、该班部分学生、任课教师的图片,请学生根据自己的观察说出他们的个性特点。)12ⅴ小结4、学生自由介绍自己的家人(向全班同学展示课前准备好的照片)this is my …. he’s/she’s a bit/ veryⅵ作业1、            对你的同桌谈一谈你的家人2、            和你的同桌一起表演课文对话板书设计:12


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