[module8unit1how many?]Module8Unit1HelenKeller

小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-24 网络整理 晴天


module 8 unit 1 helen keller
teaching objectives:
1. words and phrase: born  child  as later drew  letter  herself  all over  world mode
2. sentences: helen keller became blind and deaf. she couldn’t see and she couldn’t hear. 
later she could read and write. she wrote a book about herself.
teaching properties: tape-recorder, cards, pictures
teaching procedures:
a: song: look up at the spaceship
b: free talk: what did you do at the weekend?
c: new concepts
一. 把全班分为a,b两队,老师准备一些图片,其中包括蒙眼写字,塞耳听录音的图片,为的是能让学生体验helen keller的艰难。一名学生出示图片另一名学生用can/can’t造句
s1: 出示图片
s2:i can \ can’t….
复习以前学过的单词的同时,并为本节课要学习的could\couldn’t 做铺垫。
二. 再出示几张自己小时候的照片并介绍
  i was born in huan ren 1980. can you guess what i could \ couldn’t do?
  ss: you could\couldn’t….
三. 出示一张海伦的图片,并让学生根据自己查阅的有关她的一些资料介绍她,并问同学们你们想知道海伦小时候的一些事情吗?今天让我们一起走进module8 unit 1,走进海伦,播放cai。第一遍让学生们边听边划出重点单词,如“born ,  world,  all over…”可以请学生根据上下文猜单词的意思,也可以教师讲解生词,请学生模仿跟读。听第二遍时让学生带两个问题听并试着找出答案。
q1:what could helen do?
q2:  what couldn’t helen do?
四.homework: tell the story of helen to your friends and parents.


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