4b橡皮和2b橡皮有什么区别_4B Unit 4 Buying Fruit第3课时教学设计

小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-02 网络整理 晴天


本课是牛津小学英语4b  unit4第三课时的教学。
通过前两课时的学习,学生已经能很熟练的认读水果类单词apples,oranges,bananas,peaches,pears,watermelons,pineapples,并能灵活运用句型what are these\those? they’re…和  i’d like some…please. how many kilos?  …kilos,please. 本节课主要学习句型 these or those? the …ones,please.
1、知识目标:(1)能听懂、会说、会写these or those? the …ones,please.
四、教学难点:1、how many kilos?
  one kilo.
  two kilos.
  one point five kilos.
2、these or those?
3、which ones?  the red ones.
区分于 which  one?  the red one.
五、课前准备:实物投影、水果类卡片、食物卡片、miss li和农民的头饰
warming- up:
t:  class begins.good morning boys and girls.
ss: good morning,miss zhou.
2、free talk
it’s cold today,isn’t it?
are you happy today?
what’s your name?
do you like apples\mangoes\bananas\pineapples…?
what do you like?  any others?
how about you ?
[设计意图:由free talk将学生引入英语学习的状态,并借与学生的对话复习前面学过的内容,为后面新知识的学习作铺垫。]
  1 、say a rhyme
t: ok ,very good. i like …too. i like many many fruit. now ,let’s say a rhyme together.
(ss say the rhyme “ i like fruit” together)
t: very good. now please say a new rhyme by yourselves.
( let them say the new rhyme by themselves,then ask four students to say it out)
3、t: your rhymes are wonderful.
(实物投影:the picture of the farm)
t: please look at the picture.what’s this?
ss: it’s a farm.
t: yes,it’s a farm.
now who’d like to help me?
t: what’s his job?
ss: he’s a farmer.
t: yes,he’s a farmer.
(戴上miss li的头饰)
t: what’s my job?
引导学生说you’re a teacher. (多问几个学生what’s my job?)
t: now i am coming to buy fruit.
t: hello,what are these?
s1: they’re apples.
t: what are those?
s1: they’re grapes.
t: i’d like some apples.
s1: how many kilos?
t: two kilos,please.
how much are they ?
s1: eight yuan,please.
t: here you are.
s1: thank you ,bye-bye.
1、t: your performance is wonderful. now miss wang is coming to buy fruit too.
  do you know what are they talking about?
  sit straight. let’s listen to the tape together.then answer my question:
  what does miss wang buy?
(1)listen to the tape together
(2)let the ss answer the question.
(3)go on asking: how many kilos?
  how much are they ?
2、read and explain the dialogue.
(1)t: now please read the dialogue after me. (领读)
(2)t : good job!
t : here are two apples.which one do you like? the red one or the green one?
(引出单数,the long one \the short one\the tall one…)
(3)game: i do you say
(教师比划出长短、高矮、大小等,学生说the long one\the short one\…)
(4)拿出红苹果ss: the red one.
(5)拿出几个红苹果在一起的图片,引出 the red ones
(7)game : i say one thing ,you say the opposite.
e.g.  t: the long ones
ss: the short ones
(8)make a dialogue with partners,use the pictures one the blackboard,or the writing tools they have.
e.g.  s1: i’d like some bananas.
s2: which ones do you like ? these or those?
s1: the big ones.
(9) (叫几组学生表演后,教师拿出大小不同的两组橘子的卡片)
t:which ones do you like?
ss: the big ones.
t: how many kilos?
t: guess,how many kilos?
(引出point,教读,把读音与boy 进行对照, ask one groupe read them one by one. then go on gussing the price of another kind of fruit.)
   [设计意图:首先由单数the red one 引到the big one , the small one ……,再过渡到它们的复数,对本课教学重点进行不断的操练]
3、t: yes, you are very clever. then can you remember how many kilo does miss wang buy?(叫学生说)
  yes, you are right.now let’s read the dialogue together.
 (read the dialogue together)
4、t: your memories are wonderful. but now,i feel thirty and hungry.where can we go?
  yes,let’s go to the supermarket together,ok?
6、class is over
4b unit 4 buying fruit第3课时教学设计 来自。 12


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