3a大作是什么意思|3A Unit 9 教案

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-20 网络整理 晴天


一、课题: unit9  a  learn to say.                       第一课时
1、能听懂、会说turn on /off … 及其应答语all right /ok等。
2  能听懂、会说常见物品:a tap ,a light ,a tv, a walkman .
重点:能听懂、会说turn on /off … 及其应答语all right /ok等。
难点:能听懂、会说常见物品:a tap ,a light ,a tv, a walkman .
step 1 . warm up
1.sing a song : how are you ?
2.free talk .(以前几个单元学的内容来对话)
step 2  presention and practice .
1.学习单词: a light ,a tv , a walkman , a tap .
a.出示图片或实物。师问: what’s this? 引出light , a tv, a walkman ,a tap .
c.play a game.
2.教学句型:turn on the light .(please ) all right .turn off the light .    ok .
a. 创设情境:oh ,look ,the light is shining ,it’s too waste ,××, turn off the light ,please .
让学生领会turn off the light即关灯的意思。然后操练turn on /off … 句型。 边说边做动作。
b. 教师强调,请求别人干某事要加“please ”并教读。
c .练习turn on the tap .(walkman , tv)turn off the tap walkman .
d. play a game .教师请同学听口令做动作,并引导学生说出all right /ok .等如果有的学生做错了。就请到黑板前表演节目。
3.listen to the tape .
turn on the tv .turn on the tap .turn on the walkman .turn on the light .
you do the hockey-cokey and turn around . la,la ,la,la ,la ,la.
turn off the tv .turn off the tap .turn off the walkman .turn off the light .
you do the hockey-cokey and turn around . la,la,la,la,la,la.
5. read after the tape .
6.practise in pairs .
step 3 sing a song “good bye !”
 unit 9  on and off
            turn off  light  the  tv please .
 turn on  walkman  tap
            all right /ok .


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